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Android & iOS

Plugin Feature

Starting from version 7.1, you can integrate the voting plugin TUIPollPlugin. The voting plugin is a UI closed source library that depends on TUIChat.
After integration, you can initiate group voting, view voting statistics results, and participate in others' voting directly in TUIChat.

Android Integration

TUIPollPlugin is a closed source plugin that needs to be integrated via gradle. Locate the build.gradle of the App and add the dependency of the voting plugin in dependencies.
Classic version
dependencies {
# Integrate the chat feature
api project(':tuichat')
# Integrate voting plugin, supported from version 7.1
api "com.tencent.imsdk:tuipoll-plugin:7.3.4358"

iOS Integration

TUIPollPlugin can be quickly integrated via CocoaPods just like an ordinary TUIKit component.. For the voting plugin, you only need to add a row to the Podfile:
Classic version
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
# ...

# Integrate the chat feature
pod 'TUIChat/UI_Classic'
# Integrate voting plugin, supported from version 7.1
pod 'TUIPollPlugin'
TUIPollPlugin depends on TUIChat. Integrating TUIPollPlugin alone will cause feature anomalies and the voting interface will not display properly.
TUIPollPlugin is supported starting from version 7.1. To use the voting plugin, you need to upgrade TUIChat to version 7.1 or above.