Adding Friends
Feature Overview
This API is used to add one or multiple users to the friend list.
API Calling Description
Sample request URL
Request parameters
The following table describes the modified parameters when this API is called. For other parameters, see RESTful API Overview.
Parameter | Description |
xxxxxx | Domain name corresponding to the country/region where your SDKAppID is located. China: Singapore: Seoul: Frankfurt: Silicon Valley: |
v4/sns/friend_add | Request API |
sdkappid | SDKAppID assigned by the Chat console when an app is created |
identifier | |
usersig | |
random | A random 32-bit unsigned integer ranging from 0 to 4294967295. |
contenttype | Request format, which should always be json . |
Maximum call frequency
200 calls per second
Sample request
Basic format
Response to a complete request
{"From_Account":"id","AddFriendItem":[{"To_Account":"id1","Remark":"remark1","GroupName":"Classmates", // Each user can only be assigned to one friend list when the user is added as a friend. Therefore, we can use `String` as the data type."AddSource":"AddSource_Type_XXXXXXXX","AddWording":"I'm Test1"}],"AddType":"Add_Type_Both","ForceAddFlags":1}
Response to a batch request
{"From_Account":"id","AddFriendItem":[{"To_Account":"id1","AddSource":"AddSource_Type_XXXXXXXX"},{"To_Account":"id2","Remark":"remark2","GroupName":"Classmates", // Each user can only be assigned to one friend list when the user is added as a friend. Therefore, we can use `String` as the data type."AddSource":"AddSource_Type_XXXXXXXX","AddWording":"I'm Test2"},{"To_Account":"id3","Remark":"remark3","GroupName":"Colleagues", // Each user can only be assigned to one friend list when the user is added as a friend. Therefore, we can use `String` as the data type."AddSource":"AddSource_Type_XXXXXXXX","AddWording":"I'm Test3"}],"AddType":"Add_Type_Both","ForceAddFlags":1}
Request fields
Field | Type | Required | Description |
From_Account | String | Yes | The UserID that initiates the request. |
AddFriendItem | Array | Yes | An array of friend objects. |
To_Account | String | Yes | The UserID to add as a friend. |
Remark | String | No | Friend remarks set by From_Account for To_Account . For more information, see the Standard friend fields section in Contacts Management. |
GroupName | String | No | The friend list that the user who initiates the friend request assigns to the user to be added. Each user can only be assigned to one friend list. Therefore, we can use the String data type. For details, see the standard friend fields section in Contacts Management. |
AddSource | String | No | Source from which a friend is added. For more information, see the Standard friend fields section in Contacts Management. |
AddWording | String | No | Remarks that the user who initiates the friend request writes about the user to be added. For details, see the standard friend fields section in Contacts Management. |
AddType | String | No | Friend adding type: Add_Type_Single: one-sided Add_Type_Both (default): mutual |
ForceAddFlags | Integer | No | Flag denoting the friend is force added by an administrator: 1 means force added while 0 means the friend is added normally. |
Sample response
Response to a basic or complete request
Response to a batch request
Response fields
Field | Type | Description |
ResultItem | Array | The result of adding friends in bulk, which is an array of UserIDs and corresponding results. |
To_Account | String | The UserID that you requested to add as a friend. |
ResultCode | Integer | The result. 0 means success and other values mean failure. For details on non-zero results, see Error Codes. |
ResultInfo | String | Error description of To_Account . This field is empty if the request is successful. |
Fail_Account | Array | List of users whose processing failed. This field is only returned when at least one user fails. |
ActionStatus | String | The result of the request. OK means the request was successful. FAIL means the request failed. |
ErrorCode | Integer | |
ErrorInfo | String | Detailed error information. |
ErrorDisplay | String | Detailed information displayed on the client. |
Error Codes
The returned HTTP status code for this API is always 200 unless a network error (such as error 502) occurs. The specific error code and details can be found in the response fields
, ResultInfo
, ErrorCode
, and ErrorInfo
For public error codes (60000 to 79999), see Error Codes.
The following table describes the error codes specific to this API:Error Code | Description |
30001 | Incorrect request parameter. Check your request according to the error description. |
30002 | The SDKAppID does not match. |
30003 | The requested account does not exist. |
30004 | The request requires app admin permissions. |
30006 | Internal server error. Try again. |
30007 | Network timeout. Try again later. |
30008 | A write conflict occurred due to concurrent write operations. You are advised to use bulk processing. |
30009 | You have been prohibited from adding friends. |
30010 | Your friend list is full. |
30011 | The maximum number of friend lists has been reached. |
30012 | You have too many pending friend requests. |
30014 | The user you are trying to add has too many friends. |
30515 | The user you are trying to add is on your blocklist. You cannot add this user. |
30516 | The user you are trying to add has disabled friend requests. |
30525 | You have been blocklisted by the user you are trying to add. You cannot add this user. |
30539 | The user you are trying to add has selected AllowType_Type_NeeedConfirm as their friend request authentication method. Your friend request is pending approval. This code is used to differentiate a successful friend request, meaning the friend is added, and a pending friend request, so more helpful messages can be displayed. |
30540 | You have sent too many friend requests in a short amount of time. Request filtered for security reasons. |
API Debugging Tool
Importing Friends (v4/sns/friend_import)
Updating Friends (v4/sns/friend_update)
Deleting Friends (v4/sns/friend_delete)
Deleting All Friends (v4/sns/friend_delete_all)
Verifying Friends (v4/sns/friend_check)
Pulling Friends (v4/sns/friend_get)
Pulling Specified Friends (v4/sns/friend_get_list)