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When a user creates a one-to-one or group chat, and a message is sent or received in it, a conversation will be created. In the Chat SDK, the conversation management class is V2TIMConversationManager(Android) or V2TIMManager(Conversation)(iOS and macOS). You can use the conversation management class APIs to display/update the conversation list, update the unread count, pin a conversation to the top, make a conversation draft, and mute message notifications.

Conversation Class

The conversation class is V2TIMConversation (Android / iOS and macOS / Windows), which defines the following content:
Conversation type
See the definition of V2TIMConversationType, which can be C2C or Group.
Unique conversation ID
It is in the format of c2c_userID for a one-to-one chat or group_groupID for a group chat.
User ID of the message receiver
userID stores the user ID of the message receiver if the conversation type is one-to-one chat; otherwise, it is empty.
Group ID
groupID stores the group ID if the conversation type is group chat; otherwise, it is empty.
Group type
groupType is the type of the group if the conversation type is group chat; otherwise, it is empty.
Displayed conversation name
The name of a group conversation is displayed in the following order of priority: group name > group ID;
The name of a one-to-one conversation is displayed in the following order of priority: friend remarks of the message receiver > nickname of the message receiver > userID of the message receiver.
Displayed conversation profile photo
It is the group profile photo for a group chat or the profile photo of the message receiver for a one-to-one chat.
Unread message count of the conversation
For detailed directions, see Conversation Unread Count. It is invalid and defaults to 0 for an audio-video group (AVChatRoom).
Message receiving option
See the definition of V2TIMReceiveMessageOpt and the use directions Do not Notify.
Last message in the conversation
For detailed directions, see Conversation List.
List of @ information in the group conversation
Generally, it is used to display the notifications of "someone@me" and "@all".
Draft information
The draft information can be set by calling the setConversationDraft API. For detailed directions, see Conversation Draft.
Draft editing time
It is automatically generated when a draft is set.
Whether to pin the conversation to the top
For detailed directions, see Pinning Conversation to the Top.
Field for sorting conversations
For detailed directions, see Conversation List.
Conversation mark list
For the use directions, see Conversation Mark. This attribute is supported from v6.5.
Custom conversation data
To set custom data, call the setConversationCustomData API. The custom data will be stored on the cloud. Up to 256 bytes are supported. This attribute is supported from v6.5.
List of groups to which the conversation belongs
For the use directions, see Conversation Group. This attribute is supported from v6.5.
Timestamp of the latest message which has been read
Valid only for one-to-one chat. Supported from v7.1.
Sequence of the latest message which has been read
Valid only for group chat. Supported from v7.1.

Conversation Storage Policy

There is no limit on the number of locally stored conversations. Up to 100 conversations can be stored in the cloud. To increase this limit, upgrade to the Premium edition. Then you can set the limit to 500 in the console.
If the information of a conversation has not been updated for a long time, the conversation can be stored in the cloud for up to 7 days.
Locally stored conversations may not always be consistent with those stored in the cloud. If you do not call the deleteConversation API to delete the local conversations, these conversations will always exist. However, at most 100 conversations can be stored in the cloud. In addition, if the information of a conversation has not been updated for a long time, this conversation can be stored in the cloud for at most 7 days. Therefore, local conversations displayed on different mobile phones may be inconsistent with each other.