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그룹 멤버 정보 획득


This API is used by the app admin to obtain group member profiles based on the group ID.

API Calling Description

Applicable group types

Group Type ID
RESTful API Support
Yes. Same as the work group (Work) in the new version.
Yes. Same as the meeting group (Meeting) in the new version.
Yes. Getting group member profiles by using the Next field.
These are the preset group types in IM. For more information, see Group System.
Due to the large number of members in a community group, the pagination getting method is changed to the batch getting method based on the Next field.

Sample request URL


Request parameters

The following table only describes the modified parameters when this API is called. For more information on other parameters, please see RESTful API Overview.
Domain name corresponding to the country/region where your SDKAppID is located.
China: console.tim.qq.com
Singapore: adminapisgp.im.qcloud.com
Seoul: adminapikr.im.qcloud.com
Frankfurt: adminapiger.im.qcloud.com
Silicon Valley: adminapiusa.im.qcloud.com
Jakarta: adminapiidn.im.qcloud.com
Request API.
SDKAppID assigned by the Chat console when an app is created
App admin account. For more information, see the App Admin section in Login Authentication.
Signature generated by the app admin account. For details, see Generating UserSig.
A random 32-bit unsigned integer ranging from 0 to 4294967295.
Request format, which should always be json.

Maximum call frequency

200 calls per second

Sample request

Basic format A basic request is used to obtain detailed group member information, including group member profiles and custom group member fields. The request requires only the group ID.
"GroupId":"@TGS#1NVTZEAE4" // Group ID (required)
Pagination You can use the Limit and Offset fields to control the pagination mode:
Limit: specifies the maximum number of members in the MemberList array in the response. Maximum value: 200; recommended value: 100.
Offset: specifies from which group member to start pulling information. If the page number starts from 1, the value of Offset for each page should be (page number – 1) × number of group members to display on each page. For example, to display 20 group members on each page, the request parameters for the first page should be {"Limit": 20, "Offset": 0}, the request parameters for the second page should be {"Limit": 20, "Offset": 20}, and so on.
"GroupId":"@TGS#1NVTZEAE4", // Group ID (required)
"Limit": 100, // Maximum number of members to pull information
"Offset": 0 // Sequence number of the member from whom to start pulling information
The community currently does not support paging to get the group member details.
Batch You can use the Limit and Next fields to control the batch mode:
Limit: specifies the maximum number of members in the MemberList array in the response. Maximum value: 100
Next: specifies a member position from which subsequent information is to be pulled. For the first request, the client request parameter Next must pass in "". For the last request, the server returns "" for the Next parameter, indicating that the information pulling ends. For intermediate requests, the client request parameter Next uses the last value of Next returned by the server. This is similar to Redis scan cursor queries.
For example, if you are to perform batch pulling, the parameters in the first request should be {"Limit" : 20, "Next" : ""}, and the server returns the following:
"ActionStatus": "OK",
"ErrorInfo": "",
"ErrorCode": 0,
"Next": "144115265295492787",
"MemberList": [
The parameters in the second request should be {"Limit" : 20, "Next" : "144115265295492787"}. And so on, until the server replies with Next as "", indicating that there is no subsequent member information, and the client should end the query.
"GroupId":"@TGS#_@TGS#cAVQXXXXXX", // Group ID (required)
"Limit": 100, // Maximum number of members to pull information
"Next": "" // Start pulling from the position where the last pulling ends
Only the community supports obtaining group member details in batches.
Specifying information to pull You can use the MemberInfoFilter filter field to specify fields to pull. Fields that are not specified in it will not be pulled.
"GroupId":"@TGS#1NVTZEAE4", // Group ID (required)
"MemberInfoFilter": [ // Information to pull, where `Member_Account` is included by default. If this field is not specified, all group member information will be pulled.
Pulling the information of members in the specified role You can use the MemberRoleFilter filter field to specify the role of members to pull information. If this field is not specified, the information of members in all roles will be pulled.
"GroupId":"@TGS#37AB3PAEC", // Group ID (required)
"MemberRoleFilter":[ // Member role filter
Pulling custom group member fields You can use the AppDefinedDataFilter_GroupMember filter field to specify the custom group member fields to pull. Fields that are not specified in it will not be pulled.
"GroupId":"@TGS#37AB3PAEC", // Group ID (required)
"AppDefinedDataFilter_GroupMember": [ // Filter for custom group member fields
"MemberDefined2" // Key of a custom group member field
Response to an ALL IN ONE request
"GroupId":"@TGS#1NVTZEAE4", // Group ID (required)
"MemberInfoFilter": [ // Information to pull. If this field is not specified, all group member information will be pulled.
"MemberRoleFilter":[ // Member role filter
"AppDefinedDataFilter_GroupMember": [ // Filter for custom group member fields
"MemberDefined2", // Key of a custom group member field
"Limit": 100, // Maximum number of members to pull information
"Offset": 0 // Sequence number of the member from whom to start pulling information

Request fields

ID of the group to pull member information
Information to pull. If this field is not specified, all group member information will be pulled. For details on group member information fields, see Group member profile.
Role of group members to pull information. If this field is not specified, the information of members in all roles will be pulled. The member role can be Owner, Admin, or Member.
This field is omitted by default. It specifies the custom group member fields to pull. For more information, see the Custom Fields section in Group System.
Maximum number of members to pull information at a time. The value cannot exceed 6000. If this field is not specified, the information of all members in the group will be obtained.
Sequence number of the member from whom to start pulling information. If this field is set to 0, the information is pulled starting from the first member.
Position of the last member pulled. This field is required for a community group. A community group does not support the Offset field. It uses the Next field instead. For the first call, "" must be passed in for Next. For subsequent calls, the last value of Next must be passed in.

Sample response

Response to a basic or pagination request
"ActionStatus": "OK",
"ErrorInfo": "",
"ErrorCode": 0,
"Next": "144115265295492787", // This field is returned only for a community group
"MemberNum": 2, // Total number of members in the group
"MemberList": [ // Group member list
"Member_Account": "bob",
"Role": "Owner",
"JoinTime": 1425976500, // Time when the member joined the group
"MsgSeq": 1233,
"MsgFlag": "AcceptAndNotify",
"LastSendMsgTime": 1425976500, // Last time when the member sent a message
"MuteUntil": 1431069882, // Muting end time in seconds
"AppMemberDefinedData": [ // Custom group member fields
"Key": "MemberDefined1",
"Value": "ModifyDefined1"
"Key": "MemberDefined2",
"Value": "ModifyDefined2"
"Member_Account": "peter",
"Role": "Member ",
"JoinTime": 1425976500,
"MsgSeq": 1233,
"MsgFlag": "AcceptAndNotify",
"LastSendMsgTime": 1425976500,
"MuteUntil": 0, // `0`: the member is not muted; other values: the time when the member will be unmuted
"AppMemberDefinedData": [ // Custom group member fields
"Key": "MemberDefined1",
"Value": "ModifyDefined1"
"Key": "MemberDefined2",
"Value": "ModifyDefined2"
Response to a request pulling specified fields
"ActionStatus": "OK",
"ErrorInfo": "",
"ErrorCode": 0,
"MemberNum": 2, // Total number of members in the group
"MemberList": [ // Group member list
"Member_Account": "bob",
"Role": "Owner",
"JoinTime": 1425976500, // Time when the member joined the group
"MsgSeq": 1233,
"MsgFlag": "AcceptAndNotify",
"LastSendMsgTime": 1425976500, // Last time when the member sent a message
"MuteUntil": 1431069882, // Muting end time in seconds
"Member_Account": "peter",
"Role": "Member ",
"JoinTime": 1425976500,
"MsgSeq": 1233,
"MsgFlag": "AcceptAndNotify",
"LastSendMsgTime": 1425976500,
"MuteUntil": 0, // `0`: the member is not muted; other values: the time when the member will be unmuted
Pulling the information of members in the specified role
"ActionStatus": "OK", // The request succeeded.
"ErrorCode": 0, // Return code
"MemberList": [
"JoinTime": 1450680436, // Time when the member joined the group
"LastSendMsgTime": 0, // Last time when the member sent a message
"Member_Account": "Test_1", // Member account
"MsgFlag": "AcceptNotNotify", // Type of member messages being blocked
"MsgSeq": 1, // Sequence number of the member’s read message
"NameCard": "", // Member’s contact card
"Role": "Owner", // Member’s role
"MuteUntil": 0 // `0`: the member is not muted; other values: the time when the member will be unmuted
"JoinTime": 1450680436,
"LastSendMsgTime": 0,
"Member_Account": "Test_6",
"MsgFlag": "AcceptNotNotify",
"MsgSeq": 1,
"NameCard": "",
"Role": "Admin",
"MuteUntil": 0
"MemberNum": 8 // Total number of members in the group
Pulling custom group member fields
"ActionStatus": "OK",
"ErrorInfo": "",
"ErrorCode": 0,
"MemberNum": 2, // Total number of members in the group
"MemberList": [ // Group member list
"Member_Account": "bob",
"Role": "Owner",
"JoinTime": 1425976500, // Time when the member joined the group
"MsgSeq": 1233,
"MsgFlag": "AcceptAndNotify",
"LastSendMsgTime": 1425976500, // Last time when the member sent a message
"MuteUntil": 1431069882, // Muting end time in seconds
"AppMemberDefinedData": [ // Custom group member fields
"Key": "MemberDefined2",
"Value": "ModifyDefined2"
"Member_Account": "peter",
"Role": "Member",
"JoinTime": 1425976500,
"MsgSeq": 1233,
"MsgFlag": "AcceptAndNotify",
"LastSendMsgTime": 1425976500,
"MuteUntil": 0, // `0`: the member is not muted; other values: the time when the member will be unmuted
"AppMemberDefinedData": [ // Custom group member fields
"Key": "MemberDefined2",
"Value": "ModifyDefined2"
Response to an ALL IN ONE request
"ActionStatus": "OK",
"ErrorInfo": "",
"ErrorCode": 0,
"Next": "144115265295492787", // This field is returned only for a community group
"MemberNum": 2, // Total number of members in the group
"MemberList": [ // Group member list
"Member_Account": "bob",
"Role": "Owner",
"JoinTime": 1425976500, // Time when the member joined the group
"MsgSeq": 1233,
"MsgFlag": "AcceptAndNotify",
"LastSendMsgTime": 1425976500, // Last time when the member sent a message
"MuteUntil": 1431069882, // Muting end time in seconds
"AppMemberDefinedData":[ // Custom group member fields
"Member_Account": "peter",
"Role": "Member",
"JoinTime": 1425976500,
"MsgSeq": 1233,
"MsgFlag": "AcceptAndNotify",
"LastSendMsgTime": 1425976500,
"MuteUntil": 0, // `0`: the member is not muted; other values: the time when the member will be unmuted
"AppMemberDefinedData": [ // Custom group member fields
"Key": "MemberDefined1",
"Value": "ModifyDefined1"
"Key": "MemberDefined2",
"Value": "ModifyDefined2"

Response fields

Request result. OK: successful; FAIL: failed
Error code. 0: successful; other values: failed
Error information
Total number of members in the group
Returned group member list, which contains information of all or specified group members. For details on group member information fields, see Group member profile.
Returned custom group member fields
Value of Next to be passed in in the next request. This field is returned only for a community group.

Error Codes

The returned HTTP status code for this API is always 200 unless a network error (such as error 502) occurs. The specific error code and details can be found in the response fields ErrorCode and ErrorInfo respectively. For public error codes (60000 to 79999), please see Error Codes. The following table describes the error codes specific to this API:
Error Code
Internal server error. Try again.
Invalid command word.
Invalid parameter. Check the error description and troubleshoot the issue.
No operation permissions. Check whether the operator is an app admin or whether the operator has the permission to read the fields in the request.
The group does not exist or has been deleted.
Invalid group ID. Use the correct group ID.
The response exceeds the maximum size allowed (1 MB) because the group member data volume is too large. Try to use Limit and Offset to pull the group member data by page.

API Debugging Tool

Use the RESTful API online debugging tool to debug this API.


Modifying the Profile of a Group Member (v4/group_open_http_svc/modify_group_member_info)