Online Status
Showing the online status of the other users, on both conversation list and contacts list, are supported since the version of 0.1.3 of Flutter TUIKit.
Conversation list
Turn on "Online Status" | Turn off "Online Status" |
| |
Contacts list
Turn on "Online Status" | Turn off "Online Status" |
| |
Using this module
Config the online status configuration field
in TUIKit global TIMUIKitConfig
when initializing TUIKit to control whether this function is enabled or CoreServicesImpl _coreInstance = TIMUIKitCore.getInstance();_coreInstance.init(config: const TIMUIKitConfig(isShowOnlineStatus: true or false, // Add this line// ... Other configurations),// ... Other configurations);
This field is the main switch of the following fields, while all the online status will be turned off if this field is
and the following field can be specified separately if this field is true
.Conversation list
TIMUIKitConversation is the widget of conversation list.
A field of the "user online status" function switch isShowOnlineStatus been provided at
, its type is boolean, and the default is true
.TIMUIKitConversation(isShowOnlineStatus: true or false,// ... Other configurations)
Contacts list
TIMUIKitContact is the widget of contacts list.
A field of the "user online status" function switch isShowOnlineStatus been provided at
, its type is boolean, and the default is true
.TIMUIKitContact(isShowOnlineStatus: true or false,// ... Other configurations)
Contact us
If there's anything unclear or you have more ideas, feel free to contact us!