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그룹 검색


Only locally stored groups can be searched for, such as the list of joined groups and group profiles that have been pulled.
This feature is supported by the SDK for Flutter v3.8.0 or later.

Searching a Local Group

Call the searchGroups API (details) to search a local group. You can set the search keyword keywordList and specify the search scope to set whether to search by the groupID and groupName fields of a group.
Sample code:
// Search for a group by the keyword
// Settings for group profile search
V2TimGroupSearchParam param = V2TimGroupSearchParam(
isSearchGroupID: true, // Whether to search by group ID. The default value is `true`.
isSearchGroupName: true, // Whether to search by group name. The default value is `true`.
keywordList: []); // Search keyword list. Up to five keywords are supported.
// Search a group profile
V2TimValueCallback<List<V2TimGroupInfo>> searchGroupsRes =
await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
.searchGroups(searchParam: param);// Settings for group profile search
if (searchGroupsRes.code == 0) {
// Data found successfully
searchGroupsRes.data?.forEach((element) {
element.customInfo; // Custom group field
element.faceUrl; // Group's profile photo URL
element.groupAddOpt; // Group adding options
element.groupID; // Group ID
element.groupName; // Group name
element.groupType; // Group type
element.introduction; // Group introduction
element.isAllMuted; // Whether to mute all group members
element.isSupportTopic; // Whether the group supports topics
element.joinTime; // Time when the current user joins the group
element.lastInfoTime; // Time when the group profile is modified last time
element.lastMessageTime; // Time when the last message is sent in the group
element.memberCount; // Number of group members
element.notification; // Group notice
element.onlineCount; // Number of online members in the group
element.owner; // Group owner
element.recvOpt; // Current user's message receiving option in the group
element.role; // Current user's role in the group