Group Management

Log in to the Chat console, navigate to the target application to access the application management page, and select Chat > Groups in the left sidebar. You can manage groups according to your business needs. Alternatively, you can call relevant RESTful APIs to manage groups. For more information, see the Group Management API Documentation.

Adding Groups

1. On the Group Management page, click Add Group.
2. Configure the following parameters in the pop-up dialog box for adding a group:
Group Name: Enter the name of the group. This is a required parameter, and the length cannot exceed 30 bytes.
Group Owner ID: Enter the ID of the group owner. This is an optional parameter. You must enter the name of a registered user.
Group Type: Set the group type, which can be Work, Public, Meeting, or Audio-video Group. For more information on group types, see Group Types.

3. Click OK to save the configuration. After creating the group, you can view the group ID, group name, group owner, group type, and creation time of the group in the group list.

Viewing Group Details

On the Group Management page, you can click Learn more in the row of the target group to go to the Group Details page, where you can view and modify the basic information of the group and manage group members.

Modifying basic information

1. On the Group Details page, click Edit in the basic information area.
2. In the pop-up dialog box for modifying group information, you can modify the group name and group introduction.

3. Click Confirm to save the configuration.

Managing group members

Adding a group member
1. On the Group Details page, click Add Member in the group member management area.
2. In the pop-up dialog box for adding members, enter the username.
You must enter the name of a registered user.

3. Click Confirm to save the configuration. After adding a group member, you can view the username, nickname, join time, last speak time, and role of the member on the group member list.
Deleting a group member
1. On the Group Details page, you can delete group members in the following ways:
Delete a single member: Click Delete in the row of the target member.
Delete a batch of members: Select the members to be deleted and click Delete Members above the group member list.
2. In the pop-up dialog box, click Confirm. After deletion, the selected members will no longer belong to the group.

Sending Messages

1. On the Group Management page, you can send messages in the following ways:
Send a message to a single group: Click Send Messages in the row of the target group.

Send a message to multiple groups: Select the target groups to which you want to send a message and click Send Messages above the group list.

2. In the pop-up dialog box for sending a group message, enter the message content.
The message length cannot exceed 300 characters.
3. Click OK to send the message.

Deleting Groups

After a group is deleted, all its information will be deleted and cannot be recovered. Please exercise caution when deleting groups.
1. On the Group Management page, you can delete groups in the following ways:
Delete a single group: Click Delete in the row of the target group.
Delete a batch of groups: Select the target groups to be deleted and click Delete Groups above the group list.

2. In the pop-up dialog box, click Confirm. After the group is deleted, all its information will be deleted and cannot be recovered.