메시지 수정
Feature Description
This feature enables any participant in a conversation to modify a successfully sent message in the conversation. The message will be synced to all the participants in the conversation once modified successfully.
This feature is supported only by the Enhanced edition on v6.2 or later.
You can use this API to change the
of a message, implementing features such as message reply and message quote as shown below:

API Description
Modifying a Message
A conversation participant can call
(Java / Swift / Objective-C / C++) to modify a sent message in the conversation.
The SDK allows any conversation participant to modify a message in the conversation. You can add more restrictions at the business layer, for example, only allowing the message sender to modify the message.Currently, the following information of a message can be modified:
(Java / Swift / Objective-C / C++) V2TIMTextElem
(Java / Swift / Objective-C / C++) V2TIMCustomElem
(Java / Swift / Objective-C / C++)V2TIMLocationElem
(Java / Swift / Objective-C/ C++)V2TIMFaceElem
(Java / Swift / Objective-C / C++)Sample code:
// The original message object in the conversation is `originMessage`.// Modify the `cloudCustomData` information of the message objectoriginMessage.setCloudCustomData("modify_cloud_custom_data".getBytes());// If the message is a text message, modify the text message contentif (V2TIMMessage.V2TIM_ELEM_TYPE_TEXT == originMessage.getElemType()) {originMessage.getTextElem().setText("modify_text");}V2TIMManager.getMessageManager().modifyMessage(originMessage, new V2TIMCompleteCallback<V2TIMMessage>() {@Overridepublic void onComplete(int code, String desc, V2TIMMessage message) {// After the message is modified, `message` is the modified message object.}});
// The original message object in the conversation is `originMessage`.var originMessage: V2TIMMessage!// Modify the `cloudCustomData` information of the message objectoriginMessage.cloudCustomData = "modify_cloud_custom_data".data(using: .utf8)// If the message is a text message, modify the text message contentif originMessage.elemType == .V2TIM_ELEM_TYPE_TEXT {originMessage.textElem?.text = "modify_text"}// modifyMessageV2TIMManager.shared.modifyMessage(msg: originMessage) { code, desc, msg in// After the message is modified, `msg` is the modified message object.}
// Original message object in the conversationV2TIMMessage *originMessage;// Modify the `cloudCustomData` information of the message objectoriginMessage.cloudCustomData = [@"modify_cloud_custom_data" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];// If the message is a text message, modify the text message contentif (V2TIM_ELEM_TYPE_TEXT == originMessage.elemType) {originMessage.textElem.text = @"modify_text";}[[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] modifyMessage:originMessage completion:^(int code, NSString *desc, V2TIMMessage *msg) {// After the message is modified, `msg` is the modified message object.}];
template <class T>class CompleteCallback final : public V2TIMCompleteCallback<T> {public:using InternalCompleteCallback =std::function<void(int, const V2TIMString&, const T&)>;CompleteCallback() = default;~CompleteCallback() override = default;void SetCallback(InternalCompleteCallback complete_callback) { complete_callback_ = std::move(complete_callback); }void OnComplete(int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message, const T& value) override {if (complete_callback_) {complete_callback_(error_code, error_message, value);}}private:InternalCompleteCallback complete_callback_;};// V2TIMMessage originMessage;std::string str = u8"modify_cloud_custom_data";// Modify the `cloudCustomData` information of the message objectoriginMessage.cloudCustomData = {reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(str.data()), str.size()};if (originMessage.elemList.Size() == 1) {V2TIMElem* elem = originMessage.elemList[0];if (elem->elemType == V2TIMElemType::V2TIM_ELEM_TYPE_TEXT) {// If the message is a text message, modify the text message contentauto textElem = static_cast<V2TIMTextElem*>(elem);textElem->text = "modify_text";}}auto callback = new CompleteCallback<V2TIMMessage>{};callback->SetCallback([=](int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message, const V2TIMMessage& message) {// After the message is modified, `message` is the modified message object.delete callback;});V2TIMManager::GetInstance()->GetMessageManager()->ModifyMessage(originMessage, callback);
Message Modified Notification
Conversation participants call
(Java / Swift / Objective-C / C++) to add the advanced message listener.After a message in the conversation is modified, all the participants will receive the
callback (Java / Swift / Objective-C / C++), which contains the modified message object.Sample code:
V2TIMAdvancedMsgListener advancedMsgListener = new V2TIMAdvancedMsgListener() {// Notification of the message content modification@Overridepublic void onRecvMessageModified(V2TIMMessage msg) {// `msg` is the modified message object.}};// Add a message listenerV2TIMManager.getMessageManager().addAdvancedMsgListener(advancedMsgListener);
// Add a message listenerV2TIMManager.sharedInstance().addAdvancedMsgListener(self)/// Notification of the message content modificationfunc onRecvMessageModified(_ msg: V2TIMMessage) {// `msg` is the modified message object.}
// Add a message listener[[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] addAdvancedMsgListener:self];/// Notification of the message content modification- (void)onRecvMessageModified:(V2TIMMessage *)msg {// `msg` is the modified message object.}
class AdvancedMsgListener final : public V2TIMAdvancedMsgListener {public:// Notification of the message content modificationvoid OnRecvNewMessage(const V2TIMMessage& message) override {// `message` is the modified message object.}// Other members ...};// Note that `advancedMsgListener` should not be released before the IM SDK is uninitialized,// otherwise the message callback cannot be called.AdvancedMsgListener advancedMsgListener;V2TIMManager::GetInstance()->GetMessageManager()->AddAdvancedMsgListener(&advancedMsgListener);