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General Error Code

Error Code
Operation Successful
Temporarily Unclassified General Error
Request Rate Limited, Please Try Again Later
Not Found SDKAppID, Please Confirm Application Info in TRTC Console
Passing illegal parameters when calling API, check if the parameters are legal
Not Logged In, Please Call Login API
Failed to Obtain Permission, Unauthorized Audio/Video Permission, Please Check if Device Permission is Enabled
This feature requires an additional package. Please activate the corresponding package as needed in the TRTC Console

Local User Rendering, Video Management, Audio Management API Callback Error Definition

Error Code
System Issue, Failed to Open Camera. Check if Camera Device is Normal
Camera has No System Authorization, Check System Authorization
Camera is Occupied, Check if Other Process is Using Camera
No Camera Device Currently, Please Insert Camera Device to Solve the Problem
System Issue, Failed to Open Mic. Check if Mic Device is Normal
Mic has No System Authorization, Check System Authorization
Mic is Occupied
No Mic Device Currently
Failed to Obtain Screen Sharing Object, Check Screen Recording Permission
Failed to Enable Screen Sharing, Check if Someone is Already Screen Sharing in the Room

Room Management Related API Callback Error Definition

Error Code
Room Does Not Exist When Entering, May Have Been Closed
This Feature Can Only Be Used After Entering the Room
Room Owner Does Not Support Leaving the Room, Conference Room Type: Transfer Room Ownership First, Then Leave the Room. Living Room Type: Room Owner Can Only Close the Room
This Operation is Not Supported in the Current Room Type
This Operation is Not Supported in the Current Speaking Mode
Illegal Custom Room ID, Must Be Printable ASCII Characters (0x20-0x7e), Up to 48 Bytes Long
Room ID is Already in Use, Please Choose Another Room ID
Illegal Room Name, Maximum 30 Bytes, Must Be UTF-8 Encoding if Contains Chinese Characters
User is Already in Another Room, Single RoomEngine Instance Only Supports User Entering One Room, To Enter Different Room, Please Leave the Room or Use New RoomEngine Instance

Room User Information API Callback Error Definition

Error Code
User Not Found
User Not Found in the Room

Room User Speech Management API Callback Error Definition & Room Mic Seat Management API Callback Error Definition

Error Code
Room Owner Permission Required for Operation
Room Owner or Administrator Permission Required for Operation
No Permission for Signaling Request, e.g. Canceling an Invite Not Initiated by Yourself
Signaling Request ID is Invalid or Has Been Processed
Maximum Mic Seat Exceeds Package Quantity Limit
Current User is Already on Mic Seat
Mic Seat is Already Occupied
Mic Seat is Locked
Mic Seat Serial Number Does Not Exist
Current User is Not on Mic
Mic-on Capacity is Full
Current Mic Seat Audio is Locked
Need to Apply to Room Owner or Administrator to Open Mic
Current Mic Seat Video is Locked, Need Room Owner to Unlock Mic Seat Before Opening Camera
Need to Apply to Room Owner or Administrator to Open Camera
All Members Muted in the Current Room
You Have Been Muted in the Current Room

Common Error Codes for RESTful APIs

Error code
HTTP parsing error, please check the HTTP request URL format
HTTP request JSON parsing error, please check the JSON format
Request URL or JSON payload contains an incorrect account or signature
Request URL or JSON payload contains an incorrect account or signature
SDKAppID invalid, please verify the validity of SDKAppID
RESTful API invocation frequency exceeds its limit, please reduce the request frequency
Service request timed out or HTTP request format is incorrect, please check and retry
Request Resource Error, please check the request URL
The request requires App administrator privileges
SDKAppID request frequency exceeds the limit, please reduce the request frequency
RESTful API requires SDKAppID, please check the SDKAppID in the request URL
HTTP response package JSON parsing error
Account Replacement timed out
The request body has the wrong account type. Please ensure the account is in string format
SDKAppID is disabled.
The request is disabled.
The request is too frequent, please try again later.
The request is too frequent, please try again later.
Your Professional Edition package has expired and been deactivated. Please log in to [ Chat purchase page](https://buy.cloud.tencent.com/avc) to repurchase the package. Once purchased, it will take effect 5 minutes later.
The Call Source IP for RestAPI is illegal.

Error codes

Common error codes (60000 to 79999) see Error Code documentation. The private error codes for this API are as follows:
Error code
Internal server error, please retry
Invalid parameter, please check the request for correctness based on the error description
Room ID already exists, please choose another Room ID
No payment information, a package bundle needs to be purchased from the Console
Room ID has been used, and the Operator is the Homeowner, it can be used directly
Room ID is occupied by Chat, you can change to another Room ID or dissolve the group first through the IM interface
Creating rooms exceeds frequency limit; the same Room ID can only be created once per second