Customize TTS protocol
Invocation Mode
POST : http://xxxxxxxxxxxx/api/v1/tts/stream
HTTP Request Header
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 X-Task-Id: task_id_value X-Rquest-Id: request_id X-Sdk-App-Id: SdkAppId X-User-Id:UserId X-Room-Id:RoomId X-Room-Id-Type: "0" Authorization: Bearer "API-KEY"
Request Example
{ "Text": "Hello, world! This is a test for the streaming TTS API.。", "Format": "wav", "SampleRate": 16000, "Channel": 1 }
HTTP Request Header
field | describe |
Content-Type | application/json |
charset | UTF-8 |
X-Task-Id | The ID of the conversation task |
X-Rquest-Id | The Id of the request, the retry will carry the same RequestId |
X-Sdk-App-Id | AppId for the SDK |
X-User-Id | UserId |
X-Room-Id | Romm Id |
X-Room-Id-Type | RommId type, 0 - numeric room number, 1 - character string room number |
Authorization | Authentication, in the form of Bearer "API-KEY" |
Request Parameter
Parameter name | Required | type | describe |
Text | yes | String | Voice text |
Format | no | String | The desired audio format for output, such asMp3, ogg _ opus, pcm, wav, wav by default,Only PCM and WAV are supported. |
SampleRate | no | Integer | Audio sampling rate, defaults to 16000 (16k), recommends 16000 |
Channel | no | Integer | Audio channel, value: 1 or 2Default 1 |
The value of Content-Type needs to be used to determine if the synthesis was successful.
If successful, the normal return to binary speech, different audio frequency format Content-Type as follows, need to be set in the header of the HTTP responseTransfer-Encoding: chunked。
Audio format | Content-Type |
mp3 | audio/mpeg |
ogg_opus | audio/ogg |
pcm | audio/L16 |
wav | audio/wav |
If it fails, the JSON result is returned with the header information: Content-type: application / json. The response is:
{ "error": { "code": "ERROR_CODE", "message": "A description of the error" } }