please select
Features & Server APIs
  • On-Cloud Recording
  • Relay to CDN
  • RTMP Streaming with TRTC
  • Event Callbacks
    • Room&Media Callbacks
    • Relay to CDN Callback
    • Cloud Recording Callback
    • Verify Signature Example
  • Sending and Receiving Messages
  • Access Management
    • Overview
    • Manageable Resources and Actions
    • Preset Policies
    • Custom Policies
  • Enabling Advanced Permission Control
  • How to push stream to TRTC room with OBS WHIP
  • Server APIs
    • API Category
    • History
    • Making API Request
      • Request Structure
      • Common Params
      • Signature v3
      • Signature
      • Responses
    • Room Management APIs
      • SetUserBlockedByStrRoomId
      • SetUserBlocked
      • RemoveUser
      • DismissRoom
      • RemoveUserByStrRoomId
      • DismissRoomByStrRoomId
    • Call Quality Monitoring APIs
      • DescribeRoomInfo
      • DescribeUserEvent
      • DescribeCallDetailInfo
      • DescribeUserInfo
      • DescribeScaleInfo
    • Pull Stream Relay Related Interface
      • StartStreamIngest
      • StopStreamIngest
      • DescribeStreamIngest
    • On-cloud Recording APIs
      • CreateCloudRecording
      • DescribeCloudRecording
      • ModifyCloudRecording
      • DeleteCloudRecording
    • Stream Mixing and Relay APIs
      • UpdatePublishCdnStream
      • StartPublishCdnStream
      • StopPublishCdnStream
    • Usage Statistics APIs
      • DescribeTrtcUsage
      • DescribeRecordingUsage
      • DescribeMixTranscodingUsage
      • DescribeRelayUsage
      • DescribeTrtcRoomUsage
    • Data Types
    • Error Codes
    • Appendix
      • Event ID Mapping Table

Manageable Resources and Actions

This document describes the management of access to TRTC. For access management of other Tencent Cloud services, see CAM-Enabled Products.
In essence, CAM enables you to allow or forbid specified accounts to access certain resources. TRTC access management supports resource-level authorization. The granularity of manageable resources is TRTC applications, and the granularity of authorizable actions is TencentCloud APIs, including server APIs and APIs that may be needed to access the TRTC console.
If you need to manage access to TRTC, please log in to the console with a Tencent Cloud root account and use a preset policy or a custom policy to grant permissions.

Type of Manageable Resources

TRTC access management allows you to control access to applications.

APIs Supporting Resource-Level Authorization

Barring a few exceptions, all API actions listed in this section support resource-level authorization. Authorization policies related to these API actions use the same syntax conventions. See below for details.
Authorizing access to all applications: qcs::trtc::uin/${uin}:sdkappid/*
Authorizing access to single applications: qcs::trtc::uin/${uin}:sdkappid/${SdkAppId}.

Server API actions

Room management
Closes a room.
Room management
Removes a user.
Room management
Removes a user (string room ID).
Room management
Closes a room (string room ID).
Stream mixing and transcoding
Starts On-Cloud MixTranscoding.
Stream mixing and transcoding
Stops On-Cloud MixTranscoding.
Stream mixing and transcoding
Starts On-Cloud MixTranscoding (string room ID).
Stream mixing and transcoding
Stops On-Cloud MixTranscoding (string room ID).
Call quality monitoring
Generates information about exceptional conditions.
Call quality monitoring
Queries abnormal events.
Call quality monitoring
Queries user list and call metrics.
Call quality monitoring
Queries room and user numbers in the past.
Call quality monitoring
Queries room list.
Call quality monitoring
Queries the list of historical users.

Console API actions

TRTC console:

Gets application list.
Gets application information.
Modifies application information.
Enables/Disables encryption keys.
Uploads an image.
Deletes an image.
Edits an image.
Searches an image.
Generates a symmetric encryption key.
Switches between asymmetric keys (private and public keys) and symmetric keys.
TRTC console:

Gets a symmetric encryption key.
Gets application and account information to obtain a pair of public and private keys.
Uses a symmetric encryption key to generate a UserSig.
TRTC console:

Gets a UserSig generated using a pair of public and private keys.
Verifies a UserSig generated using a symmetric encryption key.
Verifies a UserSig generated using a pair of public and private keys.
Adds an image setting. This module is available only in iLiveSDK 1.9.6 and earlier versions. For TRTC SDK 6.0 and later versions, see Setting Image Quality
Deletes an image setting. This module is available only in iLiveSDK 1.9.6 and earlier versions. For TRTC SDK 6.0 and later versions, see Setting Image Quality
Modifies image settings. This module is available only in iLiveSDK 1.9.6 and earlier versions. For TRTC SDK 6.0 and later versions, see Setting Image Quality
Gets image settings. This module is available only in iLiveSDK 1.9.6 and earlier versions. For TRTC SDK 6.0 and later versions, see Setting Image Quality
Switches image setting scenarios. This module is available only in iLiveSDK 1.9.6 and earlier versions. For TRTC SDK 6.0 and later versions, see Setting Image Quality

APIs Not Supporting Resource-Level Authorization

Due to special restrictions, the following APIs do not support resource-level authorization.

Server API actions

Call quality monitoring
Queries specific events.
The parameters entered do not include SDKAppID, making resource-level authorization impossible.
Other APIs
Queries the billing period of on-cloud recording.
For business reasons, resource-level authorization is not supported currently.
Other APIs
Queries the billing period for audio/video interactive features.
For business reasons, resource-level authorization is not supported currently.
Other APIs
Queries the billing period of relayed transcoding.
For business reasons, resource-level authorization is not supported currently.

Console API actions

TRTC console:

Gets usage statistics.
This API returns the statistics of all `SDKAppIDs`. Limiting a query to specific `SDKAppIDs` will lead to an error. You can use `DescribeAppStatList` to specify a list of applications to query.
TRTC console:

Gets the list of prepaid packages.
A prepaid package is shared by all TRTC applications under the same Tencent Cloud account. There is no `SDKAppID` parameter in the package information, so resource-level authorization cannot be performed.
TRTC console: Monitoring Dashboard
Gets user list.
The parameters entered do not include `SDKAppID`, making resource-level authorization impossible. You can use `DescribeAppStatList` to specify a list of applications to query.
TRTC console: Monitoring Dashboard
Gets user information.
The parameters entered do not include `SDKAppID`, making resource-level authorization impossible. You can use `DescribeAppStatList` to specify a list of applications to query.
TRTC console: Monitoring Dashboard
Gets call status.
The parameters entered do not include `SDKAppID`, making resource-level authorization impossible. You can use `DescribeAppStatList` to specify a list of applications to query.
TRTC console: Monitoring Dashboard
Queries Elasticsearch data.
The parameters entered do not include `SDKAppID`, making resource-level authorization impossible. You can use `DescribeAppStatList` to specify a list of applications to query.
TRTC console:

Creates a TRTC application.
The parameters entered do not include `SDKAppID`, making resource-level authorization impossible. `SDKAppID` is the unique ID of a TRTC application and is generated after application creation.
Queries relayed push status.
The parameters entered do not include `SDKAppID`, making resource-level authorization impossible. You can use `DescribeAppStatList` to specify a list of applications to query.
Enables/Disables relayed push.
The parameters entered do not include `SDKAppID`, making resource-level authorization impossible. You can use `DescribeAppStatList` to specify a list of applications to query.
TRTC console: Package Management
Gets the balance alarm information of a prepaid package.
A prepaid package is shared by all TRTC applications under the same Tencent Cloud account. There is no `SDKAppID` parameter in the package information, so resource-level authorization cannot be performed.

You can use a custom policy to control access to an API that does not support resource-level authorization. In the policy statement, set the resource element to *.