Custom Stream

You can use this integration mode if you want to apply effects to your own streams or want greater flexibility and control.

Step 1. Import the SDK

use npm package:
npm install tencentcloud-webar
import { ArSdk } from 'tencentcloud-webar';
you can also import the SDK using the following method:
<script charset="utf-8" src=""></script>
// Receive T ArSdk class from window.AR
const { ArSdk } = window.AR;

Step 2. Initialize an instance

1. Initialize an SDK instance.
// Get the authentication information
const authData = {
licenseKey: 'xxxxxxxxx',
appId: 'xxx',
authFunc: authFunc // For details, see “Configuring and Using a License - Signature”
// The input stream
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
audio: true,
video: { width: w, height: h }

const config = {
module: {
beautify: true, // Whether to enable the effect module, which offers beautification and makeup effects as well as stickers
segmentation: true // Whether to enable the keying module, which allows you to change the background
auth: authData, // The authentication information
input: stream, // The input stream
beautify: { // The effect parameters for initialization (optional)
whiten: 0.1,
dermabrasion: 0.3,
eye: 0.2,
chin: 0,
lift: 0.1,
shave: 0.2
const sdk = new ArSdk(
// Pass in a config object to initialize the SDK
The loading of the effect and segmentation modules takes time and consumes resources. You can enable only the module you need during initialization. A module not enabled will not be loaded or initialized.
2. For input, you can also pass in string|HTMLImageElement to process images.
const config = {
auth: authData, // The authentication information
input: 'https://xxx.png', // The input stream
const sdk = new ArSdk(
// Pass in a config object to initialize the SDK

// You can display the effect and filter list in the `created` callback. For details, see “SDK Integration - Parameters and APIs”.
sdk.on('created', () => {
// Get the built-in makeup effects
Type: 'Preset',
Label: 'Makeup',
}).then(res => {
effectList = res
// Get the built-in filters
sdk.getCommonFilter().then(res => {
filterList = res

// Call `setBeautify`, `setEffect`, or `setFilter` in the `ready` callback
// For details, see “SDK Integration - Configuring Effects”
sdk.on('ready', () => {
// Configure beautification effects
whiten: 0.2
// Configure special effects
id: effectList[0].EffectId,
intensity: 0.7
// Configure filters
sdk.setFilter(filterList[0].EffectId, 0.5)

Step 3. Play the stream

Call ArSdk.prototype.getOutput to get the output stream. The output streams you get in different callbacks vary slightly. Choose the one that fits your needs.
If you want to display a video image as quickly as possible, get and play the stream in the cameraReady callback. Because the SDK hasn’t loaded the resources or completed initialization at this point, the original video will be played.
sdk.on('cameraReady', async () => {
// By getting the output stream in the `cameraReady` callback, you can display a video image sooner. However, because the initialization parameters have not taken effect at this point, the output stream obtained will be the same as the original stream.
// You can choose this method if you want to display a video image as soon as possible but do not need to apply effects to the video the moment it is displayed.
// You don’t need to update the stream after the effects start to work.
const output = await ar.getOutput();
// Use `video` to preview the output stream
const video = document.createElement('video')
video.setAttribute('playsinline', '');
video.setAttribute('autoplay', '');
video.srcObject = output
If you want to play the video after the SDK is initialized and effects are applied, get and play the output stream in the ready playback.
sdk.on('ready', async () => {
// If you get the output stream in the `ready` callback, because the initialization parameters have taken effect at this point, the output stream obtained will show effects.
// The `ready` callback occurs later than `cameraReady`. You can get the output stream in `ready` if you want your video to show effects the moment it is displayed but do not expect it to be displayed as soon as possible.
const output = await ar.getOutput();
// Use `video` to preview the output stream
const video = document.createElement('video')
video.setAttribute('playsinline', '');
video.setAttribute('autoplay', '');
video.srcObject = output

Step 4. Get the output

After getting the MediaStream, you can use a live streaming SDK (for example, TRTC web SDK or LEB web SDK) to publish the stream.
const output = await sdk.getOutput()
To learn more about how to publish the processed streams, see Publishing Using TRTC and Publishing over WebRTC.
If the input passed in is an image, a string-type data URL will be returned. Otherwise, MediaStream will be returned.
The video track of the output stream is processed in real time by the Tencent Effect SDK. The audio track (if any) is kept.
getOutput is an async API. The output will be returned only after the SDK is initialized and has generated a stream.
You can pass an FPS parameter to getOutput to specify the output frame rate (for example, 15). If you do not pass this parameter, the original frame rate will be kept.
You can call getOutput multiple times to generate streams of different frame rates for different scenarios (for example, you can use a high frame rate for preview and a low frame rate for stream publishing).

Step 5. Configuring effects

For detailed directions, see Configuring Effects.

Updating the Input Stream

If you want to feed a new input stream to the SDK after changing the device or enabling/disabling the camera, you don’t need to initialize the SDK again. Just call sdk.updateInputStream to update the input stream. The following code shows you how to use updateInputStream to update the input stream after switching from the computer’s default camera to an external camera.

async function getVideoDeviceList(){
const devices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices()
const videoDevices = []
if(device.kind === 'videoinput'){
label: device.label,
id: device.deviceId
return videoDevices

async function initDom(){
const videoDeviceList = await getVideoDeviceList()
let dom = ''
dom = `${dom}
<button id=${} onclick='toggleVideo("${}")'>${device.label}<nbutton>
const div = document.createElement('div'); = 'container';
div.innerHTML = dom;

async function toggleVideo(deviceId){
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
video: {
width: 1280,
height: 720,
// Call an API provided by the SDK to change the input stream. The SDK will stop the existing tracks.
// After the input stream is updated, you don’t need to call `getOutput` again. The SDK will get the output.


Pausing and Resuming Detection

You can call disable and enable to manually pause and resume detection. Pausing detection can reduce CPU usage.
<button id="disable">Disable detection</button>
<button id="enable">Enable detection</button>
// Disable detection and output the original stream
disableButton.onClick = () => {
// Enable detection and output a processed stream
enableButton.onClick = () => {