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대화 목록


After a user logs in to the application, the list of recent conversations can be displayed to make it easy to locate the target conversation.
The conversation list features include getting the conversation list and processing the conversation list update. This section describes how to implement such features.

Getting the Conversation List

Call the ConvGetConvList API (details) to get the conversation list. This API pulls locally cached conversations. If any server conversation is updated, the SDK will automatically sync the update and notify you in the TIMConvEventCallback callback.
User conversations are returned in a list that stores ConvInfo objects.
Sample code:
TIMResult res = TencentIMSDK.ConvGetConvList((int code, string desc, List<ConvInfo> info_list, string user_data)=>{
// Process the async logic

Updating the Conversation List

After the Chat SDK is successfully logged in, or the user goes online, or the connection is re-established after being interrupted, the Chat SDK will automatically update the conversation list. You can get the updated conversation list in the following steps:
1. Add a conversation listener.
2. Receive and process conversation changes.
3. Remove the conversation listener. This step is optional and can be performed as needed.

Adding a conversation listener

Call the SetConvEventCallback API (details) to add a conversation listener to receive conversation change events.
Sample code:
TencentIMSDK.SetConvEventCallback((TIMConvEvent conv_event, List<ConvInfo> conv_list, string user_data)=>{
// Process the callback logic
You can listen for the event in TIMConvEvent (details) to get the notification of a conversation list change.
Currently, the Chat SDK supports the following conversation change events:
A new conversation was added.
Re-sort the conversations when the user receives a one-to-one message from a new colleague or is invited to a new group.
A conversation was deleted.
Trigger this event when the user deletes a conversation.
A conversation was updated.
Trigger this event when the unread count of a conversation changes or a new message is received.
A conversation was started.
A conversation was ended.

Removing a conversation listener

Call the RemoveConvEventCallback API (details) to remove a specified conversation listener to stop receiving conversation change events. If null is passed in, all conversation listeners will be removed. This step is optional and can be performed as needed.
Sample code:

Sending a message without updating the conv_last_msg

On the UI of conversation list, it is usually necessary to display the preview and send time of the latest message in each conversation. In this case, you can use conv_last_msg of ConvInfo as the data source for implementation. However, in some cases, if you don't want some messages (such as system tips) to be displayed as the latest message in a conversation, you can set message_excluded_from_last_message to false/no when calling MsgSendMessage.
For directions on how to send a message, see here.