This document describes how to quickly integrate the TRTC Windows C++ SDK using an MFC project.
Environment Requirements
OS: Windows 7 or later
Development environment: Visual Studio 2010 or later (v2015 is recommended)
Integrating C++ SDK via MFC project
The following describes how to integrate the TRTC Windows C++ SDK into an MFC project in Visual Studio.
Step 1. Download the SDK
Download the SDK, decompress, and open it. You only need to import the SDK files for Windows C++ in the SDK folder. For example, you can find the SDK files for 64-bit Windows in ./SDK/CPlusPlus/Win64/. The folder contains the following files:
API header files with comments
The LIB file for compilation and DLL files to load
Step 2. Create a project
Open Visual Studio and create an MFC application named TRTCDemo.
To better describe how to integrate quickly, we choose the relatively simple Dialog-based type on the Application Type page of the wizard.
For other configuration items, keep the default configurations.
Step 3. Copy and paste files
Copy the SDK folder to the directory where TRTCDemo.vcxproj is located.
Because you will only need the C++ SDK, you can delete the CSharp folder in SDK.
Step 4. Modify the project configuration
Select Solution Explorer, right-click TRTCDemo, and select Properties. Configure the project as follows:
1. Add include directories.
Go to C/C++ > General. Add the $(ProjectDir)SDK\CPlusPlus\Win64\include and $(ProjectDir)SDK\CPlusPlus\Win64\include\TRTC header file directories (for 64-bit Windows) to Additional Include Directories.
For 32-bit Windows, add $(ProjectDir)SDK\CPlusPlus\Win32\include and $(ProjectDir)SDK\CPlusPlus\Win32\include\TRTC.
2. Add additional library directories
Go to Linker > General. Add the $(ProjectDir)SDK\CPlusPlus\Win64\lib directory to Additional Library Directories.
For 32-bit Windows, add $(ProjectDir)SDK\CPlusPlus\Win32\lib.
3. Add the library file
Go to Linker > Input, and add the library file liteav.lib to Additional Dependencies.
4. Add the copy command
Go to Build Events > Post-build Events and add the copy command copy /Y $(ProjectDir)SDK\CPlusPlus\Win64\lib\*.dll $(OutDir) (for 64-bit Windows) to Command Line. This ensures that the DLL files of the SDK are automatically copied to the project's execution directory after compilation.
For 32-bit Windows, add copy /Y $(ProjectDir)SDK\CPlusPlus\Win32\lib\*.dll $(OutDir).
Step 5. Print the SDK version number
1. At the top of the TRTCDemoDlg.cpp file, add the code below to import the header file:
#include "ITRTCCloud.h"
2. In the CTRTCDemoDlg::OnInitDialog function, add the following test code:
3. Press F5 to run the project and print the version number of the SDK.
If the following error occurs, check whether the SDK header file directories are correctly added as described in the project configuration step above.
fatal error C1083: Could not open include file: "TRTCCloud.h": No such file or directory
If the following error occurs, check whether the SDK library directory and library file are correctly added as described in the project configuration step above.
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static class TXString __cdecl TRTCCloud::getSDKVersion(void)"(__imp_?getSDKVersion@TRTCCloud@@SA?AVTXString@@XZ), referenced infunction"protected: virtual int __thiscall CTRTCDemoDlg::OnInitDialog(void)"(?OnInitDialog@CTRTCDemoDlg@@MAEHXZ)