please select
  • Overview
  • Web
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • UI Customization
    • Conference Control
    • In-Conference Chat
    • On-Cloud Recording
    • AI Noise Suppression
    • Robot Streaming
    • Virtual Background
    • More Features
      • Floating Window
      • Text Watermark
    • API Documentation
      • RoomKit API
      • RoomEngine API
        • API Overview
        • TUIRoomEngine
        • TUIRoomEvents
        • TUIRoomEngine Defines
    • FAQs
  • iOS
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • UI Customization
    • Conference Control
    • In-Conference Chat
    • On-Cloud Recording
    • AI Noise Suppression
    • Robot Streaming
    • More Features
      • Floating Window
    • API Documentation
      • RoomKit API
      • RoomEngine API
        • API Overview
        • TUIRoomEngine
        • TUIRoomObserver
        • Type Definition
    • FAQs
  • Android
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • UI Customization
    • Conference Control
    • In-Conference Chat
    • On-Cloud Recording
    • AI Noise Suppression
    • Robot Streaming
    • More Features
      • Floating Window
    • API Documentation
      • RoomKit API
      • RoomEngine API
        • API Overview
        • TUIRoomEngine
        • TUIRoomObserver
        • Type Definition
    • FAQs
  • Electron
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • UI Customization
    • Conference Control
    • In-Conference Chat
    • On-Cloud Recording
    • AI Noise Suppression
    • Robot Streaming
    • More Features
      • Floating Window
      • Text Watermark
    • API Documentation
      • RoomKit API
      • RoomEngine API
        • API Overview
        • TUIRoomEvent
        • TUIRoomEngine
        • TUIRoomEngine Defines
    • FAQs
  • Flutter
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • UI Customization
    • Conference Control
    • In-Conference Chat
    • On-Cloud Recording
    • AI Noise Suppression
    • Robot Streaming
    • More Features
      • Floating Window
    • API Documentation
      • RoomKit API
      • RoomEngine API
        • API Overview
        • TUIRoomEngine
        • TUIRoomObserver
        • Type Definition
    • FAQs
  • Overview
    • Overview
  • Activate the Service
  • Pricing
    • Free Minutes
    • Conference Monthly Packages
    • Billing Explanation for Subscription Package Duration
    • Pay-as-you-go
      • Billing of Audio and Video Duration
      • Billing of On-Cloud Recording and Recording Delivery
      • Billing of MixTranscoding and Relay to CDN
  • Server APIs
    • REST API
      • RESTful API Overview
      • RESTful API List
      • Room Management
        • Create a Room
        • Destroy a Room
        • Update the Room Information
        • Get the Room Information
      • User Management
        • Get the Room Member List
        • Update the Room Member Information
        • Change the Room Ownership
        • Mark Room Members
        • Ban Room Members
        • Unban Room Members
        • Get the Banned Room Member List
        • Remove Room Member
      • Seat Management
        • Get the Seat List
        • Pick User on the Seat
        • Kick User off the Seat
        • Lock the Seat
    • Third-Party Callback
      • Callback Overview
      • Callback Command List
      • Callback Configuration
        • Query Callback Configuration
        • Create Callback Configuration
        • Update Callback Configuration
        • Delete Callback Configuration
      • Room Related
        • After a Room Is Created
        • After a Room Is Destroyed
        • After the Room Information Is Updated
      • User Related
        • After a Room Is Entered
        • After a Room Is Left
      • Seat Connection Related
        • After the Seat List Is Changed
  • Error Code

API Overview

TUIRoomEngine API List

TUIRoomEngine API is the Audio/Video call Component's No UI Interface, you can use this set of API to customize packaging according to your business needs.

TUIRoomEngine Core Methods

Create TUIRoomEngine Instance
Destroy TUIRoomEngine Instance
Login interface, you need to initialize user information before entering the room and perform a series of operations.
Logout interface, there will be actively leave room operation, destroy resources
Set local user name and avatar
Set login user information
Get local user basic information
Set event callback
Remove event callback

Room Related Active Interface

Create room
Close the room
Entered room
Leave room
Connect to other room
Disconnect from other room
Get room data
Update room name
Set room management mode (only administrator or group owner can call)

Local User View Rendering, Video Management

Set the view control for local user video rendering
Open local camera
Close local camera
Update local video codec quality settings
Set the encoding parameters of video encoder
Set the resolution mode of video encoder
Enable the gravity sensor
Start pushing local video
Stop pushing local video
Start screen sharing
Stop screen sharing

Local User Audio Management

Open local microphone
Close local microphone
Update local audio codec quality settings
Mute local audio
UnMute local audio

Remote User View Rendering, Video Management

Set the view control for remote user video rendering
Start playing remote user video
Stop playing remote user video
Mute remote user

Room User Information

Get the member list in the room
Get member information

Room User Management

Modify user role (only administrator or group owner can call)
Kick Remote User out of the Room (Only Administrator or Group Owner can call)
Add category tags to users (Only Administrator or Group Owner can call)
Remove category tags to users (Only Administrator or Group Owner can call)
Get user information in the room based on tags

Speech Management in Room

Control the permission status of whether all users in the current room can open Audio and Video streams capturing devices, such as: Prohibit all from turning on the mic, Prohibit all from turning on the Camera, Prohibit all from turning on Screen Sharing (currently only available in meeting scenes, and only administrators or group owners can invoke).
Request Remote User to Open Media Device (Only Administrator or Group Owner can call)
Close Remote User's Media Device (Only Administrator or Group Owner can call)
Request to Open Local Media Device (Available for Ordinary Users)

Microphone Seat Management in Room

Set Maximum Number of Microphone Seats (Only supported when entering the room and creating the room)
Get Microphone Seat List
Lock Microphone Seat (Including Position Lock, Audio State Lock, Video State Lock)
Apply to Go Live (Not Required in Free Speech Mode)
Apply to leave the live (Not Required in Free Speech Mode)
Host/Administrator invites user to go live
Host/Administrator kicks user off the microphone seat

Signaling Management

Cancel Request
Reply to Request

Send Message

Send Text Message
Send Custom Message
Disable Remote User's Text Message Sending Ability (Only Administrator or Group Owner can call)
Disable All Users' Text Message Sending Ability (Only Administrator or Group Owner can call) Advanced Feature: Get TRTC Instance

Advanced Features

Switch front/rear camera
Set beauty level
Set whiteness level

Debugging related

Call experimental api

TUIRoomObserver Callback Event

TUIRoomObserver is the Callback Event class corresponding to TUIRoomEngine. You can monitor the Callback Events you need through this Callback.


Error Callback

Error Callback Event

Login Status Event Callback

User Kicked Offline Event
User Credential Timeout Event

Room Event Callback

Room Name Change Event
All Users' Microphones Disabled in Room Event
All Users' Cameras Disabled in Room Event
All Users' Text Message Sending Disabled in Room Event
Room Dismissed Event
Kicked Out of Room Event
Room Microphone Control Mode Change

Room User Event Callback

Remote User Entering Room Event
Remote User Leaving Room Event
User Role Change Event
User Video State Change Event
User Audio State Change Event
User Volume Change Event
User Text Message Sending Ability Change Event
User Network Status Change Event
Screen Sharing End Event

Room Microphone Seat Event Callback

Room Maximum Microphone Seat Number Change Event (Only effective in conference type rooms)
Microphone Seat List Change Event
Received User Kicked Off Microphone Event

Request Signaling Event Callback

Received Request Message Event
Received Request Cancellation Event

Room Message Event Callback

Received Normal Text Message Event
Received Custom Message Event