please select

Install Chat SDK

This document describes how to quickly integrate the Tencent Cloud Chat SDK into your web, mini program, and uni-app projects.

File Structure of the Chat SDK

Integrating the SDK

You can integrate the Chat SDK into your web, mini program, and uni-app projects by using npm.
You can integrate the upload plugin tim-upload-plugin for faster and safer upload of rich text resources.

Integration via npm (Recommended)

Use npm to install the corresponding Chat SDK dependencies in your project.
npm install @tencentcloud/chat --save
// The Tencent Cloud Chat upload plugin is required to send messages such as images and files.
npm install tim-upload-plugin --save
import TencentCloudChat from '@tencentcloud/chat';
import TIMUploadPlugin from 'tim-upload-plugin';

let options = {
SDKAppID: 0 // Replace 0 with the SDKAppID of your Chat application when connecting.
// Create an SDK instance.
// The `TencentCloudChat.create()` method returns the same instance for the same `SDKAppID`.
// The SDK instance is usually represented by chat.
let chat = TencentCloudChat.create(options);

// Set the SDK log level.
// 0: Common level. You are advised to use this level during access as it covers more logs.
// 1: Release level. You are advised to use this level for key information in a production environment.
// chat.setLogLevel(1);

// Register the Tencent Cloud Chat upload plugin.
chat.registerPlugin({'tim-upload-plugin': TIMUploadPlugin});
Next step,initialize Chat SDK.

Relevant Resources


Are there any open-source UI components that can be reused or redeveloped? Tencent Cloud Chat provides open-source UIKits for all platforms that can be reused or redeveloped by developers. Find the reference documentation below: