

Once your application has been successfully created, you can proceed to view the detailed information of the application through configuration management. The displayed information includes the application's basic details, Advanced features and so on.

Application Information

Basic Application Information

1. Navigate to the Tencent RTC Console > Applications to view the application list.
2. Select the application name you wish to modify.

3. Enter the application details page, and through the Application Overview tab's "Basic Information" module you can view the current application's basic information and version data.

Information Item
Application Name
The name defined by the user at the time of application creation, which can be customised and altered.
The application supports setting TAGs to label certain business information. For more details, see More.
The SDKAppID, automatically generated after the creation of the application, serves as the unique identifier for the application. This parameter must be provided when invoking the VOICE API interface.
Information serving as keys for initiating the configuration file of the SDK.
Creation Time
The time when the application was successfully established.
Application Introduction
An editable application brief, customizable as per requirements.
The application's status is shown and can be altered by selecting other options from the drop-down menu below.

Alteration of Application Information

1. Within Application Management, select the application for information modification, and click on the management button in its right side action bar to access the application's detailed page.

2. In the Application Overview tab, examine the "Basic Information" module and click on the icon to the right.

3. Upon entering the application's information editing dialog box, you can change the Application Name and the Description. By clicking Confirm, the changes will successfully be saved.

The Application Name field supports only digits, letters, and underscores, and cannot exceed 15 characters.
The Description field supports only digits, letters, and underscores, and must not exceed 300 characters.
Application Version Information.
By default, RTC Engine applications are set to 'Free Trial'. Depending on your business needs, upgrading to a paid version will unlock additional features. For detailed information, please refer to Features and Billing Instructions.
Free Trial
Call applications require a 7-day 'Free Trial'. Upgrading to a paid version will unlock additional features according to your business needs. For detailed information, please refer to Features and Billing Instructions.
1-to-1 Call
Group Call
Information Item
Application Version
The current application's monthly subscription plan version. By default, RTC Engine applications are set to 'Free Trial' and Call applications require a 7-day 'Free Trial'. Depending on your business needs, you can unlock additional features by upgrading to a paid version. For detailed information, refer to Features and Billing Instructions.
Version Details: Displays the basic and value-added audio and video features of the current monthly subscription package, including the supported SDK platforms.
Obtain a Free Trial Version: Each application can obtain trial eligibility for the free version up to 2 times (limited to 10 times per account), each time with a validity period of 7 days. The capabilities of the trial version are consistent with those of the flagship version. Please note: if you subscribe to a paid version during the validity period of the trial version, your current trial version will expire and be converted to the paid version you have subscribed to.
Expiration Time
The expiration time for the current application's monthly subscription version. You can manually purchase the same version to extend its validity period. If you need to switch to a different paid version, please submit a service ticket.
Enables the auto-renewal feature upon expiration for the current application's monthly subscription package.

Application Service Status

The service status of the current application (SDKAppID) can be either normal or disabled. When the status is normal, the TRTC service is available. When it's disabled, the service is unavailable.
For application deactivation not initiated by you, this may be due to not enabling pay-as-you-go services or arrears. Please respond by enabling pay-as-you-go services, purchasing audio and video duration packages, or clearing arrears to reactivate the application. Doing so will ensure normal service availability.

TRTC Service Status

Primarily displays the status of the current application's TRTC basic and value-added services, including the states of "Normal" and "Disabled".
When the status is normal, both the TRTC basic services and value-added services can be used as expected. To ensure uninterrupted service availability, please renew the package in a timely manner and ensure that your Tencent Cloud account maintains an adequate balance.

When the status is disabled, both the TRTC basic services and value-added services are unavailable. Please check for the following scenarios:

Case 1: Self-disabled Application

1. Select the dropdown menu More and click on Disable Application.

2. Read the <Disable Statement> and confirm by clicking Disable.

3. Upon successful initiation of the disable operation, it takes around 3-5 minutes for the changes to be universally effected. Your patience is appreciated.

Self-enable Application

1. Click Enable Application.

2. Read the <Enable Statement> and click Enable.

3. Once the enabling operation is successfully initiated, it requires approximately 3 to 5 minutes for the changes to fully take effect. Kindly refresh the page later to view the updates.

Self-service Application Deletion

1. Select More and click Delete Application.

2. Read the <Delete Statement> and click Confirm Delete.

3. Once the deletion operation is initiated successfully, it takes approximately 3 to 5 minutes for the changes to take full effect. Please wait patiently.
Once deactivation/deletion takes effect, it only prevents new users from entering the room. Users who entered the room before the changes took effect will continue to be billed normally. You can use the Close Room API to forcefully shut down rooms that are currently in use.
Upon the effect of deactivation or deletion, the basic services (Call/RTC Engine) and value-added services (including mix stream transcoding, cloud recording, etc.) of the application will become unavailable.
Upon initiating the disable/enable/delete process for your application, please note that it takes approximately 3 to 5 minutes for the changes to fully take effect. We kindly ask for your patience during this time.
Under normal circumstances, it is not possible to delete an application directly. Please first disable the application on your own initiative, then proceed with the deletion.


Tags is used to identify and orchestrate your various resources on Tencent Cloud. For instance, a corporate entity may be divided into numerous business divisions, each incorporating one or more TRTC applications. In this context, enterprise can demarcate department information by allocating a TAG to the TRTC application.

Adding an Application Tag

1. In Application Management, you can view the All Product Applications List where you can observe the Tags information of each application.
2. Click on Manage under Operation to enter the application details page. Once there, click on the Edit icon located next to TAG.

3. Navigate to the TAG editing dialog box, select the TAG Key and TAG Value that have already been created in TAG Management.

If the current TAG does not meet your requirements, please go to TAG Management to create a new one.
Multiple TAGS can be added to an application. Simply click on + Add to create a new TAG configuration box.
4. Click OK to save. The console will refresh and display whether the modification was successful.

Deleting Application TAG

1. In Application Management, select the application for which the TAG information requires modification; click Manage on the operation bar on its right to go to the application details page.
2. In the Application Overview tab, view the "TAG" module and click Edit on the right.
3. Enter the TAG editing dialog box, select the TAG you wish to delete, and click on the delete button on the right.

4. Click OK to save. The console will refresh and display whether the modification was successful.

Related Documents

For instructions on creating a new application, please refer to Creating Application.
If you need to configure or view the function configuration of an application, please see Function Configuration.