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RTC Engine
  • Overview
  • Web
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • Basic Features
      • Screen Sharing
      • Live Streaming
      • Media Device
      • Audio Volume
      • Set Encoding Profile
      • Detect Network Quality
      • Detect Capabilities
    • Advance Features
      • Enable AI Denoiser
      • Enable Audio Mixer
      • Enable Watermark
      • Enable Virtual Background
      • Enable Beauty and Effects
      • Data Messages
      • Custom Capturing and Rendering
    • API List
    • Released Notes
    • Supported Platforms
    • Web FAQs
      • Optimize Multi-Person Video Calls
      • Handle Autoplay Restriction
      • Handle Firewall Restriction
      • Others
  • Android
    • Run Sample Code
    • Integration
    • Basic Features
      • Sensing Network Quality
      • Enabling Screen Sharing
      • Setting Video Quality
      • Rotating Videos
    • Advanced Features
      • Testing Newwork Quality
      • Custom Capturing and Rendering
      • Custom Audio Capturing and Playback
    • Client APIs
      • Overview
      • TRTCCloud
      • TRTCStatistics
      • TRTCCloudListener
      • TXAudioEffectManager
      • TXBeautyManager
      • TXDeviceManager
      • Type Definition
      • Deprecated Interface
      • Error Codes
    • Solution
      • Real-Time Chorus (TUIKaraoke)
        • Quick Integration
        • Implementation Steps
        • Song Synchronization
        • Lyric Synchronization
        • Vocal Synchronization
        • Mixing Stream Solution
        • TRTCKaraoke APIs
        • FAQs
    • Release Notes
  • iOS
    • Run Sample Code
    • Integration
    • Basic Features
      • Sensing Network Quality
      • Enabling Screen Sharing
      • Setting Video Quality
      • Rotating Videos
    • Advanced Features
      • Testing Network Quality
      • Custom Capturing and Rendering
      • Custom Audio Capturing and Playback
    • Client APIs
      • Overview
      • TRTCCloud
      • TRTCCloudDelegate
      • TRTCStatistics
      • TXAudioEffectManager
      • TXBeautyManager
      • TXDeviceManager
      • Type Definition
      • Deprecated Interface
      • ErrorCode
    • Solution
      • Quick Integration
      • Implementation Steps
      • Song Synchronization
      • Lyric Synchronization
      • Vocal Synchronization
      • Mixing Stream Solution
      • TRTCKaraoke APIs
      • FAQs
    • Release Notes
  • macOS
    • Run Sample Code
    • Integration
    • Basic Features
      • Sensing Network Quality
      • Enabling Screen Sharing
      • Sharing Computer Audio
      • Setting Video Quality
      • Rotating Videos
    • Advanced Features
      • Testing Hardware Devices
      • Testing Network Quality
      • Custom Capturing and Rendering
      • Custom Audio Capturing and Playback
    • Client APIs
      • Overview
      • TRTCCloud
      • TRTCCloudDelegate
      • TRTCStatistics
      • TXAudioEffectManager
      • TXBeautyManager
      • TXDeviceManager
      • Type Definition
      • Deprecated Interface
      • ErrorCode
      • Release Notes
    • Release Notes
  • Windows
    • Run Sample Code
    • Integration
    • Basic Features
      • Sensing Network Quality
      • Enabling Screen Sharing
      • Setting Video Quality
      • Rotating Videos
    • Advanced Features
      • Testing Hardware Devices
      • Testing Network Quality
      • Custom Capturing and Rendering
      • Custom Audio Capturing and Playback
    • Client APIs
      • Overview
      • ITRTCCloud
      • ITRTCStatistics
      • TRTCCloudCallback
      • ITXAudioEffectManager
      • ITXDeviceManager
      • Type Definition
      • Deprecated Interface
      • Error Codes
    • Release Notes
  • Electron
    • Integration
      • 1.API Examples
      • 2.Importing the SDK
      • 3.Entering a Room
      • 4.Subscribing to Audio/Video Streams
      • 5.Publish Audio/Video Streams
      • 6.Exiting a Room
      • 7.Sensing Network Quality
      • 8.Enabling Screen Sharing
      • 9.Sharing Computer Audio
      • 10.Setting Video Quality
      • 11.Rotating Videos
    • Client APIs
      • Overview
      • Error Codes
  • Flutter
    • Integration
      • 1.API Examples
      • 2.Importing the SDK
      • 3.Entering a Room
      • 4.Subscribing to Audio/Video Streams
      • 5.Publish Audio/Video Streams
      • 6.Exiting a Room
      • 7.Sensing Network Quality
      • 8.Enabling Screen Sharing
      • 9.Sharing Computer Audio
      • 10.Setting Video Quality
      • 11.Rotating Videos
    • Client APIs
      • Overview
      • Error Codes
  • Unity
    • Integration
      • 1.API Examples
      • 2Importing the SDK
    • Client APIs
      • Overview
      • Error Codes
  • Qt
    • Integration
      • 1.Importing the SDK
  • Overview
    • Overview
  • Concepts
  • Features
  • Performance Statistics
  • Pricing
    • Free Minutes
    • RTC-Engine Monthly Packages
    • Billing Explanation for Subscription Package Duration
    • Pay-as-you-go
      • Billing of Audio and Video Duration
      • Billing of On-Cloud Recording and Recording Delivery
      • Billing of MixTranscoding and Relay to CDN
  • FAQs
    • FAQs for Beginners
    • Migration Guide
      • Twilio Video to Tencent RTC
      • Billing
      • Features
      • UserSig
      • Firewall Restrictions
      • How to Downsize Installation Package
      • TRTCCalling for Web
      • Audio and Video Quality
      • Others
RTC Engine



Basic APIs

Creates a TRTCCloud singleton.
Destroys a TRTCCloud singleton.
Registers an event listener.
Unregisters an event listener.

Room APIs

Enters a TRTC room. If the room does not exist, the system will create one automatically.
Exits a TRTC room.
Switches roles. This API works only in live streaming scenarios(TRTC_APP_SCENE_LIVE and TRTC_APP_SCENE_VOICE_CHATROOM)
Sets the audio/video data receiving mode, which must be set before room entry to take effect.
Requests a cross-room call so that two different rooms can share audio and video streams (e.g., "anchor PK" scenarios).
Exits a cross-room call.
Switches rooms.
Create room subinstance (for concurrent multi-room listen/watch)
Terminate room subinstance


Starts pushing to Tencent Cloud’s live streaming CDN.
Stops pushing to Tencent Cloud’s live streaming CDN.
Starts relaying to the live streaming CDN of a non-Tencent Cloud vendor.
Stops relaying to the live streaming CDN of a non-Tencent Cloud vendor.
Sets On-Cloud MixTranscoding parameters.
Publish a stream.
Modify publishing parameters
Stop publishing

Video APIs

Enable the preview image of local camera (mobile)
Update the preview image of local camera
Update remote user's video rendering control
Stop camera preview
Pause/Resume publishing local video stream
Subscribe to remote user's video stream and bind video rendering control
Stop subscribing to remote user's video stream and release rendering control
Stop subscribing to all remote users' video streams and release all rendering resources
Set placeholder image during local video pause
Pause/Resume subscribing to remote user's video stream
Pause/Resume subscribing to all remote users' video streams
Set the encoding parameters of video encoder
Set network quality control parameters
Set the rendering parameters of local video image
Set the rendering mode of remote video image
Set the direction of image output by video encoder
Set the mirror mode of image output by encoder
Set the adaptation mode of G-sensor
Enable dual-channel encoding mode with big and small images
Switch the big/small image of specified remote user
Screencapture video
Start local media recording
Stop local media recording

Audio APIs

Enables local microphone capture and publishes the audio stream to the current room with the ability to set the sound quality.
Disable local audio capturing and upstreaming
Mute/Unmute local audio
Set audio route, i.e., earpiece at the top or speaker at the bottom
Mute/Unmute the specified remote user's audio
Mute/Unmute all users' audio
Set the playback volume of the specified remote user
Set the capturing volume of local audio
Get the capturing volume of local audio
Set the playback volume of remote audio
Get the playback volume of remote audio
Enable volume reminder
Start audio recording
Stop audio recording
Setting the system volume type (for mobile OS)
Enable system audio capturing
Stop system audio capturing(iOS not supported)
Set the volume of system audio capturing

Device management APIs

Gets the device management module. For details, see device management APIs

Beauty filter APIs

Gets the beauty filter management object. For details, see the document on beauty filter management
Adds watermarks.

Custom capturing and rendering APIs

Set the callback of custom rendering for local video
Set the callback of custom rendering for remote video
Unregister custom rendering callbacks
Enable/DisEnable Custom Video Process
Set custom audio data callback

Music and voice effect APIs

Gets the audio effect management class TXAudioEffectManager, which is used to manage background music, short audio effects, and voice effects. For details, see the document on audio effect management

Substream APIs

Starts screen sharing.
Stops screen sharing.
Pauses screen sharing.
Resumes screen sharing.
Enumerate shareable screens and windows (for Windows only)
Select the screen or window to share (for Windows only)

Custom message sending APIs

Sends a custom message to all users in the room.
Embeds small-volume custom data in video frames.

Network testing APIs

Starts network speed testing. This may compromise the quality of video calls and should be avoided during a video call.
Stops server speed testing.

Log APIs

Gets the TRTC SDK version.
Sets the log output level.
Changes the path to save logs.
Enables/Disables local log compression.
Enables/Disables console log printing.
Display debug information floats (can display audio/video information and event information)
Call experimental APIs


Callback APIs for the TRTC video call feature

Error and warning event callback APIs

Error callback, which indicates that the SDK encountered an irrecoverable error and must be listened on. Corresponding UI reminders should be displayed based on the actual conditions
Warning callback. This callback is used to alert you of some non-serious problems such as lag or recoverable decoding failure

Room event callback APIs

Callback for room entry
Callback for room exit
Callback of role switching
Callback of the result of requesting a cross-room call (anchor competition)
Callback of the result of ending a cross-room call (anchor competition)
Callback of the result of room switching (switchRoom)

User event callback APIs

Callback of the entry of a user
Callback of the exit of a user
Callback of whether a remote user has a playable primary image (usually the image of the camera)
Callback of whether a remote user has a playable substream image (usually the screen sharing image)
Callback of whether a remote user has playable audio
Callback of rendering the first video frame of the local user or a remote user
Callback of playing the first audio frame of a remote user. No notifications are sent for local audio.
Callback of sending the first local video frame
Callback of sending the first local audio frame

Callback APIs for recording task

Local recording started
Local media is being recorded
Record fragment finished.
Local recording stopped

Callback APIs for background music playback

Callback of starting music playback
Callback of the music playback progress
Callback of ending music playback

Callback APIs for statistics on network quality and technical metrics

Callback of network quality. This callback is triggered every 2 seconds to collect statistics on the quality of current upstream and downstream data transfer.
Callback of statistics on technical metrics

Server event callback APIs

Callback of the disconnection of the SDK from the server
Callback of the SDK trying to connect to the server again
Callback of the reconnection of the SDK to the server
Callback of server speed test results. The SDK tests the speed of multiple server addresses, and the result of each test is returned through this callback.。

Hardware event callback APIs

Callback of the camera being ready
Callback of the mic being ready
Callback of volume, including the volume of each userId and the total remote volume
The status of a local device changed (for desktop OS only)
Volume during mic test
Volume during speaker test
The audio route changed (for mobile devices only)

Custom message receiving callback APIs

Receipt of custom message
Loss of custom message
Receipt of SEI message

Callback APIs for CDN relayed push

Started publishing to Tencent Cloud CSS CDN, which corresponds to the startPublishing() API in TRTCCloud
Stopped publishing to Tencent Cloud CSS CDN, which corresponds to the stopPublishing() API in TRTCCloud
Callback of the completion of starting relayed push to CDNs
Callback of the completion of stopping relayed push to CDNs
Callback of setting On-Cloud MixTranscoding parameters, which corresponds to the setMixTranscodingConfig() API in TRTCCloud
Setting up callbacks for mixing and streaming parameters in the cloud, which corresponds to the startPublishMediaStream() API in TRTCCloud
Setting up callbacks for mixing and streaming parameters in the cloud, which corresponds to the updatePublishMediaStream() API in TRTCCloud
Setting up callbacks for mixing and streaming parameters in the cloud, which corresponds to the stopPublishMediaStream() API in TRTCCloud

Screen sharing callback APIs

Callback of starting screen sharing
Callback of pausing screen sharing via the calling of pauseScreenCapture()
Callback of resuming screen sharing via the calling of resumeScreenCapture()
Callback of stopping screen sharing。

Screenshot callback API

Callback of the completion of a screenshot


Enable in-ear monitoring
Set the in-ear monitoring volume
Set the voice reverb effect (karaoke room, small room, big hall, deep, resonant, and other effects)
Set the voice changing effect (young girl, middle-aged man, heavy metal, punk, and other effects)
Set the mic voice volume
Start background music
Stop background music
Pause background music
Resume background music
Set the remote volume of background music. The anchor can use this API to set the volume of background music heard by the remote audience.
Set the local volume of background music. The anchor can use this API to set the volume of local background music.
Set the local and remote volumes of global background music
Adjust the pitch of background music
Adjust the speed of background music
Get the current playback progress of background music in milliseconds
Set the playback progress of background music in milliseconds
Get the total duration of the background music file in milliseconds
Set the voice pitch.


Set beauty filter type
Specify material filter effect
Set the strength of filter
Set the strength of the beauty filter
Set the strength of the brightening filter
Enable definition enhancement
Set the strength of the rosy skin filter


Set whether to use the front camera
Switch camera
Get the camera zoom factor
Set the zoom factor (focal length) of camera
Set whether to enable the automatic recognition of face position
Query whether the device supports automatic recognition of face position
Setting the camera focus position
Enable/Disable flash
Set the system volume type used in call
Set audio route, i.e., earpiece at the top or speaker at the bottom
Get the list of devices
Specify the current device
Get the currently used device
Set the volume of the current device
Get the volume of the current device
Set the mute status of the current device
Query the mute status of the current device
Start mic test
Stop mic test
Start speaker test
Stop speaker test
Set the volume of the current process in the Windows system volume mixer
Get the volume of the current process in the Windows system volume mixer
Set the mute status of the current process in the Windows system volume mixer
Get the mute status of the current process in the Windows system volume mixer

Definitions of Key Classes

Key class definition variable
Room entry parameters
Room switch parameters
Encoding parameters
Network bandwidth limit parameters
Remote image parameters
Position information of each channel of subimage in On-Cloud MixTranscoding
On-Cloud MixTranscoding configuration
Voice changing type definition (young girl, middle-aged man, heavy metal, punk...)
Reverb effect type definition (karaoke room, small room, big hall, deep, resonant...)
Parameters of music and voice settings APIs
Audio recording parameters
Recording parameters
CDN relaying parameters
Parameters of local video rendering with external texture
Parameters of remote video rendering with external texture
Parameters of video rendering with external texture
Media stream publishing mode, this enumeration type is used for the Media Stream Publishing interface startPublishMediaStream
Configure to publish real-time audio/video (TRTC) streams to Tencent Cloud or a third-party CDN.
Information about the TRTC user, mainly containing the user ID and the room number of the user.
Configure the publication target for the TRTC stream
Encoding settings related to the published stream, including resolution, frame rate, keyframe interval, etc.
Coordinates used to describe some views
Enumeration of TRTC video view display modes, including fill mode and adaptation mode
The different types of video streams offered by the TRTC
Configuration of video layout properties for TRTC streaming, including position, size, layers, etc.
Configuration of the properties of the TRTC watermarking function
Settings related to TRTC mixing and streaming, including background color, background image, information about all video and audio streams to be mixed, and watermark settings.
Audio/video frame data class for processing and transmitting audio data.
List of screen windows.
Target information for screen sharing (desktop only)
TRTC screen sharing icon information and mute image shim
Advanced control parameters for screen sharing
Screen sharing target type (desktop only)


Video view window, which displays the local video, remote video, or substream