Preset Policy

This document describes the Cloud Access Management (CAM) feature for IM. For more information on CAM for other Tencent Cloud services, see CAM-Enabled Products.
Essentially, IM CAM binds sub-accounts to policies or grants policies to sub-accounts. You can use preset policies in the console for simple authorization operations. For more information on complicated authorization operations, see Custom Policies. The table describes the preset policies provided by IM.
IM read and write permissions
IM read-only permission

Preset Policy Usage Example

Creating a sub-account with IM permissions

1. Log in to the User List page in the CAM console with the root account. Then, click Create User.
2. On the Create User page, click Custom Create to go to the Create Sub-user page.
For information on the operations that you must perform before configuring user permissions, see Creating Sub-user.
3. On the User Permissions page: (1) Search for and select the Instant Messaging preset policy. (2) Click Next.
4. Click Complete in the Review column. After the sub-user is created, record the login link, download the security credentials, and store them properly. The table describes the relevant information.
Login link
Copied on the page
Facilitate console login and skip the root account entry step
Security credential CSV file
Entered when you log in to the console
Security credential CSV file
Entered when you log in to the console
Security credential CSV file
Used when a server API is called. For more information, see Access Key
Security credential CSV file
Used when a server API is called. For more information, see Access Key

o5. Provide the authorized party with the preceding login link and security credentials. The authorized party can then use the sub-account to perform IM operations, including accessing the IM console and calling IM server APIs.

Granting IM permissions to an existing sub-account

1. Log in to the User List page in the CAM console with the root account. Then, click the sub-account to authorize.
2. On the User Details page, click Add Policy. If the sub-account already has permissions, click Associate Policy.
3. Select Select policies from the policy list, search for and select the Instant Messaging preset policy and complete the authorization process as instructed.

Deleting IM permissions from a sub-account

1. Log in to the User List page in the CAM console with the root account. Then, click the sub-account from which you want to delete permissions.
2. On the User Details page, find the Instant Messaging preset policy, and click Unassociate for the policy. Then, complete the deauthorization process as instructed.