Support for IPV6; Mini Program platforms should add the legitimate socket domain wss://
Offline push now supports OPPO message categorization (Category).
Compatibility with ReactNative version 0.76.x.
Inaccuracies in the conversation groupAtInfo data.
3.4.8 @2024.11.21
New Features
Support for message tamper-proofing to ensure message security.
Support for relay pulling of the blacklist.
Issues where multiple changes to the same message only allowed the first change to take effect.
Errors related to editing single chat messages using ESM SDK due to module not found.
Incorrect assignment of group.selfInfo.role to the group owner after changing group information.
3.4.7 @2024.10.31
Group data not being cleared upon logout.
Failure to stop polling requests upon receiving notifications to exit live broadcast groups.
3.4.6 @2024.10.16
Support for dedicated domains, enhancing the stability of the service. If your business operates on a mini-program platform, it is essential to configure a legal socket domain before upgrading.
Support for changing combined messages.
After updating a friend's remark, the event CONVERSATION_LIST_UPDATED is triggered, optimizing the user experience.
3.4.5 @2024.9.24
Optimize the user experience after being added to a group, reducing network requests.
Fixed the issue where RESTAPI modifying session's custom data, Conversation.customData, was not updated.
3.4.4 @2024.9.18
getServerTime, supports obtaining server time.
Work group allows setting group members' roles.
Perfect environment detection for React Native.
uni-app integration TencentCloud-TIMPush issue with offline push notifications not being received in some scenarios.
Issue with media message domain name failure when internal network proxy and rich media private read scenarios are enabled simultaneously.
3.4.3 @2024.9.2
Support for React Native.
Support COS independent domain names to ensure the stability of rich media services.
Optimize the C2C conversation unread message count logic to ensure accuracy.
New conversation created by getConversationProfile, additionally queries messageRemindType and conversation group information.
3.4.2 @2024.7.31
Support private reading of rich media messages.
When group information changes, the message payload adds operatorInfo, representing the information of the operator who made the change.
Added type TencentCloudChat.TYPES.NOT_RECEIVE_MSG_EXCEPT_AT, supports receiving only @ messages.
3.4.1 @2024.7.3
getJoinedCommunityList pulls the list of topic-supported communities by default from the community's Definition field.
Topic message memory management.
pinConversation supports pinning conversations that do not exist in the conversation list.
SDK performance optimization.
Newly created conversations, if lastTime is 0, will be displayed after pinned conversations and before non-pinned conversations the first time.
TIMPush supports notification bar images.
Anomalies in unread group conversation counts after reconnection.
Edited messages pulled from roaming have Message.isModified not set to true.
Issues with timely updates to the upper layer in scenarios like adding or removing members Group.memberCount.
In certain scenarios, errors in the calculation of getMessageListHopping interface response's isCompleted.
3.4.0 @2024.6.13
Read receipt timestamp for C2C messages (Message.readReceiptInfo.timestamp).
Support for JS application layer compression to reduce transmission traffic and improve client performance and experience.
Issue with abnormal lastMessage payload and type in certain scenarios.
3.3.3 @2024.4.26
When a new conversation is created, complete the information such as the conversation's group and tags .
After removing group members via RestAPI and then re-inviting the deleted members to the group, the SDK actively synchronizes group messages during the period when the deleted members were not in the group.
Calling the sendMessageReadReceipt API repeatedly sends C2C message read receipts, causing the MESSAGE_READ_RECEIPT_RECEIVED event to be dispatched multiple times.
3.3.2 @2024.4.12
The sendMessage API's parameter offlinePushInfo supports custom Definition for offline push sounds. The recipient needs to integrate TIMPush.
For session message reminder types, a new type RECEIVE_WITH_OFFLINE_PUSH_EXCEPT_AT is added. Group @ messages support offline push.
After leaving the group, being kicked out, or the group being disbanded, the local corresponding group session's unread count resets to zero.
Optimize the in-App WebView integration experience in the Chat SDK scenario.
In some scenarios, setMessageRead cannot clear unread numbers for group chats.
3.3.1 @2024.3.20
Optimized weak network reconnection product experience to ensure message reliability and timely delivery.
In Web multi-instance log in to scenarios, after a certain instance recovers from a weak network, the self Definition status (customStatus) issue is not updated.
Pinned conversations with unread messages have an issue where isPinned is false.
3.3.0 @2024.3.6
createTextMessage and other message creation interfaces now include customModerationConfigurationID, supporting custom-defined message review policies.
setAllReceiveMessageOpt and getAllReceiveMessageOpt interfaces now support global message do-not-disturb.
getConversationList interface adds parameters hasUnreadCount and hasGroupAtInfo, supporting conversation filtering by whether there are unread messages and @ information.
The issue of inaccurate member count (memberCount) in some scenarios after adding or removing group members.
3.2.6 @2024.1.31
followUser/getMyFollowersList and other interfaces now support essential features for social scenarios with strangers like following and followers (requires flagship version).
create interface adds parameter eventThrottling, allowing integration to use this parameter for custom-defined event throttling policies.
In a multi-instance log in to scenario, one instance joins the live broadcast group while other instances ignore the group joining notification (i.e., they will not automatically join the group). Strategy aligns with the terminal.
Error creating conversation group.
Issues related to community and topics.
3.2.5 @2024.1.19
uniapp supports the push plugin TIMPush. Push notifications are supported for Xiaomi, Huawei, Honor, OPPO, vivo, Meizu, APNs, OnePlus, realme, iQOO, and Apple channels. It also supports data statistics, link tracking, and full/Tag push notifications.
The issue where setMessageRead could not reset the unread count due to sequence disorder on the receiver's end.
Error issue when receiving topic message recall notifications.
3.2.4 @2024.1.9
Supports network diagnostics.
Update topic unread count when receiving topic message recall notifications.
Issue of pulling duplicate messages in a live group when weak network recovers.
Issue where after joining a live group, sending a message, leaving the group, and then rejoining the live group, the just sent message is missing from the history.
Signaling timeout calculation issue.
Issue of detecting image width and height in an intranet proxy scenario.
3.2.3 @2023.12.6
The topic lastMessage supports the sender's avatar.
Send messages, edit messages, and mark messages as not approved locally with hasRiskContent.
Optimize the experience of joining a live broadcast group, reducing relevant request numbers and event dispatch numbers.
Issue where sending or receiving messages causes pinned conversations' isPinned to reset to false.
Issue where unread count of topics does not update after reconnection.
getGroupMemberList supports retrieving the list of group members with specified roles.
After createGroup, occasionally setGroupMemberRole returns error code 2681.
Occasionally, the first in-group message is missing when pulling group roaming.
3.1.2 @2023.8.15
getGroupApplicationList adds group remarks information when obtaining the group pending list.
revokeMessage supports revoking live group messages.
searchCloudMessages supports inputting only the message type and sender.
Rich media messages are automatically renewed when forwarded in a merge.
Supports asynchronous review notifications for voice and video messages (listening to the MESSAGE_MODIFIED event).
Message added a new property hasRiskContent, indicating whether voice or video messages are flagged as having security risks after cloud moderation.
Message added a new property revokerInfo, which includes information about the message revoker: userID, nickname (nick), and avatar.
Message added a new property revokeReason, which indicates the reason for message recall (the reason can be set when recalling a message via the REST API).
Optimized prompts and guidance when commercial capabilities are not supported.
In private and intranet proxy scenarios, the SDK does not upload log information via HTTP to avoid compliance issues.
Supported one-to-one message read receipts, whose data structure is aligned with that of native Chat SDK, in Message.readReceiptInfo.
Added the 2101 error code: Users who are not members of the audio-video group cannot send messages to the audio-video group.
The log reporting backup channel uses a dedicated cluster domain name (a trusted domain configuration must be added to the platform).
Bug fixing
Fixed the runtime error (Failed to read the 'localStorage' property from 'Window': Access is denied for this document) caused by cookies blocked.
2.24.1 @2022.11.11
New features
Added the English version of the declaration TS file.
RESTful APIs support pushing custom profile field modifications to the SDK.
RESTful APIs support pushing custom field modifications to the SDK.
Supported sending topic messages that are excluded from the unread count.
Supported sending common community messages that are excluded from the unread count.
Message sending supports VoIP Push.
Bug fixing
Fixed friend profile related issues.
2.23.1 @2022.9.29
New features
createTextMessage: Supported creating a targeted group message, which is sent to specified members in a group and cannot be received by other members in the group.
getFriendProfile: Supported pulling custom friend and profile fields.
getConversationList: Added the isSyncCompleted field to the return data to indicate whether synchronizing the conversation list from the cloud is completed.
The receiving of a message from the community to which a topic belongs can be notified to the access side through the MESSAGE_RECEIVED event.
Bug fixing
Fixed the issue where roaming messages could not be pulled for some group conversations when the number of groups in the group list exceeded the upper limit of 5,000.
Fixed the issue where, when setConversationCustomData was called to set custom fields for a conversation, customData of the conversation was '' after the user logged in again.
2.23.0 @2022.9.16
New features
The SDK supports environments outside the Chinese mainland.
Added the TOTAL_UNREAD_MESSAGE_COUNT_UPDATED event. By listening for this event, the access side can receive notifications of a change in the total unread count.
Added markGroupMemberList API to mark a member of an audio-video group (Premium edition required).
When a member is removed from a group, or a group is deleted, the SDK updates the conversation group to which the group conversation belongs at the same time.
Supported independent subpackaging.
Web: When an account logged in on multiple instances, the SDK proactively recovers the message history of the most recent contacts after network reconnection to ensure message reliability.
Bug fixing
Fixed the out-of-sync issue of the conversation lastMessage recall state that may occur in multi-instance login web scenarios.
Fixed the issue of pinning conversations to the top when recent contacts were synchronized.
2.22.0 @2022.8.18
New features
Supported packaging the uni-app into the native app for offline push. For details, see registerPlugin.
Supported getting the list of online members of an audio-video group. For details, see getGroupMemberList (Premium edition required).
Supported blocking a member of an audio-video group. For details, see deleteGroupMember (Premium edition required).
Added a feature of modifyMessage: Modifying cloudCustomData for messages of all types.
Added the isBroadcastMessage field to Message to support broadcast messages for audio-video groups.
Supported synchronizing group joining options across terminals and instances.
Supported @ all members for an ordinary community and its topics and lastMessage for topics.
Webworker is enabled by default in the international website and private environment when the browser supports webworker.
Bug fixing
Fixed the issue where lastMessage.payload was set to undefined when receiving a message without updating the conversation's lastMessage.
Fixed the compensation for group messages caused by online messages did not start.
Fixed the group roaming message pulling exception that occurred after a user frequently left a group and joined the group again.
Fixed the issue where the lag in pulling the group list by page caused the result of pulling group conversation roaming messages to be an empty array.
Fixed known topic issues.
2.20.1 @2022.6.27
Aligned with the native SDK experience, where only group records are deleted and group conversations are not deleted after users leave or are kicked out of a non-audio-video group or the group is deleted.
Made deleteMessage unable to delete group system notifications; if a deletion attempt is made, an error message will be reported.
Supported HTTP for rich media messages of the on-premises deployment.
Bug fixing
Fixed the issue where group conversations were occasionally lost during the switch between the foreground and background.
Fixed the issue where the lastMessage of a one-to-one conversation was abnormally updated.
Added findMessage for querying local messages in a specified conversation by messageID.
Aligned with the native Chat experience of the conversation unread count change after a message is recalled.
The rule for concatenating the message ID is ${senderTinyID}-${clientTime}-${random}, which is the same as that for concatenating the message ID of native Chat.
When the SDK is in the not ready state, specific reasons are provided for the access side.
Bug fixing
After a group member was removed from a group, the Conversation.groupProfile.memberCount value that other group members obtained from the CONVERSATION_LIST_UPDATED event callback was not updated.
After a user sent a message with custom data (cloudCustomData), cloudCustomData was empty when the user logged in again.
When a user logged in again after a login failure, the SDK reported the error of repeated login.
After getGroupProfile was called, Conversation.groupProfile was inconsistent with the latest group profile.
2.16.3 @2022.2.11
Bug fixing
Fixed login failures that occurred when a Windows client accessed after a packaged Android application (on some devices).
2.16.2 @2022.2.10
New features
Supports sending file messages after uni-app packages native apps.
Supports the international website in India.
Bug fixing
Fixed some emoji rendering issues.
2.16.1 @2022.1.14
New features
Added support for Alipay to send .image images.
When deleteConversation is called to delete a conversation, historical messages in the conversation are deleted as well.
Bug fixing
An error occurred when the downstream file message fileName was an empty string.
Fixed the issue caused by the group attribute API call sequence.
The __wxConfig is not defined issue occurred when uni-app packaged apps to Baidu and other platforms.
2.16.0 @2022.1.5
New features
setMessageRemindType supports setting the Mute Notifications mode for C2C conversations.
setAllMessageRead supports quickly marking unread messages of all conversations as read.
sendMessage supports excluding sent messages from the conversation's unread message count and not updating the conversation's lastMessage.
Allows new members of an audio-video group to view historical messages before joining the group (you must activate the Premium edition package to use the feature).
Supports uploading images, videos, documents for easy download and preview (compatible with uniapp).
Added the nick and nameCard parameters to the lastMessage data structure of Conversation to better display the sender’s information of the lastMessage in a group chat.
getConversationList supports getting multiple specified conversations at a time.
Increases the stability of persistent connections.
Bug fixing
The CONVERSATION_LIST_UPDATED event was not sent after login when there was no conversation list cache or no pagination for recent contacts.
In some scenarios, the isCompleted parameter was always false in the response to the call of the getMessageList API.
The index parameter was missing on the recipient side when index was set to 0 in the call of the createFaceMessage API.
initGroupAttributes and other group attribute related APIs support seat management for audio chat rooms.
When a group message is sent, the SDK automatically adds the nameCard attribute to the message body to facilitate display on the access side.
Forced logout due to multi-client login or multi-instance login no longer triggers server-side logout callbacks.
Bug fixing
When roaming messages were pulled in one-to-one conversations, messages occasionally got lost.
Group joining remarks (applyMessage) were missing.
2.13.1 @2021.8.27
When a user consecutively calls the login API before login, error code 2025 is returned, indicating repeated login.
After WebSocket reconnection, the SDK logs in the user again and synchronizes unread messages to ensure message reliability.
Bug fixing
When a user consecutively called the login API before login, the unread message count of the conversation was incorrect.
If nameCard passed in an empty string when the setGroupMemberNameCard API was called, the SDK reported an error.
When the getGroupMemberList API was called, the value of muteUntil in the packet returned was incorrect.
2.13.0 @2021.8.23
New features
Supports friend relationship chain. For more information, see Usage Guide.
Bug fixing
An error was occasionally reported when WebSocket persistent connections were disconnected.
2.12.2 @2021.8.6
New features
Supported video upload progress callback.
The unread message count of a conversation no longer includes the group notifications about not saving the modifications on custom group fields to the roaming server.
Bug fixing
Users in an audio-video group occasionally failed to receive group notifications on the group joining by themselves.
When a user used a RESTful API to send C2C messages with random being set to 0, the receiver triggered the MESSAGE_RECEIVED event twice.
2.12.1 @2021.7.20
New features
Supports counting unread messages in meeting groups.
The TIM.EVENT.MESSAGE_MODIFIED event is added. When a third-party calls back a modified message, the SDK uses this event to notify the message sender of the message modification.
Bug fixing
Fixed the issue where group roaming messages occasionally get lost when they are pulled.
Fixed the xx.toFixed is not a function issue that may occur during uni-app integration.
Allows uni-app to send image, video, and other file messages.
2.10.2 @2021.4.27
New features
The custom field cloudCustomData can be set during message creation to meet diverse business needs.
When createGroup or addGroupMember is called, if a single user exceeds the maximum number of groups a single user can join, use overLimitUserIDList to notify the access side.
Bug fixing
After an audio-video group (AVChatRoom) was created in the console and a group owner was specified, messages sent by the RESTful API for Sending System Messages in a Group would be repeated on the group owner side after the group owner joined the group.
When an account logs in on multiple instances or clients, once conversation read is reported on one instance or client, the unread count of the conversation will be synchronously cleared on the web client.
The MTA statistics feature is deprecated.
Bug fixing
Web: when an account logged in on multiple instances, the profile photo and nickname of the other party in a one-to-one conversation were incorrect.
When you called back and called the RESTful API to recall messages frequently after sending messages, some of them were not recalled correctly.
2.9.3 @2021.2.3
If a user hasn't joined a group (not an audio-video group), calling quitGroup will return error code 2623, indicating that the user is not in the group.
Bug fixing
avatar (profile photo) or nick (nickname) was inconsistent in the one-to-one conversation message list.
2.9.2 @2021.1.26
New features
Supports sending and receiving one-to-one messages with avatar (profile photo) and nick (nickname) displayed.
Supports the Tencent Cloud Chat upload plugin tim-upload-plugin. This plugin enables more secure file upload, supports web, Baidu, Toutiao, and Alipay platforms, and is merely 26 KB. For more information, see registerPlugin.
Bug fixing
When a user joined an audio-video group anonymously after logging out, the error code 70402 was returned in the response packet during a long polling.
The browser environment was misjudged during Taro 3.0+ integration.
When the image type and size verification failed, there were errors in the returned data structure.
2.9.1 @2020.12.23
Bug fixing
A compilation error occurred when tim-wx-sdk.js was imported into the basic library 2.14.1 of Developer Tools.
2.9.0 @2020.12.15
New features
The createTextAtMessage API allows users to specify @ a specific member or @ all members during a group chat.
Message adds the namecard attribute to display group members’ group name cards (i.e., their nicknames in a group).
2.8.5 @2020.11.23
The logout API can be called when the SDK is not ready.
Bug fixing
Errors occurred in SDK operations when read receipts and read notifications existed at the same time.
Attempts to anonymously re-join an audio-video group after logout failed.
The group list was cleared abnormally.
2.8.4 @2020.11.4
New features
The Baidu, Toutiao, and Alipay platforms are supported (currently on the Baidu, Toutiao, and Alipay platforms, image, video, or file messages, or other messages that need to be uploaded to COS, cannot be sent).
The third-party frameworks of MPX and uni-app are supported.
2.8.1 @2020.10.29
New features
Images in BMP format can be sent.
unreadCount and lastMessage of the conversation object are not updated when the sender sends an online message and the recipient receives the online message.
Bug fixing
The SDK could not enter the ready state due to problems synchronizing the list of recent contacts.
Supports image compression. The access side can choose to display the original image or thumbnail based on business requirements. For more information, see ImagePayload.
Bug fixing
Compatibility issues when Taro 3.x integrates WebIM
SDK size reduction. The size of tim-js-sdk is reduced by 8.5%, and that of tim-wx-sdk is reduced by 15%.
2.7.8 @2020.9.24
New features
The TIM.create API adds the oversea parameter. When this parameter is set to true, the SDK uses a domain name outside the Chinese mainland to avoid interference.
Bug fixing
The return value for calling relevant APIs was undefined when the SDK was in the not ready state.
Audio-video groups occasionally failed to pull messages in cases where the network was reconnected after a long disconnection.
The type and value of imageFormat of an image message were inconsistent with those of the actual image.
The nicknames displayed in work groups and public groups were incorrect.
2.7.6 @2020.7.9
Bug fixing
Messages occasionally failed to be pulled if an audio-video group (AVChatRoom) was used for a long time.
2.7.5 @2020.7.2
Bug fixing
After the RESTful API for creating a work group was called to create a work group successfully and the group members were specified, messages from group members would fail to be sent.
2.7.2 @2020.6.30
Bug fixing
Occasionally, when joinGroup was called, the SDK prompted "Already in the group" but in fact the user was not in the group. Consequently, the user could not send or receive messages.
The count of messages sent in a temporary meeting group was incorrect.
2.7.0 @2020.6.8
New features
Supports one-to-one message read receipts (indicating whether the peer has read your messages). For more information, see the event TIM.EVENT.MESSAGE_READ_BY_PEER. In a message that has already been read by the peer, the value of isPeerRead is true.
Bug fixing
After a user joined a chat room (ChatRoom), the newly created conversation did not display the last message.
After login, a user who had not joined an audio-video group (AVChatRoom) could still send a message to the audio-video group (AVChatRoom).
2.6.6 @2020.5.27
Bug fixing
In audio-video groups (AVChatRoom), messages were occasionally repeatedly displayed on the screen.
An error was reported when getMessageList received an empty message.
If login was called again after logout, error 70001 occasionally occurred when joinGroup was called.
2.6.4 @2020.5.8
New features
The sendMessage API added the sending option to support the sending of online messages (no offline or roaming messages; cannot be used for AVChatRoom or BChatRoom) and the configuration of offline push.
2.6.3 @2020.4.26
Bug fixing
Message content was lost because the input payload.extension type of createCustomMessage is incorrect.
Multiple messages contained in a response to a single request were disordered.
The unread count could not be cleared occasionally after the read count is reported because the number of unread one-to-one conversions overflows. and were undefined occasionally.
The unread count could not be cleared when the latest group message was a group prompt.
2.6.1 @2020.4.8
Bug fixing
Files could not be uploaded occasionally when the uploaded COS signature was invalid and not updated in a timely manner.
2.6.0 @2020.3.30
New features
The web client supports creating and sending video messages of up to 100 MB by calling createVideoMessage.
The nick and avatar attributes are added to Message to display the nickname and profile photo address of the message sender in an audio-video group (AVChatRoom). You need to set the nickname and profile photo address in advance by calling updateMyProfile.
Web: when an account logs in on multiple instances, the one-to-one message recall notification can be synchronized across these instances.
Errors occurred occasionally when the getGroupList API was called.
2.5.2 @2020.3.13
When searchGroupByID fails, the log level is degraded to warning and the prompt text is modified.
Bug fixing
Anonymous users or visitors failed to join TIM.TYPES.GRP_AVCHATROOM groups and had statistical problems.
Other known issues
2.5.1 @2020.3.5
When login is successful, the key-value pair repeatLogin: true is added for the callback object to identify repeated login of a login account.
Bug fixing
The priority of messages received at the receiver side of an audio-video group is different from that set on the sender side.
2.5.0 @2020.2.28
New features
The network status change event TIM.EVENT.NET_STATE_CHANGE is added, and the access side can make related prompts and guidance based on this event.
After an audio-video group was created in the console and a group owner was specified, messages sent by other group members will be repeated on the group owner side after the group owner joins the group.
The createFaceMessage API is added to create emoji messages.
The message notification efficiency for TIM.TYPES.GRP_AVCHATROOM groups is optimized to improve the user experience.
When messages fail to be sent, the SDK returns the actual error codes and error messages.
When logout is called, only the message channel of the current instance logs out.
When a callback function passed in by the access side is encapsulated for security purposes and the logic of the callback function is incorrect, errors can be captured and located quickly.
When "multi-instance" or "multi-client" login was enabled, other instances or clients failed to receive messages after a web instance was logged out.
The SDK reported errors occasionally due to the structure of session lists that were pulled.
2.2.1 @2019.11.28
The logic for getting group roaming messages is optimized.
Bug fixing
The SDK reported error code 2901 after the group owner of an audio-video group modified the group profile.
After the group admin processed apps for joining a group, processed apps can be received after refresh.
2.2.0 @2019.11.21
New features
Support creating and sending video messages via the createVideoMessage API. Video messages can be synced across platforms. You need to update to the latest versions of the TUIKit and SDK.
The group contact cards in message instances of TIM.TYPES.GRP_AVCHATROOM groups did not have values.
Errors were reported when Internet Explorer 10 was used.
Users could not join groups anonymously.
2.1.4 @2019.11.7
When the Promise status returned by an SDK API is rejected, the SDK no longer delivers a TIM.EVENT.ERROR event.
Updates to a user's profile are immediately written to the local cache.
Bug fixing
Code running failed after SDK integration when Angular zone.js modified prototype chains.
After a group owner created and joined a TIM.TYPES.GRP_AVCHATROOM group, the group owner could not receive messages.
Initialization failed when the group list was excessively large.
2.1.3 @2019.10.31
Combined messages (multiple message elements in one message) sent via RESTful API calls or the legacy Chat version are compatible. For more information, see Compatibility Guide.
Bug fixing
The unread count was inaccurate.
Messages were disordered because read messages were not reported.
Empty image messages were sent successfully but could not be rendered. The SDK did not support sending empty image messages.
Empty file messages were sent with incorrect message status. The SDK did not support sending empty file messages.
SDK code errors were reported occasionally when getGroupMemberList was called.
2.1.2 @2019.10.25
New featuresgetGroupList supports pulling group profile information, including the group owner ID and group member count.
Bug fixing
SDK code errors were reported when a RESTful API is used to send custom group notifications in an audio-video chat room.
The SDK did not send a request to pull historical messages when a user re-joined a left group and called the getMessageList API.
SDK code errors were reported when upload failed.
2.1.1 @2019.10.18
New features
Support sending audio messages. Audio messages can be synced across platforms. You need to update to the latest versions of the TUIKit and SDK.
Bug fixinggetMessageList could still pull historical messages in a quit group after rejoining.