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콜백 명령 목록

Online Status

Webhook Type
Webhook Command Word
Webhook for status change

Profile Relationship Chain

Webhook Type
Webhook Command Word
After a Profile Is Updated
Before a Friend Is Added
Before a Friend Request Is Responded
After a Friend Is Added
After a Friend Is Deleted
After a User Is Added to Blocklist
After a User Is Removed from Blocklist

One-to-One Message

Webhook Type
Webhook Command Word
Before a One-to-One Message Is Sent
After a One-to-One Message Is Sent
After a One-to-One message Is Marked as Read
After A One-to-One Message Is Recalled


Webhook Type
Webhook Command Word
Before a Group Is Created
After a Group Is Created
Before Applying to Join a Group
Before Inviting a User to a Group
After a User Joins a Group
After a User Leaves a Group
Before Group Message Is Sent
After a Group Message Is Sent
After a Group Is Full
After a Group Is Disbanded
After Group Profile Is Modified
Webhook for Online and Offline Status of Audio-Video Group Members
Webhook for Exceptions When Group Messages Are Sent
Before a Topic Is Created
After a Topic Is Created
After a Topic Is Deleted
Topic Profile Change Webhook
Callback After Read Receipt
Callback After Group Attribute Changed
Callback After Read Receipt
Callback After the Group Owner Changed