

Feature Description

Users can set and get their nicknames, profile photos, and statuses as well as the profile information of non-friend users. The methods are in the TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getFriendshipManager() core class.

Relationship Chain Event Listener

Call addFriendListener (Details) to add a contacts event listener.
To stop receiving contacts events, call removeFriendListener (Details) to remove the contacts event listener.
You need to set the contacts event listener in advance to receive event notifications.
Sample code:
// Add a contacts listener
const frindshipListener = {
onBlackListAdd: (infoList) => {},
onBlackListDeleted: (userids) => {},
onFriendApplicationListAdded: (applicationlist) => {},
onFriendApplicationListDeleted: (applicationlist) => {},
onFriendApplicationListRead: () => {},
onFriendInfoChanged: (frindInfolist) => {},
onFriendListAdded: (frindInfolist) => {},
onFriendListDeleted: (userd) => {},
// Remove the contacts listener

User Profile Management

Querying and modifying your own profile

Call the getUsersInfo API (Details) and enter a user's UserID for the userIDList parameter to query the user's profile.
Call the setSelfInfo API (Details) to modify a user's profile. After the profile is modified successfully, you will receive the onSelfInfoUpdated callback (Details).
Sample code:
// Get a user's profile
const self = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.getLoginUser();

// Set the user's profile
nickName: "",
role: 0,
faceUrl: "",

Querying the user profile of a non-friend

Call the getUsersInfo API (Details) and enter the UserID of a non-friend user for the userIDList parameter to query the profile of the non-friend user.
The profile of a non-friend user cannot be modified.

Querying and modifying a friend's profile

Call the getFriendsInfo API (Details) to query the profile of the specified friend. The relationship between the user and the friend can be obtained through the relation field of the V2TIMFriendInfoResult in the callback:
Not a friend
Two-way friend
The user is in your contacts.
You are in the user's contacts.
// Get the information of a friend
const friendsInfo = await friendshipManager.getFriendsInfo(["userID"]);
Call the setFriendInfo API (Details) to modify the information of a friend such as remarks.
// Set the friend's information
nickName: "",
role: 0,
faceUrl: "",


What should I do if the user profile obtained in the Enhanced edition is not the latest?

There are two types of user profile updates in the enhanced SDK:
Friend's profile: When the profile of a friend is updated, the backend will send a system notification to the SDK, so the profile will be updated in real time.
Non-friend user's profile: When the profile of a non-friend user is updated, the backend cannot send a system notification to the SDK; therefore, the profile cannot be updated in real time. To avoid sending a network request to the backend every time the user profile is obtained, the SDK adds the caching logic and allows a user to pull the profile from the backend every ten minutes.