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SDK Update Log (TUIRoomKit)

September 2024

Publishing dynamics
Update Log
Release Date
SDK 2.6.0 iOS, Android, Flutter, Web, Uniapp (mini programs),
Uniapp (client), Electron version officially released
RoomEngine SDK Full Platform:
New meeting scenario In-call calling TUIConferenceManager plugin, supports in-call invitation feature.
New setRoomMetadataByAdmin interface, supports custom room information settings.
New fetchRoomInfo interface, supports fetching room information from outside the room.
New onUserInfoChanged callback notification for nameCard/userRole change.
Fixed the host change local cache exception issue.
Electron & Web:
Whiteboard capabilities supported on Electron.
H5 and mini programs support scheduling meetings.
In-meeting invitation supported on Web and Electron.
Membership password capability supported on Web and Electron.
Web and Electron support fluid layout with video stream playback across multiple nodes, optimizing video stream lazy loading logic.
H5 stream layout supports lazy loading and size stream logic for video streams, optimizing the stream layout page switching experience.
Supports auto logout from the room 5 seconds after the room ends.
API changes:
Removed connectOtherRoom/disconnect and their callbacks.
Removed sendTextMessage/sendCustomMessage and their callbacks.

July 2024

Publishing dynamics
Update Log
Release Date
SDK 2.5.0 iOS, Android, Flutter, Web, Uniapp (Mini Program),
Uniapp (client), Electron version officially released
RoomEngine SDK Full Platform:
Added TUIConferenceListManager, supports meeting list and schedule a meeting feature.
TUIRoomInfo added field password, supports membership password feature.
TUIUserInfo, TUISeatInfo, TUIRequest added nameCard field to indicate room nickname.
Added interface to update room nickname changeUserNameCard.
New onUserInfoChanged callback notification for nameCard/userRole change.
Delete speechMode related Type Definition, interface, callback.
Android & iOS & Flutter:
In TUILiveListManager the parameter modifyFlag in the setLiveInfo interface and onLiveInfoChanged callback is changed to modifyFlagList.
In TUIListListManager the setObserver interface is changed to addObserver.
Fixed the abnormal callback error message of web and electron due to no device permission or device acquisition failure.
web and electron support multiple instances.

June 2024

Publishing dynamics
Update Log
Release Date
SDK 2.4.0 iOS, Android, Flutter, Web, Uniapp (Mini Program),
Uniapp (client), Electron version officially released
RoomEngine SDK
All Platforms:
Added moveToSeat Interface.
Added TUILiveListManager Live Streaming List Plugin.
Fixed updateVideoQualityEx interface encoding parameter invalid issue.
Android & iOS & Flutter:
Enabled IM SDK to ignore duplicate log in to feature.
Deprecated sending message interface sendTextMessage, it is recommended to use the IMSDK sendGroupTextMessage interface instead.
Deprecated sending message interface sendCustomMessage, it is recommended to use the IMSDK sendGroupCustomMessage interface instead.
Deprecated receiving text message callback onReceiveTextMessage, it is recommended to use the IMSDK onRecvGroupTextMessage callback instead.
Deprecated receiving custom definition message callback onReceiveCustomMessage, it is recommended to use the IMSDK onRecvGroupCustomMessage callback instead.

Adjusted minimum supported version to iOS 12. To use this feature, please add pod 'TUIRoomKit/TRTC_iOS12' in the Podfile, then run pod install.
Added notification for applying to go on stage, distinguishing between users who are already on stage and those who are not.
In speaking mode, optimized the interactive performance when the microphone position is full during an invitation or application to go on stage.
Optimized video display to prevent black screen issues in iOS 17 version.
Optimized the danmaku feature interaction.
Optimized the top bar title.
Added notification for applying to go on stage, distinguishing between users who are already on stage and those who are not.
In speaking mode, optimized the interactive performance when the microphone position is full during an invitation or application to go on stage.
Optimized the danmaku feature interaction.
Optimized the top bar title.
Adapted to landscape mode.
Changed the parameter roomId to conferenceId and isCreateRoom to isCreateConference in ConferenceMainPage.
Changed the default language to system language.
Optimized the callback parameters in ConferenceObserver.
Optimized drag-and-drop for large and small window layouts.
Optimized the top bar title.
In speaking mode, optimized the interactive performance when the microphone position is full during an invitation or application to go on stage.
Fixed an issue where the operation list was occluded when the user's role changed from administrator to homeowner.
Fixed an issue where switching camera devices during camera preview using the startCameraDeviceTest interface did not release the old device.
Fixed an issue where setting the room name did not take effect when creating a room.
Fixed an issue where a watermark was not updated, causing a styling anomaly during RoomKit display area resize.
Virtual Background feature interaction optimization: Added loading effects, and a save button.
In speaking mode, optimized the interactive performance when the microphone position is full during an invitation or application to go on stage.
Fixed an issue where the operation list was occluded when the user's role changed from administrator to homeowner.
Fixed an issue where setting the room name did not take effect when creating a room.
Fixed an issue where a watermark was not updated, causing a styling anomaly during RoomKit display area resize.
Uniapp (mini programs):
Fixed the issue where the input box had no background color when sending an emoji.
Fixed an issue where setting the room name did not take effect when creating a room.
Uniapp (client):
Uniapp (client) version with UI scheme RoomKit released, supporting Android and iOS platforms.

May 2024

Publishing dynamics
Update Log
Release Date
SDK 2.3.3 iOS, Android, Windows, Web, Uniapp (Mini Program), Electron versions officially released
RoomEngine SDK
All Platforms:
Fixed Camera and Microphone occupancy error code callback exception.
Callback parameters optimization, onKickedOffSeat parameter userId changed to seatIndex, userInfo.
Callback parameters optimization, onRequestCancelled parameter requestId, userId changed to request, userInfo.
Callback parameters optimization, onRequestProcessed parameter requestId, userId changed to request, userInfo.
Callback parameters optimization, onUserRoleChanged parameter userId, userRole changed to userInfo.
Callback parameters optimization, onRoomDismissed added TUIRoomDismissedReason.
Added onError event error code -1102 indicating camera device is occupied.
Fixed issue where switching camera device did not take effect after being invited to turn on the camera.

Supported network detection during meetings.
Support danmu chat during meetings.
Support setting background blur.
Support setting text watermark.
Fixed issue where switching camera device did not take effect after being invited to turn on the camera
Support setting text watermark.
Fixed issue where switching camera device did not take effect after being invited to turn on the camera.

April 2024

Publishing dynamics
Update Log
Release Date
SDK 2.3.1
Released for iOS, Android, Windows, Web, Uniapp and Electron.
RoomEngine SDK
Full platform:
Support live broadcast scenarios with maximum room count of 10w+.
Add onRoomUserCountChanged callback.
Add enterRoom interface with RoomType.
TUISeatInfo structure has new fields for avatar and nickname.
TUIRequest structure has new fields for avatar and nickname.
TUIUserInfo structure now has new isMessageDisabled field.
Fix startPlayRemoteVideo memory leak.
Add OnKickedOffSeat callback for seatIndex and userInfo, the original callback is deprecated.
OnRequestCancelled callback for request, userInfo, the original callback is deprecated.
OnRequestProcessed callback of request and userInfo, the original callback is deprecated.
OnUserRoleChanged callback with userInfo as new parameter, the original callback is deprecated.
OnRoomDismissed callback with roomId and TUIRoomDismissedReason, the original callback is deprecated.

Support setting watermarks in meetings;
Optimise the logout logic, listen to the logout action during the meeting, exit the current meeting and give a prompt;
Solve the problem of not being able to auto-upload when changing to the house owner during the uploading process;
Solve the memory leak when BottomSheetDialog is still displayed when Activity finish;
Remove the 3rd party library of support-v4;
Solve the problem of switching between small and large windows during a two-person meeting, and the small window is black screened;
Solve the problem that there is no watermark in the small window of a two-person meeting;
Fix the problem that the default device in the camera list is not updated when unplugging the external camera under Electron.
Fix the problem that the member action panel is not far enough from the top and the display is not complete; Fix the problem that the member action panel is not far enough from the top and the display is not complete.
Fix the problem that Notification component shows the events of other members; Fix the problem that Notification component does not update the list of applications after getting the identities of hosts and administrators.
Repair the problem of not updating the list of applications after getting the identity of moderator and administrator; Repair the problem of not updating the list of applications after getting the identity of moderator and administrator.
Fix the problem of inaccurate unread count of chat messages.
Repair the problem of disable status error when clicking the microphone and camera buttons several times when transferring to host or administrator status.
Repair the problem of incomplete display of membership time in H5 mobile terminal.
Repair the problem of line breaks in the prompt message of H5 mobile; Fix the problem that the member management list cannot scroll.
Fix the problem that the member management list cannot be scrolled in H5 mobile; Fix the problem that the member operation panel is not far enough from the top.
Fix the problem of incomplete display of member operation panel due to insufficient distance from the top of panel; Fix the problem of incomplete display of member operation panel due to insufficient distance from the top of panel.
Repair the problem of white screen when loading demo page in onePlus browser on H5 mobile; Repair the problem of white screen when loading demo page in onePlus browser on H5 mobile.
Repair the problem of notification component displaying events when it receives events handled by other members; Repair the problem of notification component not displaying events handled by other members.
Repair the problem of not updating the application list after getting the host and administrator identities; Repair the problem of not updating the application list after getting the host and administrator identities.
Fix the problem of inaccurate unread count of chat messages.
Fix the problem that the MessageBox component cannot be closed when the button is clicked after entering a room.
Repair the problem of disable status error when clicking the microphone and camera buttons several times when transferring to host or administrator status.
Mini Program:
Repair the problem of incomplete display of the time of joining the applet.
Repair the problem of line breaks in the upstage prompt message of applets.
Repair the problem that the member management list of apps cannot be scrolled.
Repair the problem that after creating a room in an app, clicking the home button in the upper left corner to go back to the homepage, the new room is created abnormally again.
Fix the problem that the icon cannot be switched after transferring the host to the app; Fix the problem that the icon cannot be switched after transferring the host to the app.
Repair the problem of not updating the application list after getting the host and administrator identities; Repair the problem of not updating the application list after getting the host and administrator identities.
Fix the problem of inaccurate unread count of chat messages.
Repair the problem of notification component displaying events when it receives events handled by other members; Repair the problem of notification component displaying events when it receives events handled by other members.
Repair the problem of disable status error when clicking the microphone and camera buttons several times when transferring to host or administrator status.
The Multiplayer Audio/Video Room SDK (TUIRoomKit) is available from 8 April 2023 onwards. If you have accessed the product during the release of the free version, we have extended the time limit for you to 8 May 2023, so that you can upgrade to the official version of the product, and during this period, you can still use and experience the product.
For more information, see: Product Bulletin.