메시지 받기
Feature Description
To receive messages, you need to listen for the
event.Listening for an Event
Call this API to listen for events before calling the
API in order to avoid missing the events delivered by the SDK.API
chat.on(eventName, handler, context);
Name | Type | Description |
eventName | String | Event name. All event names are stored in the TencentCloudChat.EVENT variable. To view all the events, use console.log(TencentCloudChat.EVENT) . |
handler | Function | Event handling method. When an event is triggered, this handler will be called to handle it. |
context | * | undefined | The context expected for handler execution |
let onMessageReceived = function(event) {// event.data - An array that stores `Message` objects - [Message]// For details of Message, please refer to https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/1047/47990const messageList = event.data;messageList.forEach((message) => {if (message.type === TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_TEXT) {// Text message} else if (message.type === TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_IMAGE) {// Image message} else if (message.type === TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_AUDIO) {// Audio message} else if (message.type === TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_VIDEO) {// Video message} else if (message.type === TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_FILE) {// File message} else if (message.type === TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_CUSTOM) {// Custom message} else if (message.type === TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_MERGER) {// Merged message} else if (message.type === TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_LOCATION) {// Geographical location message} else if (message.type === TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_GRP_TIP) {// Group tip message} else if (message.type === TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_GRP_SYS_NOTICE) {// Group system notification}});};chat.on(TencentCloudChat.EVENT.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, onMessageReceived);
Canceling Event Listening
chat.off(eventName, handler, context);
Name | Type | Description |
eventName | String | Event name. All event names are stored in the TencentCloudChat.EVENT variable. To view all the events, use console.log(TencentCloudChat.EVENT) . |
handler | Function | Event handling method. When an event is triggered, this handler will be called to handle it. |
context | * | undefined | The context expected for handler execution |
let onMessageReceived = function(event) {// event.name -TencentCloudChat
.EVENT.MESSAGE_RECEIVED// event.data - An array that stores `Message` objects - [Message]};chat.off(TencentCloudChat
.EVENT.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, onMessageReceived);