This capability processes audio data and outputs blendshape data that meets the standards of Apple ARKit. For details, see ARFaceAnchor. You can pass the data to Unity to drive your model or use the data to implement other features.
Method 1: Integrate the Tencent Effect SDK
The capability of converting audio to expressions is built into the Tencent Effect SDK, so to use the capability, you can integrate the Tencent Effect SDK.
If you do not need other Tencent Effect capabilities, you can integrate the Audio-to-Expression SDK, the AAR file of which is about 6 MB. You can contact us to get the SDK.
2. Configure the model files: Copy the model files from assets to a private directory of your application, such as context.getFilesDir() + "/my_models_dir/audio2exp". Then, call the init(String modelPath) API of Audio2ExpApi, passing in context.getFilesDir() + "/my_models_dir".
You can find the model files at the following location of the SDK package:
public int Audio2ExpApi.init(String modelPath);
Initializes the SDK. You need to pass in the path of the model files. 0 indicates the initialization is successful.
public float[] Audio2ExpApi.parseAudio(float[] inputData);
The input is audio, which must be one-channel and have a sample rate of 16 Kbps and an array length of 267 (267 sampling points). The output is a float array with 52 elements, which correspond to 52 blendshapes. The value range of each element is 0-1, and their sequence is specified by Apple{"eyeBlinkLeft","eyeLookDownLeft","eyeLookInLeft","eyeLookOutLeft","eyeLookUpLeft","eyeSquintLeft","eyeWideLeft","eyeBlinkRight","eyeLookDownRight","eyeLookInRight","eyeLookOutRight","eyeLookUpRight","eyeSquintRight","eyeWideRight","jawForward","jawLeft","jawRight","jawOpen","mouthClose","mouthFunnel","mouthPucker","mouthRight","mouthLeft","mouthSmileLeft","mouthSmileRight","mouthFrownRight","mouthFrownLeft","mouthDimpleLeft","mouthDimpleRight","mouthStretchLeft","mouthStretchRight","mouthRollLower","mouthRollUpper","mouthShrugLower","mouthShrugUpper","mouthPressLeft","mouthPressRight","mouthLowerDownLeft","mouthLowerDownRight","mouthUpperUpLeft","mouthUpperUpRight","browDownLeft","browDownRight","browInnerUp","browOuterUpLeft","browOuterUpRight","cheekPuff","cheekSquintLeft","cheekSquintRight","noseSneerLeft","noseSneerRight","tongueOut"}
public int Audio2ExpApi.release();
Releases resources. Call this API when you no longer need the capability.