Setting/Deleting Live Streaming Group Administrators
Feature Overview
App administrators can set and delete administrators for a live streaming group. When an account is designated as an administrator, it does not need to be in the live streaming group. Once set as an administrator, the account remains an administrator even if it leaves and re-enters the live streaming group. To cancel the administrator status, this API needs to be called. This feature requires the Premium Edition, and the live streaming group online member list feature must have been enabled under group feature configuration in the Chat console.
API Call Description
Applicable Group Types
Group Type ID | REST API Support |
Private | No. It is similar to Work (friend work group) in the new version. |
Public | No. |
ChatRoom | No. It is similar to Meeting (temporary meeting group) in the new version. |
AVChatRoom | Yes. |
Community | No. |
This feature requires the Premium Edition Package, and the live streaming group online member list feature must have been enabled (under group feature configuration in the console).
When an account is designated as an administrator, it does not need to be in the live streaming group.
Once set as an administrator, the account remains an administrator even if it leaves and re-enters the live streaming group.
To cancel the administrator status, this API needs to be called.
A live streaming group can have up to 5 administrators.
Sample Request URL
Request Parameters
The following table only lists the parameters involved when this API is called and their descriptions. For details on other parameters, see REST API Overview.
Parameter | Description |
xxxxxx | The dedicated domain name corresponding to the country/region of the SDKAppID: China: Singapore: Seoul: Frankfurt: Silicon Valley: Jakarta: |
v4/group_open_avchatroom_http_svc/modify_admin | Request API. |
sdkappid | The SDKAppID assigned by the Chat console when an application is created. |
identifier | |
usersig | |
random | A random 32-bit unsigned integer ranging from 0 to 4294967295. |
contenttype | The request format is fixed to json . |
Maximum Call Frequency
200 times/second
Sample Request Packets
Query whether a batch of users is in the live streaming group, and return the users who are in the group.
{"GroupId":"@TGS#a6I4ZUUGO","CommandType": 1,"Admin_Account": ["user1"]}
Request Packet Fields
Field | Type | Attribute | Description |
GroupId | String | Required | ID of the operated group. |
CommandType | Integer | Required | 1: Sets an administrator. 2: Cancels administrator settings. |
Admin_Account | Array | Required | UserID list of administrators to be modified. A live streaming group can have up to 5 administrators. |
Sample Response Packets
{"ActionStatus": "OK","ErrorCode": 0,"ErrorInfo": ""}
Response Packet Fields
Field | Type | Description |
ActionStatus | String | Processing results: OK: succeeded. FAIL: failed. |
ErrorCode | Integer | Error code: 0: succeeded. Other values: failed. |
ErrorInfo | String | Error message. |
Error Codes
Unless a network error occurs (such as a 502 error), the HTTP return code for this API is always 200. The real error code and error message are indicated by ErrorCode and ErrorInfo in the response packets.
Common error codes (60000 to 79999) can be found in Error Codes.
The private error codes for this API are as follows:
Error Code | Description |
10001 | The user does not log in. Please check whether the admin account and usersig are correct. |
10002 | System error. Please try again or contact technical support. |
10003 | Invalid request command. Please try again or contact technical support. |
10004 | Invalid parameters. Please check whether the required fields are filled in or whether the field fillings meet the protocol requirements based on the ErrorInfo field in the response packets. |
10007 | Insufficient permissions. Non-AVChatRoom group types do not support obtaining the online user count. |
10010 | The group does not exist, or it once existed but has now been dissolved. |
10015 | Invalid group ID. Please check whether the group ID is filled in correctly. |