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RTC Engine
  • Overview
  • Web
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • Basic Features
      • Screen Sharing
      • Live Streaming
      • Media Device
      • Audio Volume
      • Set Encoding Profile
      • Detect Network Quality
      • Detect Capabilities
    • Advance Features
      • Enable AI Denoiser
      • Enable Audio Mixer
      • Enable Watermark
      • Enable Virtual Background
      • Enable Beauty and Effects
      • Data Messages
      • Custom Capturing and Rendering
    • API List
    • Released Notes
    • Supported Platforms
    • Web FAQs
      • Optimize Multi-Person Video Calls
      • Handle Autoplay Restriction
      • Handle Firewall Restriction
      • Others
  • Android
    • Run Sample Code
    • Integration
    • Basic Features
      • Sensing Network Quality
      • Enabling Screen Sharing
      • Setting Video Quality
      • Rotating Videos
    • Advanced Features
      • Testing Newwork Quality
      • Custom Capturing and Rendering
      • Custom Audio Capturing and Playback
    • Client APIs
      • Overview
      • TRTCCloud
      • TRTCStatistics
      • TRTCCloudListener
      • TXAudioEffectManager
      • TXBeautyManager
      • TXDeviceManager
      • Type Definition
      • Deprecated Interface
      • Error Codes
    • Solution
      • Real-Time Chorus (TUIKaraoke)
        • Quick Integration
        • Implementation Steps
        • Song Synchronization
        • Lyric Synchronization
        • Vocal Synchronization
        • Mixing Stream Solution
        • TRTCKaraoke APIs
        • FAQs
    • Release Notes
  • iOS
    • Run Sample Code
    • Integration
    • Basic Features
      • Sensing Network Quality
      • Enabling Screen Sharing
      • Setting Video Quality
      • Rotating Videos
    • Advanced Features
      • Testing Network Quality
      • Custom Capturing and Rendering
      • Custom Audio Capturing and Playback
    • Client APIs
      • Overview
      • TRTCCloud
      • TRTCCloudDelegate
      • TRTCStatistics
      • TXAudioEffectManager
      • TXBeautyManager
      • TXDeviceManager
      • Type Definition
      • Deprecated Interface
      • ErrorCode
    • Solution
      • Quick Integration
      • Implementation Steps
      • Song Synchronization
      • Lyric Synchronization
      • Vocal Synchronization
      • Mixing Stream Solution
      • TRTCKaraoke APIs
      • FAQs
    • Release Notes
  • macOS
    • Run Sample Code
    • Integration
    • Basic Features
      • Sensing Network Quality
      • Enabling Screen Sharing
      • Sharing Computer Audio
      • Setting Video Quality
      • Rotating Videos
    • Advanced Features
      • Testing Hardware Devices
      • Testing Network Quality
      • Custom Capturing and Rendering
      • Custom Audio Capturing and Playback
    • Client APIs
      • Overview
      • TRTCCloud
      • TRTCCloudDelegate
      • TRTCStatistics
      • TXAudioEffectManager
      • TXBeautyManager
      • TXDeviceManager
      • Type Definition
      • Deprecated Interface
      • ErrorCode
      • Release Notes
    • Release Notes
  • Windows
    • Run Sample Code
    • Integration
    • Basic Features
      • Sensing Network Quality
      • Enabling Screen Sharing
      • Setting Video Quality
      • Rotating Videos
    • Advanced Features
      • Testing Hardware Devices
      • Testing Network Quality
      • Custom Capturing and Rendering
      • Custom Audio Capturing and Playback
    • Client APIs
      • Overview
      • ITRTCCloud
      • ITRTCStatistics
      • TRTCCloudCallback
      • ITXAudioEffectManager
      • ITXDeviceManager
      • Type Definition
      • Deprecated Interface
      • Error Codes
    • Release Notes
  • Electron
    • Integration
      • 1.API Examples
      • 2.Importing the SDK
      • 3.Entering a Room
      • 4.Subscribing to Audio/Video Streams
      • 5.Publish Audio/Video Streams
      • 6.Exiting a Room
      • 7.Sensing Network Quality
      • 8.Enabling Screen Sharing
      • 9.Sharing Computer Audio
      • 10.Setting Video Quality
      • 11.Rotating Videos
    • Client APIs
      • Overview
      • Error Codes
  • Flutter
    • Integration
      • 1.API Examples
      • 2.Importing the SDK
      • 3.Entering a Room
      • 4.Subscribing to Audio/Video Streams
      • 5.Publish Audio/Video Streams
      • 6.Exiting a Room
      • 7.Sensing Network Quality
      • 8.Enabling Screen Sharing
      • 9.Sharing Computer Audio
      • 10.Setting Video Quality
      • 11.Rotating Videos
    • Client APIs
      • Overview
      • Error Codes
  • Unity
    • Integration
      • 1.API Examples
      • 2Importing the SDK
    • Client APIs
      • Overview
      • Error Codes
  • Qt
    • Integration
      • 1.Importing the SDK
  • Overview
    • Overview
  • Concepts
  • Features
  • Performance Statistics
  • Pricing
    • Free Minutes
    • RTC-Engine Monthly Packages
    • Billing Explanation for Subscription Package Duration
    • Pay-as-you-go
      • Billing of Audio and Video Duration
      • Billing of On-Cloud Recording and Recording Delivery
      • Billing of MixTranscoding and Relay to CDN
  • FAQs
    • FAQs for Beginners
    • Migration Guide
      • Twilio Video to Tencent RTC
      • Billing
      • Features
      • UserSig
      • Firewall Restrictions
      • How to Downsize Installation Package
      • TRTCCalling for Web
      • Audio and Video Quality
      • Others
RTC Engine

Handle Autoplay Restriction


In order to prevent web pages from automatically playing audio and video and causing interference to users, browsers have restricted the automatic playback function of audio and video: before the user interacts with the web page (such as clicking, touching the page, etc.), the web page will be prohibited from playing media with sound. In iOS 10+, if low power mode is enabled, media without sound will also be prohibited from playing.

Affected by the above browser autoplay policy, users may not be able to hear the sound when playing audio. The most common business scenario for this issue is that the users are able to enter the room and start remote audio automatically without user interaction(e.g. click) after refreshing the page.

This tutorial mainly introduces how to solve the issue of playback failure caused by the restriction of autoplay policy.


1. Use the SDK's autoplay popup window

By default, when autoplay fails, the SDK will pop up to guide the user to interact with the page. After the interaction occurs, the SDK will actively call the interface to resume playback.
Advantage: The business side does not need to do anything, simple and efficient.
Disadvantage: The popup window provided by the SDK may not meet the design requirements of the business product. At this time, you can consider using Solution 2.
The popup window provided by the SDK is adapted to desktop and mobile browser, and the style is as follows:

The SDK will switch the English and Chinese popup prompts according to the value of navigator.language.
When the user clicks "OK", the SDK automatically calls the relevant interface to resume playback.
In order to ensure that the popup window is displayed on the top layer as much as possible, its z-index value is 1500.

2. Business side provides popup window processing

If Solution 1 does not meet your product design requirements, you can also solve the autoplay problem in the following ways.

2.1 Setting the enableAutoPlayDialog parameter in the trtc.enterRoom interface to false to turn off the SDK's popup window.
2.2 Listening to the AUTOPLAY_FAILED event, and guiding the user to click the page when the event triggered. The SDK will automatically resume the audio playback after the user clicks the page.
2.3 In product design, it is recommended to guide users to interact with the page before entering the room (such as clicking the enter room button), which can avoid autoplay failure.
trtc.on(TRTC.EVENT.AUTOPLAY_FAILED, event => {
// Guide the user to click the page, you can pop up a prompt.
await trtc.enterRoom({ enableAutoPlayDialog: false });
Most browsers release the autoplay restriction after user interaction, and this step can effectively avoid the error of autoplay failure. However, due to the differences in the implementation of autoplay policies by various browser manufacturers, even if users are guided to interact with the page in advance, autoplay failure errors may still occur. Therefore, you still need to listen to the AUTOPLAY_FAILED event, and guiding the user to click the page.

For example: In the iOS WeChat browser and its mini-program webview, when playing a remote stream for the first time on the page, you must call the playback interface in the callback function of the user click event, otherwise playback will fail. If you use setTimeout and other interfaces to asynchronously call the playback interface in the callback of the user click event, you will also encounter autoplay failure errors.

Disable Autoplay Policy in Webview

The default autoplay policy in Android and iOS Webview may be different to the browser. You can refer to the following document to turn off autoplay restrictions in your App.

iOS Webview: Set mediaTypesRequiringUserActionForPlayback to WKAudiovisualMediaTypeNone.
