Manage team members by adding, deleting, editing, and searching for member information.
Add Member
1. Access the Management Panel, click on "Team Management" in the left navigation bar to enter the Members page. In the upper right corner of the Members page, click "Add Member."
2. Fill in the member's nickname, email, and role. Once completed, click "Complete." Once added successfully, the system will send an email to the member's email address containing a random password, advising the agents to check their email to log in.
Member Roles
Member roles consist of Super Administrators, Administrators, and Agents.
Super Administrator: The default administrator created when activating Tencent Cloud Desk, who can perform any action on administrators and agents, except delete or modify themselves.
Administrator: Can edit other administrators and agents, reset passwords, force logoffs, and delete accounts. Administrators cannot reset their own passwords or have themselves forced offline.
Agent: Cannot access the Management Panel.
Edit Member
Click "Edit" in the action column of the member to change the member's nickname and role. Email addresses cannot be changed; you may delete and re-add a member if necessary.
Reset Password
If a member forgets their password or does not receive the email with the random password, an administrator can click "Password Reset" in the action column for the member to send an email with a new random password to the member's email address, deactivating the original password.
Delete Member
Click "Delete" in the action column for the target member. Once deleted, the member will no longer be able to log in.
Force Offline
Click "Force Online" in the action column for the member. After this operation, the member will not be able to log in again.
Restore Online
If a member has been set to "Force Offline" and you wish to lift the login restrictions, click "Restore Online" in the action column for the member, allowing them to log in again.