
This document describes how to use the Definition ringtone and the silent incoming call ringtone feature.

Setting the Incoming Call Ringtone

Only local MP3 format file addresses can be passed in, ensuring that the file is accessible.
To reset to the default ringtone, pass in an empty string for filePath.
Import the ringtone file using the ES6 import method.
Vue v3.0.0 or later versions are supported
import filePath from '../public/ring.mp3';

try {
await TUICallKitServer.setCallingBell(filePath?: string);
} catch (error: any) {
alert(`[TUICallKit] setCallingBell API failed. Reason: ${error}`);

Silent incoming call ringtone

Enable/Disable incoming call ringtone.
After enabling, the incoming call ringtone will not be played when a call request is received.
Vue ≥ v3.1.2 is supported
try {
await TUICallKitServer.enableMuteMode(enable: boolean);
} catch (error: any) {
alert(`[TUICallKit] enableMuteMode API failed. Reason: ${error}`);