please select
  • UIKit
  • SDK
  • Server APIs
  • Overview
  • Run Demo
  • Installation
    • integrated
    • Only Chat
  • Features
    • Local Search
    • Offline Push
    • Online Status
    • Typing Status
    • Message Read Receipt
    • Message Reactions
    • Internationalization
    • Adding Custom Messages
    • Emoji & Stickers
  • Customization
    • Modifying UI Themes
    • Setting UI Styles
  • Changelog
  • Guideline for Beginners
  • Console Guide
    • Creating and Upgrading an Application
    • Basic Configuration
    • Feature Configuration
    • Account Management
    • Group Management
    • Webhook Configuration
  • Product Introduction
    • Message Management
      • One-to-One Message
      • Message Storage
      • Offline Push
      • Group Message
      • Message Formats
    • Account System
      • Login Authentication
      • Online Status Management
    • Group Related
      • Group System
      • Group Management
    • User Profile and Relationship Chain
      • Profile Management
      • Relationship Chain Management
  • Purchase Guide
    • Billing Overview
    • Pricing
  • Error Codes

Run Demo

This document describes how to integrate the SDK for Flutter.

Try Out the Demo

Before getting started, you can try out the Flutter Chat Demo (Source Code) with the embedded UIKit here.
Mobile App
Android & iOS
The QR Code & 'Visit' button direct to the same page

Windows 10+

Environment Requirements

Flutter 3.0.0 or later for the Chat SDK; Flutter 3.16.0 or later for the TUIKit component library.
Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1 or later; and devices with Android 7.0 or later for apps.
Xcode 12.0 or later. Ensure that your project has a valid developer signature.

Supported Platforms

We offer a set of Chat SDK and UIKit for all Flutter platforms, allowing you to run one set of code on all platforms.
Low-level SDK (tencent_cloud_chat_sdk)
Supported from v4.1.1+2
Supported from v4.1.9
Supported from v4.1.9
Hybrid development (Add the SDK for Flutter to your existing native app)
Supported from v5.0.0
For Web and macOS integration requires a few extra steps. For more information, see Expanding to More Platforms.


2. You have created an application as instructed in Creating and Upgrading an Application and recorded the SDKAppID.
3. In the Chat console, select your application and click Auxiliary Tools > UserSig Generation & Verification on the left sidebar. Create two UserID values and their UserSig values, and copy the UserID, Key, and UserSig so they can be used to log in later.
This account is for development and testing only. Before the application is launched, the correct UserSig distribution method is to use the server to generate UserSig and provide an application-oriented API. When UserSig is needed, your application can send a request to the business server for a dynamic UserSig. For more information, see Generating UserSig.

Selecting a Suitable Scheme to Integrate the SDK for Flutter

offers three integration schemes:
Integration Scheme
Applicable Scenario
The Chat sample app is a complete chat application built with UIKit. If you need to implement chat scenarios, you can use the sample app for secondary development. Try it out here.
The Chat UI component library UIKit provides common UI components, such as conversation list, chat UI, and contacts. You can use the component library to quickly build a custom Chat application as needed. This scheme is recommended.
You can use the Low-level SDK, if UIKit cannot meet your UI requirements or you want to further customize your UI.

Scheme 1. Modifying the Sample App

This sample app is built with the UIKit V2.

Running Sample App

1. Download the source code and install dependencies:
# Clone the code
git clone

# Checkout the 'v2' branch
git checkout v2

# Clean the project. Important
flutter clean

# Install dependencies
flutter pub get
2. Configure the user info for login.
Open lib/config.dart, and specify the sdkappid, userid, and usersig obtained and generated in the previous step.
3. Run the app.
flutter run

Sample app code structure

Program core directory
Desktop adaptation related code
The related code for Profile and Settings pages
The lib directory's lib/main.dart file is the core file of this sample app program. As you can see, there are several lines of key code. The List<Widget> pages component list is passed into bottomNavigation for page switching.
pages = [ const TencentCloudChatConversation(), const TencentCloudChatContact(), TencentCloudChatSettings( removeSettings: removeLocalSetting, setLoginState: changeLoginState, ), ];
Although the new version of UIKit has many components, these components are built-in support for routing and navigation. That is, to minimize the use, only manually use the TencentCloudChatConversation conversation list component and TencentCloudChatContact contacts component, you can use all associated UIKit components, including the Message, Contact, and Group Profile components, etc. These components can be navigated to through the components you manually import.
If you have more advanced customization requirements for using the UIKit, you can refer to the quick start document of UIKit.

Scheme 2. Using UIKit Component Library to Quickly Integrate Chat Capabilities

Our new Flutter Chat UIKit V2 provides developers with a comprehensive set of tools to easily create feature-rich chat applications.
It is built with a modular approach, allowing you to pick and choose the components you need while keeping your application lightweight and efficient.
The UIKit includes a wide range of capabilities, such as Conversation List, Message handling, Contact lists, User and Group Profiles, Search functionality, and more.

This section provides a brief overview of how to integrate and use the UIKit. For a more comprehensive guide, please refer to the Quick Start documentation provided Integrating Basic Features - Flutter.


Our UIKit supports both mobile, tablet and desktop UI styles, and is compatible with Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and Web (will be supported in future versions).
It comes with built-in support for English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Arabic languages (with support for Arabic RTL interface), and light and dark appearance styles.


Flutter version: 3.16 or above
Dart version: 3.0 or above

Getting Started

To start using our UIKit, first import the base package, tencent_cloud_chat.
Next, import the required UI component packages that suit your needs from the following list:
tencent_cloud_chat_search (In Beta)
The architecture of our UIKit is shown below:


For the integration of Chat UIKit, see Integrating Basic Features - Flutter.

Scheme 3. Implementing Your Own UI


have created a Flutter application or have an existing application that can be based on Flutter.


Installing the Chat SDK

In this scheme, the term "Chat SDK" refers to the Low-level SDK.
Run the following command to install the latest version of the Chat SDK for Flutter.
flutter pub add tencent_cloud_chat_sdk
Note: If your project also needs to be applied to web or desktop (macOS/Windows) platforms, you need to perform a few extra steps for SDK integration.

Initializing the SDK

Call initSDK to initialize the SDK.
Pass in your sdkAppID.
import 'package:tencent_cloud_chat_sdk/enum/V2TimSDKListener.dart';
import 'package:tencent_cloud_chat_sdk/enum/log_level_enum.dart';
import 'package:tencent_cloud_chat_sdk/tencent_cloud_chat_sdk.dart';
sdkAppID: 0, // Replace 0 with the SDKAppID of your Chat application when integrating
loglevel: LogLevelEnum.V2TIM_LOG_DEBUG, // Log
listener: V2TimSDKListener(),
In this step, you can mount some listeners to the Chat SDK, mainly including those for network status and user information changes. For more information, see here.

Logging in with a test account

Log in with a test account initially generated for login verification.
Call the TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.login method to log in with the test account.
If the returned res.code is 0, the login is successful.
import 'package:tencent_cloud_chat_sdk/tencent_cloud_chat_sdk.dart';
V2TimCallback res = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.login (
userID: userID,
userSig: userSig,
The test account is for development and testing only. Before the application is launched, the correct method for generating a UserSig is to integrate the UserSig calculation code into your server and provide an application-oriented API. When UserSig is needed, your application can send a request to the business server for a dynamic UserSig. For more information, see Generating UserSig.

Sending a message

The following shows how to send a text message:
1. Call createTextMessage(String) to create a text message.
2. Get the message ID from the returned value.
3. Call sendMessage() and pass in the id, while receiver can be the ID of the other test account created earlier, groupID is not required for sending a one-to-one message.
Sample code:
import 'package:tencent_cloud_chat_sdk/tencent_cloud_chat_sdk.dart';

V2TimValueCallback<V2TimMsgCreateInfoResult> createMessage =
await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
.createTextMessage(text: "The text to create");

String id =!.id!; // The message creation ID

V2TimValueCallback<V2TimMessage> res = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
id: id, // Pass in the message creation ID to
receiver: "The userID of the destination user",
groupID: "The groupID of the destination group",
If sending fails, it may be that your `sdkAppID` doesn't support sending messages to strangers. In this case, you can disable the relationship check feature in the console.
Disable the friend relationship chain check here.

Obtaining the conversation list

Log in with the second test account to load the conversation list.
The conversation list can be obtained in two ways:
1. Listen for the persistent connection callback to update the conversation list in real time.
2. Call an API to get the conversation list at certain time points.
Common use cases include:
Getting the conversation list when the application starts and listening for the persistent connection callback to update the conversation list in real time.
Requesting the conversation list at certain time points
To get the conversation list, you need to maintain nextSeq and record its current position.
import 'package:tencent_cloud_chat_sdk/tencent_cloud_chat_sdk.dart';

String nextSeq = "0";

getConversationList() async {
V2TimValueCallback<V2TimConversationResult> res = await TencentImSDKPlugin
.getConversationList(nextSeq: nextSeq, count: 10);

nextSeq = ?? "0";
At this point, you can see the message sent by the first test account in the previous step.
Listening for the persistent connection to get the conversation list in real time
Mount the conversation list listener, process the callback event, and update the UI.
1. Mount the listener.
await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
listener: new V2TimConversationListener(
onConversationChanged: (List<V2TimConversation> list){
onNewConversation:(List<V2TimConversation> list){
2. Process the callback event and display the latest conversation list on the UI.
import 'package:tencent_cloud_chat_sdk/tencent_cloud_chat_sdk.dart';

List<V2TimConversation> _conversationList = [];

_onConversationListChanged(List<V2TimConversation> list) {
for (int element = 0; element < list.length; element++) {
int index = _conversationList.indexWhere(
(item) => item!.conversationID == list[element].conversationID);
if (index > -1) {
_conversationList.setAll(index, [list[element]]);
} else {

Receiving messages

There are two methods to receive messages in the Chat SDK for Flutter:
1. Listen for the persistent connection callback to get message changes and update and render the historical message list in real time.
2. Call an API to load the message history at certain time points.
Common use cases include:
1. Requesting a certain number of historical messages to be displayed when a new conversation is opened in the UI.
2. Listening for the persistent connection callback to receive messages in real time and adding them to the historical message list.
Requesting the historical message list at certain time points
To avoid affecting the loading speed, we recommend you limit the number of messages loaded to 20 per page.
You need to dynamically record the current number of pages for the next request.
Sample code:
import 'package:tencent_cloud_chat_sdk/tencent_cloud_chat_sdk.dart';

V2TimValueCallback<List<V2TimMessage>> res = await TencentImSDKPlugin
groupID: "groupID",
count: 20,
lastMsgID: "",

List<V2TimMessage> msgList = ?? [];

// here you can use msgList to render your message list
Listening for the persistent connection callback to get new messages in real time
After the historical message list is initialized, new messages are from the persistent connection V2TimAdvancedMsgListener.onRecvNewMessage.
After the onRecvNewMessage callback is triggered, you can add new messages to the historical message list as needed.
Sample code for binding a listener:
import 'package:tencent_cloud_chat_sdk/tencent_cloud_chat_sdk.dart';

final adVancesMsgListener = V2TimAdvancedMsgListener(
onRecvNewMessage: (V2TimMessage newMsg) {
/// ... other listeners related to message

.addAdvancedMsgListener(listener: adVancesMsgListener);
At this point, you have completed the Chat module development, and now users can send and receive messages and enter different conversations.
You can develop more features, such as group, user profile, relationship chain, offline push, and local search.
For more information, see Integration Solution (No UI).

Expanding to More Platforms

Tencent Cloud Chat for Flutter SDKs support Android, iOS and Windows platforms by default. You can also expand to more platforms (web and macOS).


To enable support for web, you need to perform the following extra steps in addition to those for enabling support for Android and iOS:

Upgrading to Flutter 3.x

Flutter 3.x has been dramatically optimized for web performance and is highly recommended for Flutter web project development.

Importing JS

If your existing Flutter project does not support web, run flutter create . in the root directory of the project to add web support.
Go to the web/ directory of your project and run npm or yarn to install relevant JS dependencies. Initialize the project as instructed.
cd web

npm init

npm i @tencentcloud/chat

npm i tim-upload-plugin
Open web/index.html and import the JS files in <head> </head>. See below:
<script src="./node_modules/tim-upload-plugin/index.js"></script>
<script src="./node_modules/@tencentcloud/chat/index.js"></script> <script src="./node_modules/@tencentcloud/chat/modules/group-module.js"></script> <script src="./node_modules/@tencentcloud/chat/modules/relationship-module.js"></script> <script src="./node_modules/@tencentcloud/chat/modules/signaling-module.js"></script>


Additional configurations are required for the macOS platform. Follow the steps below to configure the macOS platform:
1. Open the macos/Runner/DebugProfile.entitlements and macos/Runner/Release.entitlements files in your project.
2. Add the following lines to each file:

These lines grant your app the necessary permissions to access the network as a client.
This configuration is essential for ensuring proper communication between your app and the backend services on the macOS platform.


What should I do if Pods dependency installation fails in iOS devices?

Solution 1: If an error occurs after the configuration, click Product > Clean Build Folder, clear the product, and run pod install or flutter run again.
Solution 2: Manually delete the ios/Pods folder and the ios/Podfile.lock file and run the following command to reinstall the dependencies
cd ios
sudo gem install ffi
pod install --repo-update

Flutter environment

If you want to check the Flutter environment, run Flutter doctor to detect whether the Flutter environment is ready.

What should I do if an error occurs when I run the Demo on a Windows platform?

Nuget.exe not found, trying to download or use cached version.
This error message indicates that nuget.exe was not found on your system, so the program is attempting to download or use a cached one. Nuget.exe is a command-line utility for the NuGet Package Manager and is used to manage dependencies in .NET projects.
To fix this issue, you can manually download and install nuget.exe by following these steps:
1. Go to the download page on the NuGet official website:
2. Find the Windows x86 Commandline section and download nuget.exe as needed.
3. Save the downloaded nuget.exe file to an appropriate location, for example, C:\NuGet.
4. Add the folder where you placed nuget.exe to your PATH environment variable to make the nuget.exe globally available in the command line.

How do I query error codes?

For Chat SDK API error codes, see here.
For the UIKit errors and specific User Notification event calls, see here.