please select
  • UIKit
  • SDK
  • Server APIs
Server APIs/
Online Status Webhooks/
Server APIs
  • Generating UserSig
  • RESTful APIs
    • RESTful API Overview
    • RESTful API List
    • Message Related
      • Send Message
        • Sending One-to-One Messages to One User
        • Sending One-to-One Messages to Multiple Users
        • Sending Ordinary Messages in a Group
        • Sending System Messages in a Group
        • Broadcast Message of Audio-Video Group
        • Importing One-to-One Messages
        • Importing Group Messages
      • Historical Message
        • Modifying Historical One-to-one Messages
        • Modifying Historical Group Messages
        • Pulling Historical One-to-one Messages
        • Pulling Historical Group Messages
      • Delete Message
        • Deleting Messages Sent by a Specified User
      • Withdraw Message
        • Recalling One-to-One Messages
        • Recalling Group Messages
      • Read Receipt
        • Marking One-to-One Messages as Read
        • Pulling Group Message Read Receipt Details
        • Pulling Read Receipts for Group Messages
      • Message Extension
        • Pulling the Message Extension of a One-to-One Message
        • Configuring Message Extension for a One-to-One Message
        • Pulling Message Extension of a Group Message
        • Configuring Message Extension for a Group Message
      • Pushing to All Users
        • API for Pushing to All Users
        • Pushing to All Users
        • Setting Application Attribute Names
        • Getting Application Attribute Names
        • Getting User Attributes
        • Setting User Attributes
        • Deleting User Attributes
        • Getting User Tags
        • Adding User Tags
        • Deleting User Tags
        • Deleting All Tags of a User
    • Session Related
      • Conversation List
        • Pulling a conversation list
      • Session Unread Count
        • Setting the Unread Message Count of a Member
        • Querying Unread One-to-One Message Count
      • Delete Session
        • Deleting a conversation
      • Session Grouping Tag
        • Creating Conversation Group Data
        • Updating Conversation Group Data
        • Deleting Conversation Group Data
        • Creating or Updating Conversation Mark Data
        • Searching for Conversation Group Marks
        • Pulling Conversation Group Mark Data
    • Group Related
      • Group Management
        • Getting All Groups in an App
        • Creating a Group
        • Disbanding a Group
        • Getting the Groups a User Has Joined
      • Group Information
        • Getting Group Profiles
        • Modifying the Profile of a Group
        • Importing a Group Profile
      • Group Member Management
        • Adding Group Members
        • Deleting Group Members
        • Banning Group Members
        • Unbanning Group Members
        • Bulk Muting and Unmuting
        • Getting the List of Muted Group Members
        • Changing Group Owner
        • Querying the Roles of Users in a Group
        • Importing Group Members
      • Group Member Information
        • Getting Group Member Profiles
        • Modifying the Profile of a Group Member
      • Group Custom Attributes
        • Getting Group Custom Attributes
        • Modifying Group Custom Attributes
        • Clearing Group Custom Attributes
        • Resetting Group Custom Attributes
        • Deleting Group Custom Attributes
      • Live Group Management
        • Getting the Number of Online Users in an Audio-Video Group
        • Getting the List of Online Members in Audio-Video Group
        • Setting Audio-Video Group Member Marks
        • Getting the List of Banned Group Members.
      • Community Management
        • Creating Topic
        • Deleting Topic
        • Getting Topic Profile
        • Modifying Topic Profile
        • Importing Topic Profiles
      • Group Counter
        • Getting Group Counters
        • Updating Group Counters
        • Deleting Group Counters
    • User Management
      • Account Management
        • Importing a Single Account
        • Importing Multiple Accounts
        • Deleting Accounts
        • Querying Accounts
      • User Information
        • Setting Profiles
        • Pulling Profiles
      • User Status
        • Invalidating Account Login States
        • Querying Account Online Status
      • Friend Management
        • Adding Friends
        • Importing Friends
        • Updating Friends
        • Deleting Friends
        • Deleting All Friends
        • Verifying Friends
        • Pulling Friends
        • Pulling Specified Friends
      • Friend Lists
        • Adding Lists
        • Deleting Lists
        • Pulling Lists
      • Blocklist
        • Blocklisting Users
        • Unblocklisting Users
        • Pulling a Blacklist
        • Verifying Users on a Blocklist
    • Global Mute Management
      • Setting Global Mute
      • Querying Global Mute
    • Operations Management
      • Pulling Operations Data
      • Downloading Recent Messages
      • Getting Server IP Addresses
    • Chatbots
      • Pulling Chatbot Accounts
      • Creating Chatbot Accounts
      • Deleting Chatbot Accounts
  • Webhooks
    • Webhook Overview
    • Webhook Command List
    • Operations Management Callbacks
      • API Overclocking Alarm Callbacks
    • Online Status Webhooks
      • Status Change Webhooks
    • Relationship Chain Webhooks
      • After a Profile Is Updated
      • Before a Friend Is Added
      • Before a Friend Request Is Responded
      • After a Friend Is Added
      • After a Friend Is Deleted
      • After a User Is Added to Blocklist
      • After a User Is Removed from Blocklist
    • One-to-One Message Webhooks
      • Before a One-to-One Message Is Sent
      • After a One-to-One Message Is Sent
      • After a One-to-One message Is Marked as Read
      • After A One-to-One Message Is Recalled
    • Group Webhooks
      • Before a Group Is Created
      • After a Group Is Created
      • Before Applying to Join a Group
      • Before Inviting a User to a Group
      • After a User Joins a Group
      • After a User Leaves a Group
      • Before Group Message Is Sent
      • After a Group Message Is Sent
      • After a Group Is Full
      • After a Group Is Disbanded
      • After Group Profile Is Modified
      • Callback After Recalling Group Messages
      • Webhook for Online and Offline Status of Audio-Video Group Members
      • Webhook for Exceptions When Group Messages Are Sent
      • Before a Topic Is Created
      • After a Topic Is Created
      • After a Topic Is Deleted
      • Topic Profile Change Webhook
      • Callback After Group Member Profile Changed
      • Callback After Group Attribute Changed
      • Callback After Read Receipt
      • Callback After the Group Owner Changed
    • Webhook Mutual Authentication Configuration Guide
      • Apache Mutual Authentication Configuration
      • Nginx Mutual Authentication Configuration
    • Chatbot webhooks
      • Chatbot Passthrough Message Callback

Status Change Webhooks


The app backend can use this callback to view the login or logout behaviors of users in real time, including:
User login (a TCP connection is established)
User logout or network disconnection (a TCP connection is terminated)
App heartbeat timeout (the app is abnormally killed or crashes)


To enable this callback, you must configure the callback URL and enable the corresponding switch for this callback. For more information on the configuration method, see Callback Configuration.
During this callback, the IM backend initiates an HTTP POST request to the app backend.
After receiving the callback request, the app backend must check whether the SDKAppID contained in the request URL is the SDKAppID of the app.
For more security considerations, see the Security Considerations section in Third-Party Callback Overview.
For native SDK enhanced edition 5.6.1200 or later and web SDK 2.14.0 or later, a forced logout due to multi-device login or multi-instance login will trigger only a Login (Register) callback. For other SDK versions, a forced logout due to multi-client login or multi-instance login will trigger both a Login (Register) callback and a Logout (Unregister) callback.

Callback Trigger Scenarios

A user initiates a login request through the client.
A user initiates a logout request through the client.
A user's client is disconnected and then connected again.
A user proactively kills the client process, the app is killed by the operating system of the mobile phone after the user switches the app to the background, or the process exits abnormally because the app crashes. When detecting that the client is disconnected from the network, the CVM instance triggers the network disconnection callback.
The client heartbeat times out, for example, because the network is disconnected or the network is completely unavailable. When detecting that the client heartbeat has timed out, the CVM instance triggers the network disconnection callback. The heartbeat timeout interval is 400 seconds.

Real-Time Callbacks

Android, iOS, and PC

In most cases, the IM CVM instance can detect the user status change and trigger a callback in real time. For example:
When a user proactively logs in, the IM CVM instance triggers a Login (Register) callback.
When a user proactively logs out, the IM CVM instance triggers a Logout (Unregister) callback.
When a user proactively kills the client process or switches to the backend, or the client process is killed by the operating system of the mobile phone, the IM CVM instance triggers a Disconnect (LinkClose) callback.
Only in the following special case, the IM CVM instance detects the user status change only after the 400-second heartbeat timeout interval expires: When the network is completely unavailable, and the client cannot even send the FIN or RST packets over TCP, the IM CVM instance triggers a Disconnect (TimeOut) callback after the 400-second heartbeat timeout interval expires. This usually occurs when the user disconnects the client from the network (for example, by enabling the airplane mode on the mobile phone) or the user enters a tunnel with no network signal.


When a user proactively logs in on the web client, the IM CVM instance triggers a Login (Register) callback in real time.
The timeliness of status change callbacks in various logout/disconnection scenarios is as follows:
Direct page closing triggers a Disconnect (LinkClose) callback in real time.
A network disconnection without closing the current page takes about 60 seconds to trigger a Disconnect (LinkClose) callback.
Proactively calling the destroy API triggers a Logout (Unregister) callback in real time.

Mini Program

When a user logs in on a Mini Program, the IM CVM instance triggers a Login (Register) callback in real time.
The timeliness of status change in various exit/disconnection scenarios is as follows:
When a user clicks in the upper-right corner to exit, a Disconnect (LinkClose) callback is triggered in five seconds.
Network disconnection (for example, enabling airplane mode on the phone) takes about 60 seconds to trigger a Disconnect (LinkClose) callback.
Switching WeChat to the background takes about 30 seconds to trigger a Disconnect (LinkClose) callback.
Terminating the WeChat process triggers a Disconnect (LinkClose) callback in real time.
Proactively calling the destroy` API triggers a Logout (Unregister) callback in real time.

API Description

Sample request URL

In the following sample, the callback URL configured in the app is Example:$SDKAppID&CallbackCommand=$CallbackCommand&contenttype=json&ClientIP=$ClientIP&OptPlatform=$OptPlatform

Request parameters

The request protocol is HTTPS, and the request method is POST.
Callback URL
SDKAppID assigned by the IM console when the app is created
Fixed value: State.StateChange
Fixed value: JSON.
Client IP, such as
Client platform. For valid values, see the description of OptPlatform in the Callback Protocols section of Third-Party Callback Overview.

Sample request

"CallbackCommand": "State.StateChange",
"EventTime": 1629883332497,
"Info": {
"Action": "Login",
"To_Account": "testuser316",
"Reason": "Register"
"KickedDevice": [
"Platform": "Windows"
"Platform": "Android"

Request fields

Callback command
User login or logout information
User login or logout behavior. Valid values: Login (TCP connection established); Logout (TCP connection terminated); Disconnect (network disconnected)
UserID of the user
Reason for triggering user login or logout:
Login reason: Register, which indicates that a TCP connection is established with the app or that the network is disconnected and then connected again.
Logout reason: Unregister, which indicates that the app user deregisters the account and terminates the TCP connection.
Disconnect reason: LinkClose, which indicates that IM detects that the TCP connection with the app is terminated, such as when the app is killed or the client sends a TCP FIN or RST packet. TimeOut: IM detects that the app heartbeat packet times out and determines that the TCP connection is terminated. For example, when the client network is abnormally disconnected, the client does not send the TCP FIN or RST packet and cannot send heartbeat packets. The heartbeat timeout interval is 400 seconds.
For the callback reasons of specific scenarios, see Callback Trigger Scenarios.
Information about other devices that are kicked offline. This field is available only when the current status change is Login (Register) and there are other devices being kicked offline.
Platform type of the device kicked offline. Valid values: iOS, `Android, Web, Windows, iPad, Mac, Linux
Timestamp when the current callback is triggered, in milliseconds.

Sample response

"ActionStatus": "OK",
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorInfo": ""

Response fields

Request result. OK: Successful; FAIL: Failed
Error code. 0: The app backend processing was successful; 1: The app backend processing failed.
Error information
