
This document describes how to quickly run the Tencent Cloud Chat demo for Electron and integrate the Electron SDK.

Environment Requirements

v13.1.5 or later

Supported Platforms

Currently, both macOS and Windows platforms are supported.

Trying Out Demo

Before integration, you can try out our demo to quickly understand the capabilities of the Tencent Cloud Chat SDK for Electron.


You have signed up for a Tencent Cloud account and completed identity verification.


Step 1. Create an app

1. Log in to the Chat console.
If you already have an app, record its SDKAppID and obtain key information. A Tencent Cloud account can create a maximum of 300 Chat apps. If you want to create a new app, disable and delete an unwanted app first. Once an app (along with its SDKAppID) is deleted, the service it provides and all its data are lost. Proceed with caution.
2. Click Create Application, enter your app name, and click Confirm.

3. After creation, you can see the status, service version, SDKAppID, tag, creation time, and expiry time of the new app on the overview page of the console. Record the SDKAppID.

4. Click the created app. In the left sidebar, click Auxiliary Tools > UserSig Tools to create a UserID and the corresponding UserSig. Then copy the UserSig for future login.

Step 2. Select an appropriate method to integrate the Electron SDK

Tencent Cloud Chat offers two integration schemes:
Integration Scheme
Applicable Scenario
Using a demo
The Chat demo includes all chat features and provides open-source code. If you need to implement chat scenarios, you can use the demo for secondary development. Try it out here.
Self implementation
Implement Chat on your own if the demo does not meet your UI requirements.
To help you better understand Chat SDK APIs, sample APIs are provided here.

Step 3. Use the demo

1. Clone the source code of the Chat Electron demo to the local system.
git clone https://github.com/TencentCloud/tc-chat-demo-electron.git
2. Install project dependencies.
// Root directory of the project
npm install

// Rendering process directory
cd src/client
npm install
3. Run the project.
// Root directory of the project
npm start
4. Build the project.
// Build the project in macOS
npm run build:mac
// Build the project in Windows
npm run build:windows
In the demo, the main process directory src/app/main.js, and the rendering process directory is src/client. If any problem occurs during running, see the FAQs for troubleshooting first.

Step 4. Self implementation

Installing the Electron SDK Install the latest version of the Electron SDK as follows. Run the following command:
npm install im_electron_sdk
** Initializing the SDK**
1. Pass in your sdkAppID in TimMain.
// Main process
const TimMain = require('im_electron_sdk/dist/main')

const sdkappid = 0;// You can apply for it in the Chat console.
const tim = new TimMain({
2. Call TIMInit to initialize the SDK.
// Rendering process
const TimRender = require('im_electron_sdk/dist/render')
const timRender = new TimRender();
// Initialize the component
3. Log in as a test user. Log in with the test account initially generated in the console for login verification. Call the timRender.TIMLogin method to log in as the test user. If the returned code is 0, the login is successful.
const TimRender = require('im_electron_sdk/dist/render')
const timRender = new TimRender();
let {code} = await timRender.TIMLogin({
userSig:"userSig" // See how to generate a userSig
This account is for development and testing only. Before the application is launched, the correct UserSig distribution method is to integrate the calculation code of UserSig into your server and provide an application-oriented API. When UserSig is needed, your application can send a request to the business server for a dynamic UserSig. For more information, see Generating UserSig.
Sending a message The following sample shows how to send a text message. If the returned code is 0, the message is sent successfully. Sample code:
const TimRender = require('im_electron_sdk/dist/render')
const timRender = new TimRender();
let param:MsgSendMessageParamsV2 = { // param of TIMMsgSendMessage
conv_id: "conv_id",
conv_type: 1,
params: {
message_elem_array: [{
elem_type: 1,
text_elem_content:'Hello Tencent!',

message_sender: "senderID",
callback: (data) => {}
let {code} = await timRender.TIMMsgSendMessageV2(param);
If sending the message fails, it may be that your sdkAppID does not support sending messages to strangers. In this case, you can disable the friend relationship chain check in the console for testing.
Getting the conversation list Log in with the other test account to pull the conversation list. Common use cases include: Get the conversation list upon application start and listen for the persistent connection to update the conversation list in real time.
let param:getConvList = {
let data:commonResult<convInfo[]> = await timRenderInstance.TIMConvGetConvList(param)
At this point, you can see the message sent by the other test account in the previous step.
Receiving a message Common use cases include:
1. After a new conversation is opened on the UI, request a certain number of historical messages at a time to display the historical message list.
2. Listen for the persistent connection to receive messages in real time and add them to the historical message list.
Requesting the historical message list at a time
let param:MsgGetMsgListParams = {
conv_id: conv_id,
conv_type: conv_type,
params: {
msg_getmsglist_param_last_msg: msg,
msg_getmsglist_param_count: 20,
msg_getmsglist_param_is_remble: true,
user_data: user_data
let msgList:commonResult<Json_value_msg[]> = await timRenderInstance.TIMMsgGetMsgList(param);
Listening for new messages in real time The following is the sample code for callback binding:
let param : TIMRecvNewMsgCallbackParams = {
callback: (...args)=>{},
user_data: user_data
At this point, you have completed the Chat module development, and now users can send and receive messages and enter different conversations. You can develop more features, such as group, user profile, relationship chain, offline push, and local search. For detailed directions, see here.


What platforms are supported?

Currently, both macOS and Windows platforms are supported.

How do I query error codes?

For Chat SDK API error codes, see Error Codes.

What should I do if the error npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'cflags' of object '#<Object>' is reported during development environment installation?

Downgrade the node version to 16.18.1.

What should I do if the error gypgyp ERR!ERR is reported during development environment installation?

What should I do if the error npm ERR! Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry is reported when npm install is run?

In versions earlier than npm v7, dependency conflicts that occur during installation are automatically ignored. In npmv7 or later versions, dependency conflicts will not be automatically ignored, and you need to manually enter a command to ignore them. The command for ignoring dependency conflicts is as follows:
npm install --force

What should I do if the error Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported is reported when npm run start is run?

Downgrade the node version to 16.18.1.

What should I do if the screen turns white when I run npm run start on a macOS client demo?

The error occurs because the rendering process code is not completely built and the port 3000 opened by the main process points to an empty page. The error will be resolved after the rendering process code is completely built and you refresh the window. Alternatively, you can run cd src/client && npm run dev:react and npm run dev:electron to start the rendering process and main process separately.

How do I use native modules in projects built with vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder?

For issues related to using native modules in projects built with vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder, see No native build was found for platform = xxx.

How do I use native modules in projects built with webpack?

For issues related to using native modules in projects built with webpack, see FAQs in the Windows environment.

What should I do if the error "Dynamic Linking Error" is reported?

Dynamic Linking Error. electron-builder configuration
"from": "./node_modules/im_electron_sdk/lib/",
"to": "./Resources",
"filter": [

Getting __dirname is not defined when using electron-vite?

Since electron-vite does not support node integration and communicating between main and renderer processes in renderer process, Tencent Cloud Chat SDK needs to be written in preload for use. The code for Main process should be written in main process normally. For details, please refer to electron-vite documentation.
The usage is the same. Please refer to the example code of the document. Taking initialization as an example, the example code is as follows:
//The content of the main process is written to the main process
// main/index.ts (example path)
const TimMain = require('im_electron_sdk/dist/main')
const sdkappid = 0;
const tim = new TimMain({
// Use chat sdk in preload
// preload/index.ts (example path)
import TimRender from 'im_electron_sdk/dist/renderer'
const timRender = new TimRender();