please select
  • Overview
  • Web
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • UI Customization
    • Conference Control
    • In-Conference Chat
    • On-Cloud Recording
    • AI Noise Suppression
    • Robot Streaming
    • Virtual Background
    • More Features
      • Floating Window
      • Text Watermark
    • API Documentation
      • RoomKit API
      • RoomEngine API
        • API Overview
        • TUIRoomEngine
        • TUIRoomEvents
        • TUIRoomEngine Defines
    • FAQs
  • iOS
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • UI Customization
    • Conference Control
    • In-Conference Chat
    • On-Cloud Recording
    • AI Noise Suppression
    • Robot Streaming
    • More Features
      • Floating Window
    • API Documentation
      • RoomKit API
      • RoomEngine API
        • API Overview
        • TUIRoomEngine
        • TUIRoomObserver
        • Type Definition
    • FAQs
  • Android
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • UI Customization
    • Conference Control
    • In-Conference Chat
    • On-Cloud Recording
    • AI Noise Suppression
    • Robot Streaming
    • More Features
      • Floating Window
    • API Documentation
      • RoomKit API
      • RoomEngine API
        • API Overview
        • TUIRoomEngine
        • TUIRoomObserver
        • Type Definition
    • FAQs
  • Electron
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • UI Customization
    • Conference Control
    • In-Conference Chat
    • On-Cloud Recording
    • AI Noise Suppression
    • Robot Streaming
    • More Features
      • Floating Window
      • Text Watermark
    • API Documentation
      • RoomKit API
      • RoomEngine API
        • API Overview
        • TUIRoomEvent
        • TUIRoomEngine
        • TUIRoomEngine Defines
    • FAQs
  • Flutter
    • Run Sample Demo
    • Integration
    • UI Customization
    • Conference Control
    • In-Conference Chat
    • On-Cloud Recording
    • AI Noise Suppression
    • Robot Streaming
    • More Features
      • Floating Window
    • API Documentation
      • RoomKit API
      • RoomEngine API
        • API Overview
        • TUIRoomEngine
        • TUIRoomObserver
        • Type Definition
    • FAQs
  • Overview
    • Overview
  • Activate the Service
  • Pricing
    • Free Minutes
    • Conference Monthly Packages
    • Billing Explanation for Subscription Package Duration
    • Pay-as-you-go
      • Billing of Audio and Video Duration
      • Billing of On-Cloud Recording and Recording Delivery
      • Billing of MixTranscoding and Relay to CDN
  • Server APIs
    • REST API
      • RESTful API Overview
      • RESTful API List
      • Room Management
        • Create a Room
        • Destroy a Room
        • Update the Room Information
        • Get the Room Information
      • User Management
        • Get the Room Member List
        • Update the Room Member Information
        • Change the Room Ownership
        • Mark Room Members
        • Ban Room Members
        • Unban Room Members
        • Get the Banned Room Member List
        • Remove Room Member
      • Seat Management
        • Get the Seat List
        • Pick User on the Seat
        • Kick User off the Seat
        • Lock the Seat
    • Third-Party Callback
      • Callback Overview
      • Callback Command List
      • Callback Configuration
        • Query Callback Configuration
        • Create Callback Configuration
        • Update Callback Configuration
        • Delete Callback Configuration
      • Room Related
        • After a Room Is Created
        • After a Room Is Destroyed
        • After the Room Information Is Updated
      • User Related
        • After a Room Is Entered
        • After a Room Is Left
      • Seat Connection Related
        • After the Seat List Is Changed
  • Error Code

Run Sample Demo

This document mainly introduces how to quickly run through the TUIRoomKit sample project and experience a high-quality multi-person video conference. By following this document, you can run through the demo within 10 minutes and ultimately experience a multi-person video conference feature with a complete UI interface.
Conference creation page
Conference main page


3.0.0 or later.
Android 4.1 (SDK API level 16) or later (Android 5.0 (SDK API level 21) or later is recommended). Android Studio 3.5 or later (Gradle 3.5.4 or later). Android 4.1 or later mobile devices.
iOS 12.0 or later.

Download the Demo

1. Download the TUIRoomKit Demo source code from GitHub, or directly execute the following command in the command line:
2. Open the TUIRoomKit Flutter's example project with Android Studio or VSCode. The following process will take VSCode as an example:

Configure the Demo

1. Activate the Conference services, to obtain the SDKAppID and SDKSecretKey.

2. Open the project and find the example/lib/debug/generate_test_user_sig.dart file within the project. Enter the SDKAppID and SDKSecretKey obtained from Back into it:

Running the Demo

1. Open example/lib/main.dart with VSCode, and click the device connection button at the bottom right. Choose the device you wish to run from the pop-up box at the top. After selecting, click the run button at the top right to run the TUIRoomKit Flutter Demo on the device.

2. You can also run the following command in the example directory to run it on your device.
flutter run
APP main page
Conference creation page

Create your first conference

Click on the Create Room button to create your first meeting room. The room types are On-stage Speaking Room and Free Speech Room.
Free Speech Room: Regular users can freely speak and have the liberty to turn their microphones and cameras on or off.
On-stage Speaking Room: Only users on stage can freely turn their microphones and cameras on or off. Regular audience members can apply to become stage users by raising their hand.
Free speech room member management panel
On-stage speaking room member list panel

Join conference

After clicking Join Room, participants can join the meeting created by the host by filling in the corresponding RoomId.
Join conference page
Conference main page