API Overview

TUICallKit (UI Included)

TUICallKit is an audio/video call component that includes UI elements. You can use its APIs to quickly implement an audio/video call application similar to WeChat.
Create a TUICallKit instance (singleton mode).
Set user's avatar and nickname.
Make a one-to-one call.
Makes a one-to-one call, Support for custom room ID, call timeout, offline push content, etc
Make a group call.
Makes a group call, Support for custom room ID, call timeout, offline push content, etc
Join a group call.
Set the ringtone.
Set whether to turn on the mute mode.
Set whether to enable floating windows.
Sets whether to display incoming banner.

TUICallEngine (No UI)

TUICallEngine is an audio/video call component that does not include UI elements. If TUICallKit does not meet your requirements, you can use the APIs of TUICallEngine to customize your project.
Create a TUICallEngine instance (singleton).
Destroy TUICallEngine instance (singleton).
Authenticates the basic audio/video call capabilities.
Add listener.
Remove listener.
Make a one-to-one call.
Make a group call.
Accept call.
Reject call.
Hang up call.
Ignore call.
Invite users to the current group call.
Join a group call.
Switch the call media type, such as from video call to audio call.
Subscribes to the video stream of a remote user.
Unsubscribes from the video stream of a remote user.
Turns the camera on.
Turns the camera off.
Switches the camera.
Enables the mic.
Disables the mic.
Selects the audio playback device (Earpiece/Speakerphone).
Set user's avatar and nickname.
Sets whether to enable multi-device login for TUICallEngine (supported by the Group Call package).
Set the rendering mode of video.
Set the encoding parameters of video encoder.
Advanced features.
Set beauty level, support turning off default beauty.


TUICallObserver is the callback class of TUICallEngine. You can use it to listen for events.
An error occurred during the call.
A call was received.
The call was canceled.
The call was connected.
The call ended.
The call type changed.
A user declined the call.
A user didn't respond.
A user was busy.
A user joined the call.
A user left the call.
Whether a user has a video stream.
Whether a user has an audio stream.
The volume levels of all users.
The network quality of all users.
The current user was kicked offline.
The user sig is expired.

Definitions of Key Types

Call media type, Enumeration type: Unknown, Video, and Audio.
Call role, Enumeration type: None, Caller, and Called.
Call status, Enumeration type: None, Waiting, and Accept.
The room ID, which can be a number or string.
The camera type. Enumeration type: Front and Back.
The audio playback device type. Enumeration type: Earpiece and Speakerphone.
The current network quality.