Testing Hardware Devices


Given that it is difficult for users to detect device problems during a call, we recommend that you test devices such as cameras and mics before a video call.

Supported Platforms

✓ (Web)

Testing Camera

You can use the startCameraDeviceTestInView API of TRTCCloud to test a camera and can use the setCurrentCameraDevice API to switch cameras during testing.
Windows (C++)
Windows (C#)
// Open the camera testing page, on which you can preview camera images and switch cameras.
- (IBAction)startCameraTest:(id)sender {
// Start camera testing. `cameraPreview` is `NSView` on macOS or `UIView` on iOS.
[self.trtcCloud startCameraDeviceTestInView:self.cameraPreview];

// Close the camera testing page.
- (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)notification{
// Stop camera testing.
[self.trtcCloud stopCameraDeviceTest];

// Start camera testing. Pass in the control handle that renders video.
void TRTCMainViewController::startTestCameraDevice(HWND hwnd)

// Stop camera testing.
void TRTCMainViewController::stopTestCameraDevice()

// Start camera testing. Pass in the control handle that renders video.
private void startTestCameraDevice(Intptr hwnd)

// Stop camera testing.
private void stopTestCameraDevice()

Testing Mic

You can use the startMicDeviceTest API of TRTCCloud to measure mic volume in real time. The result is returned via a callback.
Windows (C++)
Windows (C#)
// Sample code for mic testing
-(IBAction)micTest:(id)sender {
NSButton *btn = (NSButton *)sender;
if (btn.state == 1) {
// Start mic testing.
__weak __typeof(self) wself = self;
[self.trtcCloud startMicDeviceTest:500 testEcho:^(NSInteger volume) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// Refresh the mic volume bar.
[wself _updateInputVolume:volume];
btn.title = @"Stop test";
// Stop mic testing.
[self.trtcCloud stopMicDeviceTest];
[self _updateInputVolume:0];
btn.title = @"Start test";

// Sample code for mic testing
void TRTCMainViewController::startTestMicDevice()
// Set the interval for triggering the volume callback and listen for the `onTestMicVolume` callback. In the sample, the interval is set to 500 ms.
uint32_t interval = 500;
// Start mic testing.

// Stop mic testing.
void TRTCMainViewController::stopTestMicDevice()

// Sample code for mic testing
private void startTestMicDevice()
// Set the interval for triggering the volume callback and listen for the `onTestMicVolume` callback. In the sample, the interval is set to 500 ms.
uint interval = 500;
// Start mic testing.

// Stop mic testing.
private void stopTestMicDevice()

Testing Speaker

You can use the startSpeakerDeviceTest API of TRTCCloud to test whether a speaker works properly by playing a default MP3 file.
Windows (C++)
Windows (C#)
// Sample code for speaker testing
// Take an NSButton for example. In `xib`, set the title of the button in the on and off state to "Stop Test" and "Start Test".
- (IBAction)speakerTest:(NSButton *)btn {
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"test-32000-mono" ofType:@"mp3"];
if (btn.state == NSControlStateValueOn) {
// Click "Start Test".
__weak __typeof(self) wself = self;
[self.trtcEngine startSpeakerDeviceTest:path onVolumeChanged:^(NSInteger volume, BOOL playFinished) {
// The subsequent steps involve the UI and need to be executed in the main queue.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// `_updateOutputVolume` means updating the speaker volume indicator on the UI.
[wself _updateOutputVolume:volume];
if (playFinished) {
// Set the button status to "Start Test" after playback is completed.
sender.state = NSControlStateValueOff;
} else {
// Click "Stop Test".
[self.trtcEngine stopSpeakerDeviceTest];
[self _updateOutputVolume:0];

// Update the speaker volume indicator.
- (void)_updateOutputVolume:(NSInteger)volume {
// `speakerVolumeMeter` is `NSLevelIndicator`.
self.speakerVolumeMeter.doubleValue = volume / 255.0 * 10;

// Sample code for speaker testing
void TRTCMainViewController::startTestSpeakerDevice(std::string testAudioFilePath)
// `testAudioFilePath` is the absolute path of the audio file (in WAV or MP3 format) and must be a UTF-8-encoded string.
// Listen for the `onTestSpeakerVolume` callback to get the speaker volume.

// Stop speaker testing.
void TRTCMainViewController::stopTestSpeakerDevice() {

// Sample code for speaker testing
private void startTestSpeakerDevice(string testAudioFilePath)
// `testAudioFilePath` is the absolute path of the audio file (in WAV or MP3 format) and must be a UTF-8-encoded string.
// Listen for the `onTestSpeakerVolume` callback to get the speaker volume.

// Stop speaker testing.
private void stopTestSpeakerDevice() {