please select
  • UIKit
  • SDK
  • Server APIs
Server APIs/
Message Related/
Pushing to All Users/
Server APIs
  • Generating UserSig
  • RESTful APIs
    • RESTful API Overview
    • RESTful API List
    • Message Related
      • Send Message
        • Sending One-to-One Messages to One User
        • Sending One-to-One Messages to Multiple Users
        • Sending Ordinary Messages in a Group
        • Sending System Messages in a Group
        • Broadcast Message of Audio-Video Group
        • Importing One-to-One Messages
        • Importing Group Messages
      • Historical Message
        • Modifying Historical One-to-one Messages
        • Modifying Historical Group Messages
        • Pulling Historical One-to-one Messages
        • Pulling Historical Group Messages
      • Delete Message
        • Deleting Messages Sent by a Specified User
      • Withdraw Message
        • Recalling One-to-One Messages
        • Recalling Group Messages
      • Read Receipt
        • Marking One-to-One Messages as Read
        • Pulling Group Message Read Receipt Details
        • Pulling Read Receipts for Group Messages
      • Message Extension
        • Pulling the Message Extension of a One-to-One Message
        • Configuring Message Extension for a One-to-One Message
        • Pulling Message Extension of a Group Message
        • Configuring Message Extension for a Group Message
      • Pushing to All Users
        • API for Pushing to All Users
        • Pushing to All Users
        • Setting Application Attribute Names
        • Getting Application Attribute Names
        • Getting User Attributes
        • Setting User Attributes
        • Deleting User Attributes
        • Getting User Tags
        • Adding User Tags
        • Deleting User Tags
        • Deleting All Tags of a User
    • Session Related
      • Conversation List
        • Pulling a conversation list
      • Session Unread Count
        • Setting the Unread Message Count of a Member
        • Querying Unread One-to-One Message Count
      • Delete Session
        • Deleting a conversation
      • Session Grouping Tag
        • Creating Conversation Group Data
        • Updating Conversation Group Data
        • Deleting Conversation Group Data
        • Creating or Updating Conversation Mark Data
        • Searching for Conversation Group Marks
        • Pulling Conversation Group Mark Data
    • Group Related
      • Group Management
        • Getting All Groups in an App
        • Creating a Group
        • Disbanding a Group
        • Getting the Groups a User Has Joined
      • Group Information
        • Getting Group Profiles
        • Modifying the Profile of a Group
        • Importing a Group Profile
      • Group Member Management
        • Adding Group Members
        • Deleting Group Members
        • Banning Group Members
        • Unbanning Group Members
        • Bulk Muting and Unmuting
        • Getting the List of Muted Group Members
        • Changing Group Owner
        • Querying the Roles of Users in a Group
        • Importing Group Members
      • Group Member Information
        • Getting Group Member Profiles
        • Modifying the Profile of a Group Member
      • Group Custom Attributes
        • Getting Group Custom Attributes
        • Modifying Group Custom Attributes
        • Clearing Group Custom Attributes
        • Resetting Group Custom Attributes
        • Deleting Group Custom Attributes
      • Live Group Management
        • Getting the Number of Online Users in an Audio-Video Group
        • Getting the List of Online Members in Audio-Video Group
        • Setting Audio-Video Group Member Marks
        • Getting the List of Banned Group Members.
      • Community Management
        • Creating Topic
        • Deleting Topic
        • Getting Topic Profile
        • Modifying Topic Profile
        • Importing Topic Profiles
      • Group Counter
        • Getting Group Counters
        • Updating Group Counters
        • Deleting Group Counters
    • User Management
      • Account Management
        • Importing a Single Account
        • Importing Multiple Accounts
        • Deleting Accounts
        • Querying Accounts
      • User Information
        • Setting Profiles
        • Pulling Profiles
      • User Status
        • Invalidating Account Login States
        • Querying Account Online Status
      • Friend Management
        • Adding Friends
        • Importing Friends
        • Updating Friends
        • Deleting Friends
        • Deleting All Friends
        • Verifying Friends
        • Pulling Friends
        • Pulling Specified Friends
      • Friend Lists
        • Adding Lists
        • Deleting Lists
        • Pulling Lists
      • Blocklist
        • Blocklisting Users
        • Unblocklisting Users
        • Pulling a Blacklist
        • Verifying Users on a Blocklist
    • Global Mute Management
      • Setting Global Mute
      • Querying Global Mute
    • Operations Management
      • Pulling Operations Data
      • Downloading Recent Messages
      • Getting Server IP Addresses
    • Chatbots
      • Pulling Chatbot Accounts
      • Creating Chatbot Accounts
      • Deleting Chatbot Accounts
  • Webhooks
    • Webhook Overview
    • Webhook Command List
    • Operations Management Callbacks
      • API Overclocking Alarm Callbacks
    • Online Status Webhooks
      • Status Change Webhooks
    • Relationship Chain Webhooks
      • After a Profile Is Updated
      • Before a Friend Is Added
      • Before a Friend Request Is Responded
      • After a Friend Is Added
      • After a Friend Is Deleted
      • After a User Is Added to Blocklist
      • After a User Is Removed from Blocklist
    • One-to-One Message Webhooks
      • Before a One-to-One Message Is Sent
      • After a One-to-One Message Is Sent
      • After a One-to-One message Is Marked as Read
      • After A One-to-One Message Is Recalled
    • Group Webhooks
      • Before a Group Is Created
      • After a Group Is Created
      • Before Applying to Join a Group
      • Before Inviting a User to a Group
      • After a User Joins a Group
      • After a User Leaves a Group
      • Before Group Message Is Sent
      • After a Group Message Is Sent
      • After a Group Is Full
      • After a Group Is Disbanded
      • After Group Profile Is Modified
      • Callback After Recalling Group Messages
      • Webhook for Online and Offline Status of Audio-Video Group Members
      • Webhook for Exceptions When Group Messages Are Sent
      • Before a Topic Is Created
      • After a Topic Is Created
      • After a Topic Is Deleted
      • Topic Profile Change Webhook
      • Callback After Group Member Profile Changed
      • Callback After Group Attribute Changed
      • Callback After Read Receipt
      • Callback After the Group Owner Changed
    • Webhook Mutual Authentication Configuration Guide
      • Apache Mutual Authentication Configuration
      • Nginx Mutual Authentication Configuration
    • Chatbot webhooks
      • Chatbot Passthrough Message Callback

API for Pushing to All Users

Push to All Users Overview

The push to all users service is a group of RESTful APIs implemented based on the IM communication architecture. This service is used to meet message push requirements of the application, including pushing messages to all users, pushing messages by tag, and pushing messages by attribute. Clients can receive pushed messages by using the online and offline push features (Android background notifications and APNs) of the SDK. The group push service also supports offline storage of messages, helping operators achieve their operational goals more efficiently.
An account can receive messages pushed to all users only after it has been logged in to or manually imported.
The feature of pushing to all users is available only to users with Flagship edition accounts. See Configuration Change Ticket to apply for this feature. The feature will be enabled 48 hours after your application is approved.

Basic Features

Push messages to all users of the application.
Push messages by user tag.
Push messages by user attribute.


The group push service is provided based on the client IM SDK and IM backend, which guarantee messaging capabilities and system availability.
Message delivery is guaranteed based on the IM SDK, and the service provides simple message broadcasting capabilities for applications.
You can set up to 10 push attributes for each user. Each attribute can be set separately without affecting the others.
The service pushes messages based on multiple attributes connected by AND or OR logic.
The service pushes messages based on multiple tags connected by AND or OR logic.
The service pushes messages only to online users and retains messages offline for up to 7 days(withdrawal and roaming are not supported).
You can customize messages.
You can specify the sender account.

Use Cases

Pushing messages to all users

Example 1: a game application plans to provide special offers on Christmas and needs to push the notification to all users. In this case, the group push service can be used to boost efficiency. In addition, to inform more users of this promotion, you can set the offline message retention period. In this way, even if some users are not online when the message is pushed, they can still receive the message when they go online within this offline retention period. This improves the quality and effectiveness of the promotion. Example 2: a livestreaming application plans to launch a large-scale live marketing activity and needs to push the notification to all users. In this case, you can push the notification to all users starting 7 days before the activity and set the offline message retention period to 7 days. When the activity starts, you can push the notification to all users again, without specifying an offline retention period. In this way, all online users can receive the notification and join the live room, attracting more users into the live room.

Pushing messages to users by user tag

For example, a financial product plans to push a financial planning service to users who follow "stock A" or "stock B". In this case, you can push messages by tag:
1. When a user follows "stock A" or "stock B", add the corresponding tag to the user by calling the API for adding tags.
2. When a user unfollows "stock A" or "stock B", delete the corresponding tag of the user by calling the API for deleting tags.
3. Set the push condition to "stock A" or "stock B" (by using the TagsOr feature) in the API for pushing messages. In this way, all users that follow "stock A" or "stock B" can receive the messages.

Pushing messages by user attribute

For example, users of a game are classified into non-members, ordinary members, gold members, and platinum members. Assume the operator plans to push an activity to platinum members in Shenzhen. In this case, they can push the message by attribute:
1. Set the application attribute names. In this example, the game users have two attributes: membership tier and city. You can set attribute 0 as the membership tier and attribute 1 as the city.
2. When the membership tier of a user changes (for example, when the membership expires or the user purchases a membership), modify the membership tier attribute of the user by calling the API for setting user attributes. For example, when a user purchases a gold membership, set the membership tier attribute of the user to "gold member".
3. When the city where a user is located changes, modify the city attribute of the user by calling the API for setting user attributes. For example, when the city changes from Beijing to Shanghai, set the city attribute of the user to "Shanghai".
4. During the activity, you can call the push API and set the membership tier attribute to platinum and the city attribute to Shenzhen. Then, all platinum members in Shenzhen will receive the pushed message.
In this scenario, pushing by attribute is preferable to pushing by tag. If you push the message by tag, when the city of the user changes from Shenzhen to Guangzhou, the application needs to delete the "Shenzhen" tag of the user and then add the "Guangzhou" tag, which involves two API calls. However, if you push the message by attribute, only one API call is required to modify the city attribute of the user.