Query Messages
Feature Overview
You can call
to query a local message by messageID
.1. Only local messages can be queried, for example, received messages or historical messages pulled by API.
2. Audio-video group (AVChatRoom) messages cannot be queried, as they are not saved locally.
You can call
to search for cloud messages(recommended).UI Display
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Find A Local Message
1. This interface queries the messages stored locally through
Name | Type | Description |
messageID | String | Message ID |
Return value
let message = chat.findMessage('144115217363870632-1647417469-77069006');if (message) {// Read the attributes of `message`, such as `readReceiptInfo`}
Search cloud messages
1. This feature is a value-added service, and you need to purchase the cloud search plugin.
2. This interface has a local rate limit of 2 times per second.
3. When searching for messages in [All Conversations], if the number of matching messages messageCount > 1, the interface returns an empty messageList []. You can display [
} ]related records on the UI. If you want to highlight the matching messages, please refer to [Specified Search] to highlight the returned messageList.4. When searching for messages in [All Conversations], if the number of matching messages in a conversation = 1, then messageList is the matching message.
5. Community, topic, and live group chats do not support searching cloud messages.
parameter is of the Object
type. It contains the following attribute values:Name | Type | Description |
keywordList | Array.<String> | Keyword list, supporting up to 5 keywords. When neither the message sender nor the message type is specified, the keyword list must not be empty; otherwise, the keyword list can be empty. |
keywordListMatchType | String | Keyword list matching type or: "or" relationship search (default) and: "and" relationship search |
senderUserIDList | Array.<String> | Specify messages sent by userID, supporting up to 5 IDs. |
messageTypeList | Array.<String> | Specify the collection of message types to search for, with the default being to search all types. When not provided, it indicates searching for all supported types of messages ( TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_FACE , TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_GRP_TIP , and TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_GRP_SYS_NOTICE are not supported).For specific values when provided, refer to TencentCloudChat.TYPES . |
conversationID | String | Search "All Conversations" or "Specified Conversations". If not specified, it means all conversations. Default: All Conversations. Conversation ID composition: C2C${userID} (one-to-one chat) GROUP${groupID} (group chat) |
timePosition | Number | The starting time point of the search. The default is 0, which means searching from now. Unit: seconds |
timePeriod | Number | The past time range from the starting time point, in seconds. The default is 0, which means no time limit. Passing 24 * 60 * 60 represents the past day. |
cursor | String | The starting position of each cloud search. Do not pass in the cursor for the first search; when continuing the search, fill in the value of the cursor returned by the last call to the searchCloudMessages interface. Note: The cursor is valid for 2 minutes during a full search. |
Return value
let promise = chat.searchCloudMessages({keywordList: ['hello', 'where are you'],});
let promise = chat.searchCloudMessages({keywordList: ['hello', 'where are you'],keywordListMatchType: 'and',});
let promise = chat.searchCloudMessages({keywordList: ['hello', 'where are you'],senderUserIDList: ['user1', 'user2'],});
let promise = chat.searchCloudMessages({keywordList: ['hello', 'where are you'],messageTypeList: [TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_TEXT, TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_CUSTOM],});
let promise = chat.searchCloudMessages({keywordList: ['hello', 'where are you'],timePosition: Number((new Date().getTime()/1000).toFixed(0)),timePeriod: 24 * 60 * 60,});promise.then(function(imResponse) {const { totalCount, cursor, searchResultList } = imResponse.data;// The total number of all conversations where messages meet the search criteria.console.log(totalCount);// The starting position for the next cloud search. If there is no next position, it indicates that the search result retrieval is complete.console.log(cursor);// Messages that meet the search criteria are grouped by conversation ID and returned in pages.console.log(searchResultList);for (let i = 0; i < searchResultList.length; i++) {const searchResultItem = searchResultList[i];const { conversationID, messageCount, messageList } = searchResultItem;console.log(conversationID);console.log(messageCount);。console.log(messageList);}}).catch(function(imError) {console.error(imError); // Search message failed});