Beauty Effects

TUILiveKit offers two types of beauty effects: Basic Beauty and Advanced Beauty. If you are not satisfied with the results of Basic Beauty, you can choose to integrate Advanced Beauty to meet your more advanced beauty needs.

Basic Beauty

TUILiveKit comes with Basic Beauty functionality by default. Basic Beauty includes features such as skin whitening, skin smoothing, and adding a ruddy tint to the complexion. You can adjust the intensity of these beauty effects to meet different requirements. These features are already built-in within TUILiveKit, so there is no need for additional configuration or integration.

Panel Display

Advanced Beauty

TUILiveKit utilizes Tencent Effects Beauty for advanced beauty effects.

Effect Showcase

Chin slimming
Eye distance
Nose slimming
3D animated effects

The advanced beauty enhancement feature requires a separate fee. For more details, please refer to the Tencent Effects SDK.

Integration Guide

Step 1: Integrating tebeautykit

1. Download and extract TUILiveKit. Copy the Android/tebeautykit folder to your project, at the same level as the app folder.

2. Please edit your project's settings.gradle file and add the following code:
include ':tebeautykit'
1. Download and extract TUILiveKit. Copy the iOS/TEBeautyKit folder to your project, at the same level as the Podfile folder.

2. Please edit the Podfile and add the following code:
pod 'TEBeautyKit',:podspec => './TEBeautyKit/TEBeautyKit.podspec'
3. Save the changes and run pod install in the terminal to install the tebeautykit dependency.

Step 2: Authorization & Setting Beauty Resources

1. Apply for authorization and obtain LicenseUrl and LicenseKey. Please refer to the License Guide for more information.
2. In the initialization section of your business logic (typically in the same location as the login process), Add the following authorization code and replace it with the Beauty Package ID, LicenseUrl, and LicenseKey you have obtained:
S1_07, // Replace S1_07 with the beauty package number you purchased.
"LicenseUrl", // Replace with your LicenseUrl
"LicenseKey"); // Replace with youLicenseKey
On iOS, you can set the relevant content in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method of AppDelegate.
// AppDelegate.swift

import TEBeautyKit

func application(_ application: UIApplication,
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
TEBeautyKit.setTELicense("LicenseURL", key: "LicenseKEY") { code, message in
TEUIConfig.shareInstance().setPanelLevel(.S1_07) // Replace S1_07 with the beauty package number you purchased.
return true
If you are unsure about the beauty package number, click here to view the overview of beauty package numbers.
By completing the aforementioned steps, you will have successfully integrated advanced beauty effects.