2. You have created an application as instructed in Creating and Upgrading an Application and recorded the SDKAppID.
Part 1. Creating Test Accounts
In the Chat console, select your application and click Auxiliary Tools > UserSig Generation & Verification on the left sidebar. Create two UserID values and their UserSig values, and copy the UserID, Key, and UserSig for subsequent logins.
The test account is for development and testing only. Before the application is launched, the correct method for generating a UserSig is to integrate the UserSig calculation code into your server and provide an application-oriented API. When UserSig is needed, your application can send a request to the business server for a dynamic UserSig. For more information, see Generating UserSig.
Part 2. Integrating Chat SDK into Your Unity Project
1. Use Unity to create a project and record the project directory, or open an existing Unity project.
2. Open the project with an IDE (such as Visual Studio Code):
3. Find Packages/manifest.json based on the directory, and modify dependencies as follows:
To help you better understand Chat SDK APIs, we provide API examples to demonstrate how to call APIs and trigger listeners.
Part 3. Loading Dependencies
Open the project in the Unity Editor, wait until dependencies are loaded, and confirm the Tencent Cloud Chat is successfully loaded.
Part 4. Implementing Your Own UI
You have created a Unity project or have a project that can be based on Unity, and have loaded Tencent Cloud Chat SDK.
Initializing the SDK
To respect the copyright of emoji designs, the Chat Demo/TUIKit project does not include cutouts of large emoji elements. Please replace them with your own designs or other emoji packs for which you hold the copyright before officially launching for commercial use. The default smiley face emoji pack shown below is copyrighted by Tencent RTC and is available for licensed use for a fee. If you need to obtain a license, please contact us.
TIMResult res = TencentIMSDK.Init(long.Parse(SDKAppID), sdkConfig);
After Init, you can mount some listeners to the Chat SDK, mainly including those for network status and user information change. For more information, see here.
Log in with one of the test accounts you created earlier.
Call the TencentIMSDK.Login method to log in with the test account.
If the returned res.code is 0, the login is successful.
if(userid ==""|| user_sig =="")
TIMResult res = TencentIMSDK.Login(userid, user_sig,(int code,string desc,string json_param,string user_data)=>{
// Process the login callback logic
The test account is for development and testing only. Before the application is launched, the correct method for generating a UserSig is to integrate the UserSig calculation code into your server and provide an application-oriented API. When UserSig is needed, your application can send a request to the business server for a dynamic UserSig. For more information, see Generating UserSig.
// The message ID returned when the message is sent
If sending fails, it may be that your sdkAppID doesn't support sending messages to strangers. In this case, you can disable the relationship check feature in the console.
Log in with the second test account to pull the conversation list.
The conversation list can be obtained in two ways:
1. Listen for the persistent connection callback to get message changes and update and render the historical message list in real time.
2. Call an API to get the message history at certain time points.
Common use cases include:
Getting the conversation list when the application starts and listening for the persistent connection callback to update the conversation list in real time.
Requesting the conversation list at certain time points
TIMResult res = TencentIMSDK.ConvGetConvList((int code,string desc,List<ConvInfo> info_list,string user_data)=>{
// Process the async logic
At this point, you can see the message sent by the first test account in the previous step.
Listening for the persistent connection to get the conversation list in real time
Mount the conversation list listener, process the callback event, and update the UI.
Tencent Cloud Chat SDK for Unity 1.8.1 or later supports building WebGL.
To enable support for web, you need to perform the following extra steps in addition to those for enabling support for Android and iOS:
Importing JS
Download the JS files below from Npm (you need to install nodejs, please refer to the nodejs official website) and place them in the folder where the project builds WebGL products.
Open index.html and import the JS files as follows:
iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and WebGL are supported.
What should I do if clicking Build And Run for an Android device triggers an error, stating no available device is found?
Check that the device is not occupied by other resources. Alternatively, click Build to generate an APK package, drag it to the simulator, and run it.
What should I do if an error occurs during the first run for an iOS device?
If an error is reported for an iOS device after the demo configured as above is run, choose Product > Clean to clean the product, and build the demo again. You can also close Xcode and open it again, and then build the demo again.
What should I do if Unity v2019.04 reports the following error for iOS?
Library/PackageCache/com.unity.collab-proxy@1.3.9/Editor/UserInterface/Bootstrap.cs(23,20): error CS0117: 'Collab' does not contain a definition for 'ShowChangesWindow'
Choose Window > Package Manager on the toolbar of the Editor and downgrade Unity Collaborate to 1.2.16.
What should I do if Unity v2019.04 reports the following error for iOS?
Library/PackageCache/com.unity.textmeshpro@3.0.1/Scripts/Editor/TMP_PackageUtilities.cs(453,84): error CS0103: The name 'VersionControlSettings' does not exist in the current context
Open the source code and delete the code snippet of || VersionControlSettings.mode != "Visible Meta Files".
Is this a C# interface? How to use it without Unity?
Unity SDK is an SDK using C#, but because Unity SDK contains Unity features, it cannot be used directly in a C# environment.
If you need to use it in a C# environment, we provide a separate C# SDK nuget package. The usage method is the same as Unity SDK, you can refer to Unity SDK documentation for use.
Among them, the C# SDK only supports the PC side, and the unity SDK supports the mobile side.
Is there a UI that can be used directly?
The corresponding UIKit of untiy SDK and C# SDK is currently not provided.