Input the camera's OpenGL texture and output real-time gesture detection data. You can use this data for further development.
Android Integration Guide
Android Interface Invocation
1. Turn on the gesture detection feature switch (in XmagicApi.java)
public void setFeatureEnableDisable(String featureName, boolean enable);
Fill in featureName with XmagicConstant.FeatureName.HAND_DETECT, and set enable to true.
2. Set data callback (in XmagicApi.java)
void setAIDataListener(XmagicApi.OnAIDataListener aiDataListener)public interface OnAIDataListener {void onFaceDataUpdated(List<TEFaceData> faceDataList);void onHandDataUpdated(List<TEHandData> handDataList);void onBodyDataUpdated(List<TEBodyData> bodyDataList);void onAIDataUpdated(String data);}
onAIDataUpdated returns a JSON structured string data.
Callback JSON Data Description
In the callback JSON data, the gesture-related data is in "hand_info", and the format is as follows:
"hand_info": { "gesture": "PAPER", "hand_point_2d": [180.71888732910156, 569.2958984375, ... , 353.8714294433594, 836.246826171875]}
The explanations of each field in hand_info are as follows:
Field | Explanation |
gesture | Gesture Type Name |
hand_point_2d | Captured gesture data information |
The following gestures are currently supported:
Order | Gesture | Type Name | Example Image |
1 | Heart | HEART | |
2 | Gestrue with number 5(open) | PAPER | |
3 | Gesture with number 2 | SCISSOR | |
4 | Fist | FIST | |
5 | Gesture with number 1 | ONE | |
6 | I love you | LOVE | |
7 | Thumb up | LIKE | |
8 | OK | OK | |
9 | Rock | ROCK | |
10 | Gesture with number 6 | SIX | |
11 | Gesture with number 8 | EIGHT | |
12 | Lift | LIFT | |
13 | Gesture with number 3 | THREE | |
14 | Gesture with number 4 | FOUR | |
If it is an undetected gesture, the gesture type name is OTHER.