Run Sample Code

This document describes how to quickly run the demo for the TRTC iOS SDK.


Xcode 11.0 or later
A valid developer signature for your project
Qt Creator 4.13.3 (macOS) or later

Steps To Run Demo

Step 1. Download the Demo

Download the iOS sample demo code on github, or run the following command in a terminal:
We offer OC and Swift for you to choose from:
TRTC-API-Example-OC: run pod install in a terminal window after entering the directory of your project, and take no notice of other steps in iOS SDK Importing.
TRTC-API-Example-Swift: download the SDK required for the project and move the unzipped TXFFmpeg.xcframework/TXSoundTouch.xcframework/TXLiteAVSDK_TRTC_Mac.xcframework/TXLiteAVSDK_ReplayKitExt.xcframework to TRTC_iOS/SDK folder.

Step 2. Configure the Demo

1. Log in to the TRTC Console and click Create Application. If you have already done so, you may skip this step.
2. And then, your own SDKAppID and SDKSecretKey of your created application can be obtained in the Basic Information section.

3. Replace the values of SDKAPPID and SDKSECRETKEY in the GenerateTestUserSig.h or GenerateTestUserSig.swift under TRTC-API-Example-XX/Debug directory with the information obtained in Step 2.

In the demo above, we used SDKSecretKey to generate UserSig locally in order to help you go through the demo easier. However, in the production environment, you are not supposed to generate userSig in this way, which may lead to SDKSecretKey leakage, thereby creating a chance for attackers to steal your TRTC traffic. The correct way to generate UserSig is to integrate Server-Side Generation of UserSig on your server. When an user enters the room:
Send a http request to your server.
Generate a UserSig on your server.
Return it to the user to enter the room.
When you deploy your page to a production environment, you need to have your page accessed through the HTTPS(e.g. https://domain/xxx). For the reason, please refer to the document Page Access Protocol Restriction Description.
4. If you select TRTC-API-Example-OC, go to Build Phases, and in the Link Binary With Libraries section, add TXFFmpeg.xcframework and TXSoundTouch.xcframework for your project.

If you use an emulator to build your experience, you might get an error: Building for 'iOS-simulator', but linking in object file (/Path/To/TRTC_iOS/TRTC-API-Example-OC/Pods/TXLiteAVSDK_TRTC/TXLiteAVSDK_TRTC/TXLiteAVSDK_ReplayKitExt.framework/TXLiteAVSDK_ReplayKitExt[arm64][2](TXCEncodeHelper.o)) built for 'iOS'.
Solution: Navigate to Build Settings of your project and add Any iOS Simulator SDK with value arm64 inside Excluded Architecture for both TRTC-API-Example-OC and TXReplayKit_Screen.

Step 3. Run the Demo

OCDemo: Open the TRTC-API-Example-OC.xcworkspace with Xcode (11.0 or later), then compile and run the TRTC-API-Example project.
SwiftDemo: Simply compile and run the TRTC-API-Example-Swift project.

Step 4. Experience the Demo

You can choose the functions you are interested in to experience.


If you encounter any problems with access and use, please refer to FAQs.
If you have any requirements or feedback, you can contact: