Conversation Draft

Feature Description

When sending a message, the user may want to switch to another chat window before finishing the message. The unfinished message can be saved through the ConvSetDraft API, so that the user can get back to it through the conv_draft field of the ConvInfo object and finish it.
1. A draft can contain only text.
2. A draft will be stored only in the local database and not on the server. Therefore, it cannot be synced across devices and will not be available after the application is uninstalled and reinstalled.

Setting a Conversation Draft

Call the ConvSetDraft API (Details) to set a conversation draft.
Sample code:
DraftParam draft_param = new DraftParam
draft_msg = new Message
message_conv_id = "1234",
message_conv_type = TIMConvType.kTIMConv_Group,
message_elem_array = new List<Elem>{new Elem
elem_type = TIMElemType.kTIMElem_Text,
text_elem_content = Input.text
TIMResult res = TencentIMSDK.ConvSetDraft(conv_id, conv_type, draft_param);