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You must initialize the IM SDK before using its features. In most scenarios, you need to initialize the IM SDK only once during the application lifecycle.


You can initialize the SDK in the following steps:
1. Prepare an SDKAppID.
2. Set the SdkConfig.
3. Set the SDK event listener.
4. Call Init to initialize the SDK.
The detailed steps are as follows.

Preparing an SDKAppID

To perform the initialization, you must have a correct SDKAppID. SDKAppID is the unique ID that the IM service uses to identify a customer account. We recommend you apply for a new SDKAppID for every independent app to automatically isolate messages between SDKAppIDs. You can view all SDKAppIDs in the IM console or click Create Application to create an SDKAppID.

Setting the SdkConfig

Before initializing the SDK, you need to initialize the SdkConfig object, which is used to set the local SDK cache and log position.
It is used to configure the storage path of IM running logs and data.


Storage path of local IM data.
The app needs to have read-write access to this path.


It is the storage path of the IM logs.
The app needs to have read-write access to this path.

Calling the initialization API

After performing the above steps, you can call Init to initialize the SDK.
Sample code:
namespace Com.Tencent.IM.Unity.UIKit{
public static void Init() {
string sdkappid = ""; // Get the `SDKAppID` from the IM console
SdkConfig sdkConfig = new SdkConfig();

sdkConfig.sdk_config_config_file_path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/TIM-Config";

sdkConfig.sdk_config_log_file_path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/TIM-Log";

TIMResult res = TencentIMSDK.Init(long.Parse(sdkappid), sdkConfig);

Registering a SDK global event listener

After the initialization, SDK will throw such events as connection status and login ticket expiration through the NetworkStatusListenerCallback, UserSigExpiredCallback, and other callbacks. We recommend you register a global event listener immediately after calling initSDK and perform logic processing in such callbacks.
The callbacks are as described below:
Event Callback
Callback for receiving a new message
Callback for a message read receipt
Callback for a message recall
Callback for the upload progress of a message element
Callback for a group system message
Callback for a group attribute change
Callback for a change in the unread message count of a conversation
Callback for listening for the network connection status
Callback for being kicked offline
Callback for ticket expiration
Callback for adding a friend
Callback for deleting a friend
Callback for updating the profile of a friend
Callback for a friend request
Callback for deleting a friend request
Callback for reading a friend request
Callback for adding a friend to the blocklist
Callback for deleting a friend from the blocklist
Log callback
Callback for a message update
Callback for getting the list of group members who have read a group message
If you receive the UserSigExpiredCallback callback, the UserSig that you use for login has expired. In this case, you need to use the newly issued UserSig to log in again. If you continue to use the expired UserSig, the IM SDK will enter an infinite login loop.
// Uninitialization Generally, if your application's lifecycle is the same as the IM SDK's lifecycle, you don't need to uninitialize the IM SDK before exiting the application. However, you can uninitialize the IM SDK in special cases, for example, only after you enter a specific UI and no longer use it after exiting the UI.
You can perform the uninitialization by calling the uninitialization API unInit.
Sample code:
// Uninitialize the SDK


It is used to display the result returned when the SDK is called. When res is TIMResult.TIM_SUCC = 0, the API call is successful.
After the SDK is successfully initialized, add required listeners to avoid missing messages.


1. You must initialize the IM SDK before using the login, message, group, conversation, relationship chain and profile, and signaling features.