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닉네임 및 아바타 설정

This article explains how to set up a user's avatar and nickname.

Setting Avatar, Nickname

To customize the nickname or profile photo, use the following API for update:
import com.tencent.qcloud.tuikit.TUICommonDefine
import com.tencent.qcloud.tuikit.tuicallkit.TUICallKit

TUICallKit.createInstance(context).setSelfInfo("jack", "https:/****/user_avatar.png",
object : TUICommonDefine.Callback {
override fun onSuccess() {

override fun onError(errorCode: Int, errorMessage: String?) {
import com.tencent.qcloud.tuikit.TUICommonDefine;
import com.tencent.qcloud.tuikit.tuicallkit.TUICallKit;

TUICallKit.createInstance(context).setSelfInfo("jack", "https:/****/user_avatar.png", new TUICommonDefine.Callback() {
public void onSuccess() {

public void onError(int errorCode, String errorMessage) {
import TUICallKit_Swift
import TUICallEngine

TUICallKit.createInstance().setSelfInfo(nickname: "", avatar: "") {

} fail: { code, message in

#import <TUICallKit_Swift/TUICallKit_Swift-Swift.h>

[[TUICallKit createInstance] setSelfInfoWithNickname:@"" avatar:@"" succ:^{

} fail:^(int code, NSString * _Nullable errMsg) {

import 'package:tencent_calls_uikit/tencent_calls_uikit.dart';

void setSelfInfo() {
TUIResult result = TUICallKit.instance.setSelfInfo('userName', 'url:********');
import { TUICallKitServer } from '@tencentcloud/call-uikit-vue';
// import { TUICallKitServer } from '@tencentcloud/call-uikit-react';
try {
await TUICallKitServer.setSelfInfo({ nickName: "jack", avatar: "http://xxx" });
} catch (error) {
console.error(`[TUICallKit] Failed to call the setSelfInfo API. Reason: ${error}`);
const options = {
nickName: 'jack',
avatar: 'https:/****/user_avatar.png'
TUICallKit.setSelfInfo(options, (res) => {
if (res.code === 0) {
console.log('setSelfInfo success');
} else {
console.log(`setSelfInfo failed, error message = ${res.msg}`);
The update of the callee's nickname and profile photo may be delayed during a call between non-friend users due to the user privacy settings. After a call is made successfully, the information will also be updated properly in subsequent calls.