


How do I troubleshoot if I cannot receive offline push messages?

1.Special Situation Investigation

OPPO devices

There are several common reasons why OPPO devices do not receive push notifications:
According to the requirements of the official OPPO Push website, ChannelID must be configured on OPPO devices running Android 8.0 or above, otherwise, push notifications cannot be displayed. For the method of configuration, refer to setAndroidOPPOChannelID.
The notification bar display feature is disabled by default for applications installed on the OPPO device. If this is the case, check the switch status.

Google FCM

If push notifications are not received, verify whether the certificates have been correctly uploaded to the Chat console. For the troubleshooting path, see the document Manufacturer Channel > Google FCM, and check against the diagram to see if it has been added correctly.

Xiaomi and vivo

Xiaomi and vivo: The app needs to be listed in the App Marketplace before it can be delivered through the Manufacturer Channel. It is usually indicated that the app is in the blocklist, prohibiting message sending. Or, the App has closed the push channel.
Sending custom messages
The offline push for custom messages differs from that of regular messages. We cannot parse the content of custom messages, thus we cannot determine the content to push; hence, by default, they are not pushed. If you have push requirements, you need to set the sendMessage's desc field for offlinePushInfo. The desc information will be displayed by default during the push.
Notification bar settings of the device
The immediate effect of offline push is the Notification Bar Prompt, so like other notifications, it's affected by the device notification settings. Taking Huawei as an example:
Phone Settings > Notifications > Lock Screen Notifications > Hide or Do Not Display Notifications, will affect the display of offline push notifications when the screen is locked.
Phone Settings > Notifications > More Notification Settings > Status Bar Notification Icons, will affect the display of offline push notification icons in the status bar.
Phone Settings > Notifications > App Notification Management > Allow Notifications, toggling on or off will directly affect the display of offline push notifications.
Phone Settings > Notifications > App Notification Management > Notification Ringtone and Phone Settings > Notifications > App Notification Management > Silent Notifications, will affect the sound of offline push notification.
Message Classification
Vendor push services all have message categorization mechanisms, and different types will have different push strategies. For details, please see Push Message Categorization.
Vendor Features
Offline push depends on the vendor's capabilities, and some simple characters may be filtered by the vendor and not be pushed through transparently. It is recommended to use meaningful content for pushing.

2.Self-service Push Troubleshooting Tool

Whether the device push plugin access is normal
Test whether messages can be properly pushed offline by using the Offline Testing Tool in the Chat Console.
Push Link Troubleshooting
Use the Troubleshooting Tool to view the details of the full push link.

How to troubleshoot if the jump interface is unsuccessful?

1.Click to Jump to Configuration Check

See Customizable Click-through Redirect for detailed inspection:
Configure the subsequent actions after clicking in the console as follows, select Open the specified interface within the app, plugin users will by default fill in the jump parameters, check if the parameters have been modified.
Registration and callback processing for click events. It is recommended to register during the application Application's oncreate() function, which needs to be placed early in the application lifecycle.
Check if the click callback correctly handles the redirect logic.

2.Device System Permission Restrictions

If the application process does not exist and clicking the notification bar to jump to the application interface, it is necessary to pull the application from the background to the foreground. Some manufacturers' systems will check whether the App has enabled background self-start or floating window permissions. If not enabled, the system side will intercept and handle it, leading to failure.
Different manufacturers, and even different Android versions from the same manufacturer, offer different permissions and permission names for applications. Through testing, only the background pop-up interface permission needs to be enabled for Mi 6, while Redmi requires both the background pop-up interface and floating window display permissions, necessitating different treatments for different manufacturers.

3.Push Link Troubleshooting

Use the Troubleshooting Tool to view the details of the full push link.


Is it supported to push to Samsung, ZTE, Transsion, Nut, Hisense, Sony, etc., mobile phones?
Online push supports all models, including Samsung, ZTE, Transsion, Nut, Hisense, Sony, and more.
Huawei Push Certificate ID <= 11344, using Huawei Push v2 Version Interface, does not support reach and click acknowledgment. If you need statistical data feature, please regenerate and update the Certificate ID.
AndroidInfo.ExtAsHuaweiIntentParam, passing "1" means treating the pass-through content Ext as an Intent parameter, "0" means treating the pass-through content Ext as an Action parameter. The restapi using "1" currently does not support click event statistics.
Statistical Data Feature
Only the push data details of the last device logged in are recorded; multi-platform login scenarios are not supported.
The Debug version of the App feature works normally, but anomalies occur with the Release version of the App feature
This issue is very likely caused by obfuscation. You can add the following obfuscation rules:
-keep class com.tencent.qcloud.** { *; }
-keep class com.tencent.timpush.** { *; }
Resolving conflicts between integrating TIMPush and other competitors
The reason is that the application itself or the third-party push client it integrates or depends on conflicts with the third-party client in TIMPush. It is necessary to keep only one in use. For specific methods, please refer to: TIMPush Integration Conflict Resolution.


Why doesn't offline push work for common messages?

First, check that the app runtime environment is the same as the certificate environment. Otherwise, offline push messages will not be received.
Next, check if the app and the certificate environment are set to production. If they are in a development environment, applying for a deviceToken from Apple might fail. This issue has not been found in the production environment, so please switch to production for testing.

Why doesn't offline push work for custom messages?

The offline push for custom messages differs from that for regular messages. We cannot parse the content of custom messages, making it impossible to determine the push content. Therefore, custom messages are not pushed by default. If you require push, you need to set the offlinePushInfo desc field during sendMessage. The desc information will by default be displayed during push.

How do I disable the receiving of offline push messages?

To disable receiving offline push messages, you can set the config parameter of the setAPNS API to nil. This feature has been supported starting from version 5.6.1200.

Push notifications are not received, and the server reports a 'bad devicetoken'.

Apple's deviceToken is related to the current compilation environment, please check:
1. In the access process, check if the businessID of Configure Push Parameters matches the certificate ID for the corresponding environment.
2. Console create certificate check:
Production Environment Certificate: The type of certificate uploaded is Apple Push Notification service SSL (Sandbox & Production), and it should be tested after creating the release package in Archive. Note: Do not test in Xcode.
Development Environment Certificate: You need to test after creating the release package in Archive, just select the correct certificate.

Under the iOS development environment, is the registration occasionally not returning a deviceToken or indicating a failure in requesting the token from APNs?

This problem is caused by instability of APNs. You can fix it in the following ways:
1. Insert a SIM card into the phone and use the 4G network.
2. Uninstall and reinstall the application, restart the application, or shut down and restart the phone.
3. Use a package for the production environment.
4. Use another iPhone.

iOS did not receive the delivery receipt

1. To report push delivery data, enable the console switch to support iOS 10's Extension feature. For more details, please refer to Statistics Push Arrival Rate.
2. To ensure reported data is not lost in abnormal conditions, iOS push data reporting will only occur upon the next log in, which may result in a delay. Please try to log in again.

iOS Certificate Expiration

In the Chat console, click editing on the corresponding certificate and update the p12 certificate. It's important to note: do not delete the certificate and recreate it, as recreating the certificate will change the certificate ID, and an update will be required to support it.

iOS Statistical Reporting Feature

To report push reach data, this switch must be enabled to support iOS 10's Extension feature. For more details, please refer to Statistics Push Arrival Rate.


Cannot Receive Push Notifications, Plugin Subscription Expired

Once the push plugin's trial or purchase expires, the push service will automatically stop (including standard message offline push, broadcast/Tag push, etc.). To avoid affecting the normal use of your business, please purchase/renew in advance.

About Push SDK Package Size

If you require a smaller integration package and wish to use Push service only without integrating the Chat SDK, you can click to enter the community group for direct consultation.

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