


The TUIChat emoji panel is built with emojis, and you can also add custom emojis as needed. This document describes how to add custom emojis.
Built-in emoji panel
Custom emoji panel

The emoji panel consists of two parts as shown below:
The management of emoji resource images, including the display of emoji images.
The management of emoji groups, including thumbnails of emoji groups and the send button.

Adding a Custom Sticker

Add a custom sticker in just two steps:
1. Prepare the emoji resources.
2. Load the sticker when starting the app.
Note that TUIChat is built with the logic for sending and parsing stickers so that you can easily use custom stickers on multiple terminals.
The following describes how to add the programer custom sticker as shown below:

Preparing emoji resources

Before adding a sticker, prepare a set of copyrighted emoji resources. Then, package your emoji images into a bundle file as shown below:

Loading the sticker

Drag the CustomFaceResource.bundle custom sticker containing programer emoji resources to your Xcode project. Then, load it when starting the app.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
app = self;
// Load the emoji resources when starting the app
[self setupCustomSticker];
return YES;

- (void)setupCustomSticker {
// 1. Get the path of the bundle file of the custom sticker.
NSString *customFaceBundlePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"CustomFaceResource" ofType:@"bundle"];

// 2. Load the custom emoji group
// 2.1 Load the `programer` emoji resource images and parse them into `TUIFaceCellData`
NSMutableArray<TUIFaceCellData *> *faceItems = [NSMutableArray array];
for (int i = 0; i <= 17; i++) {
TUIFaceCellData *data = [[TUIFaceCellData alloc] init];
// The filename of the emoji resource images (the extension can be saved) for multi-terminal connection (which requires that filenames are consistent)
data.name = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"yz%02d", i];
// The path of the emoji resource images for local display
data.path = [customFaceBundlePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"programer/%@", data.name]];
[faceItems addObject:data];
// 2.2 Create the `programer` emoji group and parse it into `TUIFaceGroup`
TUIFaceGroup *programGroup = [[TUIFaceGroup alloc] init];
// Indicate the serial number of the current emoji group on the emoji panel for multi-terminal connection (which can be used together with the emoji name to find an image on the receiver's device)
// Note that `groupIndex` starts from `0` and indicates the actual position of the current sticker on the emoji panel (`0` is the default value for the built-in `emoji` emoji group)
programGroup.groupIndex = 1;
// The root path of the current sticker in the bundle file of the custom emojis
programGroup.groupPath = [customFaceBundlePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"programer/"];
// The emoji resources in the current sticker
programGroup.faces = faceItems;
// The layout of the current sticker
programGroup.rowCount = 2;
programGroup.itemCountPerRow = 5;
// The path of the thumbnail of the current sticker (without the extension)
programGroup.menuPath = [customFaceBundlePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"programer/menu"];

// 3. Add the `programer` emoji group to the emoji panel
id<TUIEmojiMeditorProtocol> service = [[TIMCommonMediator share] getObject:@protocol(TUIEmojiMeditorProtocol)];
[service appendFaceGroup:programGroup];

Multi-terminal connection

TUIChat is built with the logic for sending and parsing stickers, and you only need to make sure that the following two attributes are consistent on different platforms:
The filenames of images in the sticker are consistent; that is, the values of the name field in TUIFaceCellData are consistent on multiple terminals when the stickers are loaded during app startup.
The order of stickers on the emoji panel is consistent; that is, the values of the groupIndex field in TUIFaceGroup are consistent on multiple terminals when the stickers are loaded during app startup.
If the above two values are consistent, TUIChat's built-in logic for sending stickers will send the emoji filename and the index information of the sticker to other terminals for multi-terminal connection.
Note that groupIndex starts from 0 and indicates the actual position of the current sticker on the emoji panel (0 is the default value for the built-in emoji emoji group).

Advanced Configuration of the Emoji Panel

Re-sorting emoji groups on the emoji panel

You can re-sort emoji groups on the emoji panel of TUIChat. Specifically, you only need to call the - appendFaceGroup: method of TUIConfig as needed.
To place the built-in emoji emoji group after custom emojis, perform the following steps:
Get the built-in TUIConfig.defaultConfig.faceGroups emoji groups on the current emoji panel.
Re-sort the emoji groups.
Assign the value of the list of re-sorted emoji groups to the emoji panel.
- (void)setupCustomSticker {
// 1. Get the path of the bundle file of the custom sticker.
NSString *customFaceBundlePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"CustomFaceResource" ofType:@"bundle"];
// 2. Load the custom emoji group
// 2.1 Load the `programer` emoji resource images and parse them into `TUIFaceCellData`
NSMutableArray<TUIFaceCellData *> *faceItems = [NSMutableArray array];
for (int i = 0; i <= 17; i++) {
TUIFaceCellData *data = [[TUIFaceCellData alloc] init];
// The filename of the emoji resource images (the extension can be saved) for multi-terminal connection (which requires that filenames are consistent)
data.name = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"yz%02d", i];
// The path of the emoji resource images for local display
data.path = [customFaceBundlePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"programer/%@", data.name]];
[faceItems addObject:data];
// 2.2 Create the `programer` emoji group and parse it into `TUIFaceGroup`
TUIFaceGroup *programGroup = [[TUIFaceGroup alloc] init];
// Indicate the serial number of the current emoji group on the emoji panel for multi-terminal connection (which can be used together with the emoji name to find an image on the receiver's device)
// Note that `groupIndex` starts from `0` and indicates the actual position of the current sticker on the emoji panel (`0` is the default value for the built-in `emoji` emoji group)
programGroup.groupIndex = 0;
// The root path of the current sticker in the bundle file of the custom emojis
programGroup.groupPath = [customFaceBundlePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"programer/"];
// The emoji resources in the current sticker
programGroup.faces = faceItems;
// The layout of the current sticker
programGroup.rowCount = 2;
programGroup.itemCountPerRow = 5;
// The path of the thumbnail of the current sticker (without the extension)
programGroup.menuPath = [customFaceBundlePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"programer/menu"];

// 3. Add the `programer` emoji group to the front of the emoji panel
id<TUIEmojiMeditorProtocol> service = [[TIMCommonMediator share] getObject:@protocol(TUIEmojiMeditorProtocol)];
[service appendFaceGroup:programGroup];
The multi-terminal connection of stickers relies on the emoji names and the order of the emoji groups on the panel. Therefore, after adjusting the local order, you need to make sure that the groupIndex is consistent with the actual order.

Changing the thumbnail of an emoji group

When loading a custom emoji group, you can set the menuPath attribute of the TUIFaceGroup as the path of the thumbnail (the @2x.png extension is not required) to customize the thumbnail of the emoji group.
For example, set the menu@2x.png image in the programer emoji group as the thumbnail.
- (void)setupCustomSticker {

// 2.2 Create the `programer` emoji group and parse it into `TUIFaceGroup`
TUIFaceGroup *programGroup = [[TUIFaceGroup alloc] init];
// The path of the thumbnail of the current sticker (without the extension)
programGroup.menuPath = [customFaceBundlePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"programer/menu"];


Adjusting the layout of emoji images

Currently, the TUIChat emoji panel supports the following two layouts:
rowCount, which indicates the number of rows of images displayed in the current emoji group.
itemCountPerRow, which indicates the number of emoji images displayed per row.
For example, you can set to display the emoji images in the programer emoji group as two rows per page, with up to five images per row.
- (void)setupCustomSticker {

// 2.2 Create the `programer` emoji group and parse it into `TUIFaceGroup`
TUIFaceGroup *programGroup = [[TUIFaceGroup alloc] init];
// The layout of the current sticker
programGroup.rowCount = 2;
programGroup.itemCountPerRow = 5;


How Sticker Rendering Works

TUIChat is built with the mechanism for sending and rendering stickers, so you can ignore this section.
This section describes how to modify the source code or encode and pass through the content of a custom emoji.

Sending an emoji

The TUIChat emoji panel contains a UICollectionView. When you click an emoji image, the - faceView:didSelectItemAtIndexPath: method of the TUIInputController will be triggered and send you the name of the selected emoji and the index information of the emoji group on the emoji panel.
You can send an emoji in the callback in two steps:
Create an emoji message with the emoji name and emoji group index.
Call the TUIChat method to send the emoji message.
- (void)faceView:(TUIFaceView *)faceView didSelectItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
TUIFaceGroup *group = [TUIConfig defaultConfig].faceGroups[indexPath.section];
TUIFaceCellData *face = group.faces[indexPath.row];
if(indexPath.section == 0){
// Built-in emojis need to be displayed in the input box.
[_inputBar addEmoji:face];
// Custom emojis are directly sent to the receiver.
if (face.name) {
// Create an emoji message
V2TIMMessage *message = [[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] createFaceMessage:group.groupIndex data:[face.name dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
// Send the message to receiver
if(_delegate && [_delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(inputController:didSendMessage:)]){
[_delegate inputController:self didSendMessage:message];

Parsing and rendering an emoji message

After receiving the emoji message from the sender, TUIChat will trigger the - getCellData: method of the TUIFaceMessageCellData and parse the emoji message into the TUIFaceMessageCellData for display.
TUIChat will assign the value of the TUIMessageCellData to TUIFaceMessageCell for rendering.
For more information on the message parsing process in TUIChat, see iOS.
+ (TUIMessageCellData *)getCellData:(V2TIMMessage *)message{
// Parse the emoji information after receiving the message
V2TIMFaceElem *elem = message.faceElem;

// Create the `TUIFaceMessageCellData` for emoji display
TUIFaceMessageCellData *faceData = [[TUIFaceMessageCellData alloc] initWithDirection:(message.isSelf ? MsgDirectionOutgoing : MsgDirectionIncoming)];
// Get the order information of the current emoji group on the emoji panel
faceData.groupIndex = elem.index;
// Get the filename of the emoji image
faceData.faceName = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:elem.data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
// Get the specific path of the local sticker of the emoji image based on the name of the emoji image and the emoji group
for (TUIFaceGroup *group in [TUIConfig defaultConfig].faceGroups) {
if(group.groupIndex == faceData.groupIndex){
NSString *path = [group.groupPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:faceData.faceName];
faceData.path = path;
faceData.reuseId = TFaceMessageCell_ReuseId;
return faceData;