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This tutorial mainly introduces how to detect the volume.
Detect the volume of the local microphone and remote users.
Detect whether the user is speaking after muting microphone.
Adjust local microphone and remote audio volume.


Dectect Audio Volume

Listen for the TRTC.EVENT.AUDIO_VOLUME event, and then call trtc.enableAudioVolumeEvaluation() to enable the volume event.
trtc.on(TRTC.EVENT.AUDIO_VOLUME, event => {
event.result.forEach(({ userId, volume }) => {
// When userId is an empty string, it represents the volume of the local microphone.
const isMe = userId === '';
if (isMe) {
console.log(`my volume: ${volume}`);
} else {
console.log(`user: ${userId} volume: ${volume}`);

// Enable volume event and trigger the event every 500ms
// For performance reasons, when the page switches to the background,
// the SDK will not throw volume callback events. If you need to receive volume event
// when the page is switched to the background, you can set the second parameter to true.
trtc.enableAudioVolumeEvaluation(500, true);

// To turn off the volume event, pass in an value less than or equal to 0

Detect Whether the User is Speaking after Muting Microphone

const trtc = TRTC.create();
await trtc.startLocalAudio();

let isAudioMuted = false;
await trtc.updateLocalAudio({ mute: true });
isAudioMuted = true;

// create a new trtc instance for detecting the volume of microphone.
const trtcA = TRTC.create();
trtcA.on(TRTC.EVENT.AUDIO_VOLUME, event => {
event.result.forEach(item => {
// 1. userId === '' is local volume.
// 2. It is generally believed that when the volume is greater than 10, the user is talking, and you can also customize this threshold.
if (item.userId === '' && item.volume > 10 && isAudioMuted) {
// The user is speaking after microphone muted.
await trtcA.startLocalAudio();

Adjust Audio Volume

The default local microphone capture volume is 100. You can set the captureVolume parameter of trtc.updateLocalAudio() to adjust it.
// Increase the capture volume by setting captureVolume upper than 100.
await trtc.updateLocalAudio({ option: { captureVolume: 200 }});

// Decrease the capture volume by setting captureVolume below 100.
await trtc.updateLocalAudio({ option: { captureVolume: 50 }});
await trtc.updateLocalAudio({ option: { captureVolume: 0 }});
The default remote audio volume is 100. You can call trtc.setRemoteAudioVolume() to adjust it.
// Increase remote audio volume
await trtc.setRemoteAudioVolume('remote_user_id', 200);
// Decrease remote audio volume
await trtc.setRemoteAudioVolume('remote_user_id', 50);