Before integration, you can try out our demos to quickly understand the capabilities of the Tencent Cloud Chat cross-platform SDK and TUIKit for Flutter.
All of the following demos are packaged by the same Flutter project.
Mobile App
Web - HTML5
iOS/Android app
Scan the QR code with your mobile phone to try out
Integrating the Chat SDK
You can directly integrate the Chat SDK for Flutter through pub add, or write the Chat SDK into pubspec.yaml.
Installing the Chat SDK via flutter pub add
Enter the following command in the terminal window (the Flutter environment is ready):
flutter pub add tencent_cloud_chat_sdk
Writing the Chat SDK into pubspec.yaml
# You can check the latest version of the Chat SDK for Flutter on
tencent_cloud_chat_sdk:"Latest version"
Here, your editor may automatically run flutter pub get. If not, enter the command flutter pub get.
Support for the Flutter for HarmonyOS NEXT
The UI-less SDK (tencent_cloud_chat_sdk) version 8.4.6675-beta.2 and later now supports HarmonyOS NEXT. This implementation is developed based on the HarmonyOS-adapted Flutter 3.22 version.
As HarmonyOS has adapted many Flutter third-party libraries, and the tencent_cloud_chat_sdk only utilizes the path_provider third-party library, you need to add dependency overrides for the HarmonyOS-adapted version of path_provider in your project's root directory pubspec.yaml file.
Chat SDK (tencent_cloud_chat_sdk) 4.1.1+2 or later provides full compatibility with web.
To enable support for web, you need to perform the following extra steps, compared with the steps to enable support for Android and iOS:
Upgrading to Flutter 3.x
Flutter 3.x has been dramatically optimized for web performance and is highly recommended for Flutter web project development.
Importing JS
If your existing Flutter project does not support web, run flutter create . in the root directory of the project to add web support.
Go to the web/ directory of your project and use npm or Yarn to install related JS dependencies. To initialize the project, follow the on-screen instructions.
cd web
npm init
npm i tim-js-sdk
npm i tim-upload-plugin
Open web/index.html and import the JS files in <head> </head>. See below: