Message Class
In the Chat SDK,
indicates the message object that is used to describe the attributes of a message, such as type, content, and conversation ID.Attribute | Type | Default Value | Description |
ID | String | - | Message ID. The rule for concatenating the message ID is ${senderTinyID}-${clientTime}-${random} , which is the same as that for concatenating the message ID of native Chat. |
type | String | - | Message type. Valid values: TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_TEXT - text message TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_IMAGE - image message TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_AUDIO - audio message TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_VIDEO - video message TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_FILE - file message TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_CUSTOM - custom message TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_MERGER - merged message TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_LOCATION - location message TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_GRP_TIP - group tip message TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_GRP_SYS_NOTICE - group system notification |
payload | Object | - | Message content. Valid values: TextPayload ImagePayload AudioPayload VideoPayload FilePayload CustomPayload MergerPayload LocationPayload FacePayload GroupTipPayload GroupSystemNoticePayload |
conversationID | String | - | Conversation ID of the message. |
conversationType | String | - | Conversation type of the message. Valid values: TencentCloudChat.TYPES.CONV_C2C --- C2C (one-to-one) conversation TencentCloudChat.TYPES.CONV_GROUP --- group conversation TencentCloudChat.TYPES.CONV_SYSTEM --- system conversation |
to | String | - | userID of the receiver |
from | String | - | userID of the sender. It is set to the ID of the currently logged-in user by default when a message is sent. |
flow | String | - | Message flow. in --- the received message out --- the sent message |
time | Number | - | Message timestamp in seconds |
status | String | - | Message status. unSend --- not sent success --- sent successfully fail --- failed to send |
isRevoked | Boolean | false | Whether the message is a recalled message. true indicates yes. |
priority | String | TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_PRIORITY_NORMAL | Message priority. This attribute applies to group chats. |
nick | String | - | Nickname of the message sender. This attribute needs to be set by calling the updateMyProfile API in advance. |
avatar | String | - | Profile photo URL of the message sender. This attribute needs to be set by calling the updateMyProfile API in advance. |
isPeerRead | Boolean | false | Whether the one-to-one message is read by the receiver. true indicates yes. |
nameCard | String | - | Group name card of the sender that sends a non-audio-video group message. This attribute also is called the nickname of the message sender in the group and needs to be set by calling the setGroupMemberNameCard API in advance. |
atUserList | Array | - | This field stores the userID values of the group members who are mentioned in the group message. |
cloudCustomData | String | '' | Custom message data, which is saved in the cloud, will be sent to the receiver, and can still be pulled after the application is uninstalled and reinstalled. |
isDeleted | Boolean | false | Whether the message is a deleted message. true indicates yes. |
isModified | Boolean | false | Whether the message is a modified message. true indicates yes. |
needReadReceipt | Boolean | false | Whether a read receipt is needed. true indicates yes. This attribute applies only to group messages. To use it, you need to purchase the Premium edition package. |
readReceiptInfo | Object | - | Message read receipt information readCount - count of the messages that are read, which can be queried by calling getMessageReadReceiptList API; to query the group members who read the message, call the getGroupMessageReadMemberList .unreadCount - count of the messages that are not read, which can be queried by calling the getMessageReadReceiptList API. |
isBroadcastMessage | Boolean | false | Whether the message is a broadcast message. true indicates yes. |
isSupportExtension | Boolean | false | whether the message supports extensions. true indicates yes. To use it, you need to purchase the Premium edition package. |
revoker | String | null | | userID of the one who recalled the message. |
Name | Type | Description |
text | String | Text message content |
Name | Type | Description |
uuid | String | Unique identifier of an image |
imageFormat | Format | Image format type. JPG/JPEG = 1, GIF = 2, PNG = 3, BMP = 4, other = 255 |
imageInfoArray | Array.<Object> | Image information. Each element contains attributes described as follows: width - Number height - Number url - String - Image address, which can be used for rendering size - Number - Image size, in bytes type - Number - 0, Original image; 1, 198p compressed image; 2, 720p compressed image |
Name | Type | Description |
uuid | String | Unique identifier |
url | String | Audio address, which can be used for playback |
size | Number | File size, in bytes |
second | Number | Audio duration, in seconds |
Name | Type | Description |
videoFormat | String | Video file format |
videoSecond | Number | Video file duration, in seconds and of integer type |
videoSize | Number | Video file size, in bytes |
videoUrl | String | Video file address, which can be used for playback |
videoUUID | String | Unique identifier of a video |
snapshotWidth | Number | snapshot image width |
snapshotHeight | Number | snapshot image height |
snapshotUrl | String | snapshot image address, which can be used rendering |
Name | Type | Description |
uuid | String | Unique identifier |
fileName | String | File name |
fileUrl | String | File address |
fileSize | Number | File size, in bytes |
Name | Type | Description |
data | String | "data" field of a custom message |
description | String | "description" field of a custom message |
extension | String | "extension" field of a custom message |
Name | Type | Description |
downloadKey | String | Key for downloading a combined message. If a combined message is large in size, the SDK will store it on the cloud, using this key as the unique identifier of the message. |
messageList | Array.<SimplifiedMessage> | List of messages combined |
title | String | Title of the combined message, for example, "Chat History of the Talent Center in the Greater Bay Area" |
abstractList | String | Digest list. You can set digest information in different formats for different message types, for example: for a text message, the digest can be in the "sender:text" format. For an image message, the digest can be in the "sender:[image]" format. For a file message, the digest can be in the "sender:[file]" format. |
compatibleText | String | Compatible text. SDKs of early versions do not support combined messages, and they will send a text message with the content compatibleText by default. |
layersOverLimit | Boolean | Whether the number of combination nesting levels exceeds the limit. true: the limit is exceeded, and the message is truncated. Default value: false |
Name | Type | Description |
description | String | Related description |
latitude | Number | Latitude |
longitude | Number | longitude |
Name | Type | Description |
index | Number | Emoji index, which is customized by the user |
data | String | Extra data |
Name | Type | Description |
groupJoinType | Number | Group joining type. Supported values are as follows: 0 - Default value, indicating that the operation is not a group joining operation. 1 - A user requests to join the group. 2 - A user is invited to the group. |
operatorID | String | ID of the user who performs the operation |
operationType | Number | Operation type. Supported values are as follows: 1 - A member joins the group. 2 - A member leaves the group.
3 - A group member is removed from the group.
4 - A group member is granted the group admin role.
5 - The group admin role of a group member is revoked.
6 - The group profile is modified.
7 - The profile of a group member is modified. For example, a group member is muted. 10 - An audio-video group member is banned. 11 - An audio-video group member is unbanned. |
userIDList | Array.<String> | List of relevant userIDs |
newGroupProfile | Object | If a group profile is modified, this field stores the new group profile. |
memberList | Array.<Object> | If a group member is muted, this field stores related information. Each element contains attributes described as follows: userID - String muteTime - Number - Muting duration, in seconds |
Name | Type | Description |
operatorID | String | ID of the user who performs the operation |
operationType | Number | Operation type. Supported values are as follows: 1 - A user requests to join the group.
2 - The request to join the group is approved.
3 - The request to join the group is rejected.
4 - A user is removed from the group.
5 - The group is deleted.
6 - The group is created.
7 - A user is invited to the group.
8 - A user leaves the group.
9 - The admin is modified.
10 - The admin is canceled.
11 - The group is repossessed.
12 - A user receives a group joining invitation, and needs to accept or reject the invitation. 13 - A user invites others to join the group, and the invitation is accepted.
14 - A user invites others to join the group, and the invitation is rejected. 15 - Read report synchronized across multiple terminals. 20 - Group message remind type synchronized across multiple terminals. 21 - ban an audio-video group member. 22 - unban an audio-video group member. 23 - a group member invites others to join the group.
255 - A custom notification is triggered.
groupProfile | Object | Profile of the relevant group |
userDefinedField | String | User-defined field |
handleMessage | Object | Remarks on the processing. For example, if user1 enters remarks on an application to join group1 that requires approval, the admin of group1 will see this field in the group system message. |
messageRemindType | String | TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_REMIND_ACPT_AND_NOTE - the SDK receives a message and throws a MESSAGE_RECEIVED event to notify the access side, which then sends a notification. TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_REMIND_ACPT_NOT_NOTE - the SDK receives a message and throws a MESSAGE_RECEIVED event to notify the access side, which then does not send a notification. TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_REMIND_DISCARD - the SDK rejects a message. |