Basic Configuration

Log in to the Console and click the target app card to go to the basic configuration page of the app. On the page, you can manage the basic configuration of the app based on your business needs.

Standard Billing Plan Information

In the Standard Billing Plan section, you can see the standard billing plan information of the app and perform the following operations:
Upgrade the standard billing plan of the app.
Disable/Delete the app.

Upgrading the standard billing plan

You can click Upgrade Plan in the Standard Billing Plan section to update the plan edition or configuration of your app. For more information, see Upgrading an App.

Extending the Free Trial Validity Period

If the plan for your app is Developer and its one-month validity period has expired, the app will be suspended. To continue using the Free Trial for testing and development, go to the console to apply for an extension of the Free Trial validity period.
1. Log in to the Console and click the target app card to go to the Basic Configuration page of the app.
2. Click Apply for extension in the Standard Billing Plan section.
3. Click OK to complete the application for extending the Free Trial validity period for one month.

Disabling/Deleting an app

You can create up to 300 Chat apps under a Tencent Cloud account. If you have reached that limit, [disable and delete] an unwanted app before creating a new one.
Only apps in "Disabled" status can be deleted. Once an app is deleted, all the data and services associated with the SDKAppID are removed and cannot be recovered, so proceed with caution.
Free Trial Apps
Free Trial apps can be manually disabled.
In the Basic Info area, click Disable next to Status. In the pop-up dialog box, click OK.
Free Trial apps can be manually deleted.
In the Basic Info area, click Delete next to Status. In the pop-up dialog box, click OK.
Pro edition 、Pro Plus edition、Enterprise edition Apps
Apps that have overdue payments for seven days will be automatically Disabled. To delete such disabled apps, contact us.
Apps become Expired after refund, and Disabled after seven days. To delete such disabled apps, contact us.
TRTC Free Trial Apps Once a TRTC trial app is disabled by the TRTC administrator, you can contact us to disable and delete the app.

Configuring App Information

In the Basic Info section, you can: Edit the basic information of your app, including the Application name, Description, and Service Availability Zone.

Editing basic information

1. Click Edit on the right of Basic Info to edit the app settings.
2. You can modify the Application name, Description, and Service Availability Zone.
3. Click Save.

Configuring Basic Information

In the Basic Information section, you can: Obtain the key of the app.

Obtaining a key

Keys are sensitive information. Be sure to keep them confidential and prevent them from being leaked. By default, apps (SDKAppIDs) created before August 15, 2019 use the ECDSA-SHA256 signature algorithm that uses a public key and a private key. You can choose to update to the HMAC-SHA256 signature algorithm.
1. Click Display key to the right of Key.
2. Click Copy to copy and save the key information. The key can be used to generate UserSig. For more information, see Generating UserSig.

Managing Offline Push Certificates

Adding an offline push certificate

Adding an Android certificate

1. Under the Android tab, select the target platform and click Add Certificate.

2. In the pop-up Add Certificate dialog box, please fill in the relevant parameter information.

3. Click Confirm to save the configuration.

Adding an iOS certificate

1. Under the iOS Tags section, click on Add Certificate.

2. In the pop-up Add Certificate dialog box, please fill in the relevant parameter information.

3. Click Confirm to save the configuration.

Editing an offline push certificate

1. Click Edit in the certificate area.
2. In the dialog box that pops up, modify the parameters as needed and click Confirm to save the configuration.

Deleting an offline push certificate

Once the certificate is deleted, push messages are no longer delivered. Deleted certificates cannot be restored. Proceed with caution.
1. Click Delete in the certificate area.
2. In the pop-up dialog box, click Confirm.